Digital Origin MotoDV Studio is the complete DV solution for desktop computers, at a price hundreds of dollars less than if you purchased the package contents separately. This package includes Adobe Premiere 5.1 nonlinear video editor, Digital Origin MotoDV, Digital Origin IEEE 1394 FireWire card, Digital Origin IEEE 1394 cable, Digital Origin MotoDV video capture and playback software, Digital Origin PhotoDV still image-capture software, Adobe Photoshop LE image editor, and Digital Origin Studio Plug-ins for Premiere. With MotoDV Studio and your personal computer, you can create broadcast-quality digital video without a room full of expensive editing equipment. MotoDV Studio is purely digital--in and out--via IEEE 1394. So the pristine scenes you record with your DV camcorder stay pristine for movies recorded to tape or encoded for CD-ROM, DVD, or the Web.