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Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Upgrade w/ Encryption Coded Software

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Upgrade w/ Encryption Coded Software

List Price: $219.00
Your Price: $189.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: blue screen, what blue screen?
Review: if youve used windows Me or lower (98,95) then you know what a blue screen is. and when you see it, you know exsactly what it means....the blue screen of death. and you get them a lot with lower windows, a crash here a crash there, fatal exception errors...well most users are familiar with those. now windows 2000....it will run for months without even a scqeek. i mean NONE. its is highly stable, great to use, very fast, secure for businesses, or even for home users with a network or even in one computer you can encrypt a file and only you can use it. it handles multiple users very well. once you use it you can never go back to anything else. now you might want ot get XP because its newer, but even XP doesnt quiet live up to 2000Pro's standards from what i have experienced. now its gotten the third service pack that you can use it for almost anything. Gamers would find it quiet great for gaming on, though it may not have been designed for this it certainly handles my Diablo 2 very well. do not be afraid to get this one for one bit...

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great OS, but HIGHLY over-priced...
Review: It is unbelievable to me that Microsoft would charge so much for an upgrade version. The full version isn't much more expensive, so it seems like they aren't giving those of us who have bought a previous version much of a break. The operating system is great, much more stable and faster than anything I've seen Microsoft put out before. Major problems that I have seen so far is with compatibility with hardware, but I'm sure those issues will be cleared up in time as new drivers are released.

Windows 2000 would ordinarily be very much deserving of 5 stars, but the outragous price tag brings that rating down. I wonder if they realize that they are actually promoting piracy of their products. Those who can't afford to, or don't want to, spend $200 could just borrow it from a friend and burn it to a blank CD that costs less than $1. Even Apple, with their historically high prices, only charge $89 for their latest OS.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Simply Powerful, but not suitable for lower configs.
Review: Microsoft's Windows 2000 Pro OS, is a rock-solid stable OS with powerful features and powerful performance. These are all advantages for users with adequate systems. Computers released these day easily exceed the requirements for running Windows 2000 properly. Windows 2000 may boot slower than ME, but it crashes much less, and therefore rebooting is kept at a minimal. Windows 2000 also supports Hibernation, which loads all the RAM into the Hard Disk, and shuts down, and you can resume the "session" after you turn the computer on next time, a very nifty feature. Games is no longer a problem with Win2000, with support for Direct3D something that Windows NT lacked. However, there are downsides to Windows 2000, which is there are quite hefty system requirements. Even though, Microsoft recommends 64Mb RAM, I would recommended 128Mb as a raw minimum, Why? Windows 2000 is the most memory consuming OS by Microsoft, and 64Mb RAM doesn't cut it, unless you only run very little applications at once, more than that, your system would be running to virtual memory. Win2000, loves RAM, I currently have a system with 384Mb RAM, and Win2000 lives happily on it. RAM in fact, is far more important than CPU speed on non-number crunching applications. The only reason why I didn't give it 5 stars was because of memory consumption and hefty system requirements. Otherwise, if you exceed these requirements by a far mile, then Windows 2000 is the best OS I can recommend.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Now is the time to Upgrade. 2000 or XP2 PRO?
Review: Running Windows 95 and that means Windows 98 is illegal in your country and you are in the land of needing a new computer fast, feeling that you might have a box that looks like it is running windows 3.1 and to be honest now is your chance to move to Windows 2000 for a more solid operating system. Even NT users found more stability in Windows 2000, 98 users mostly gamers or downloaders, seeing the blue screen of death often, while Win 2K users doing something a little more software intensive like multimedia, graphics and servers that 98 could not manage. So came the day of the duel-processor, having an NT Dual 500mhz, upgrading to Win2K and you still had a fast machine, 64mb and 128mb games cards never really impressing you that much to get a better machine, a games console maybe cheaper and better, XP a little slow for you and besides, 2K was compatible with nearly everything and you could duel boot linux for fun. The only reason to buy a computer between the release of XP and now was if you did not have one and even then plenty of second hand units going around.

Year: 2005
256mb graphics cards, LCD monitors on the cheap, DVD-R media, Broadband, now is the time to upgrade your machine. AMD have some nice chips but the hyperthreading Intel P4 3.0GHz is a killer chip. 1GB of RAM, no problem. A pimpin' fast graphics card and you have a machine that can play Half-Life 2 on full resolution. The best games of the 21st century were released before Christmas this year, with 2005 bringing lots more to come. Broadband on the increase, DVD-R media and life might get less expensive if you are into computers and certainly a whole pile better.

Why not Linux? Well XP2 has the games and Linux not, so we can stop there. For speed on an OS, well Linux is a much faster, but XP2 is not bad on a system with half the ram of the above and a 1 GHz processor. If you are programming or doing fundamental computer work then do check out Linux because it might be what you need and learning Linux is like DOS with a bit of windows with all the free fundamental software you could want. Why not Apple? Well the same as above, but you have a better selection of stuff and to be honest multimedia applications work well on an apple, and why shouldn't they since Apple is industry standard for that kind of design work, so what does XP2 have to offer?

Obviously stability (not to be confused with security). XP2 is a very stable operating system. It is more stable than Windows 2000. For that reason, I made the upgrade. I have not found XP2 doing much annoying or something that I could not fix with Google. Installing is a big deal because you need Internet for verification; however it is fast on a high end system. There are obvious things you must do after you install it like download Firefox and use it instead of IE and try to use realplayer instead of mediaplayer, use Microsoft's AntiSpyware, don't use the firewall, use zonelarm free instead, spend on a good anti-virus software package, turn off the preview pane in Internet Outlook mail or try to find a free mail browser, make sure you get all the latest windows updates, careful what you put into your machine or extract, careful what mail you open, change passwords every week, and you can achieve a secure on-line machine that can do anything most computers can do right now with a company that has admitted that it has a security problem that will be addressed with future updates, but overall one should be impressed with the OS for stability, not speed or security, but for not crashing, as long as there are no hardware configuration conflicts, that do happen, get someone else to build your machine and blame them when it doesn't come together (and it wont come together because things are now cutting edge so get it done elsewhere; if your task bar hangs this is because of routers or USB hubs that are not compatible). The machine like the above is a 5 star experience but God help those who don't address security issues the moment they go on-line with it which is a bit like just driving your car off a cliff. Expect to loose everything to a virus and have your address details stolen with all your VISA card info.

XP2 PRO is 5 stars if you visit a place on the web called Gibson research incorporated, a highly respected individual in the security community who developed a way that people can test the vulnerability of their PC on-line. He developed a series of a security fixes for XP1 and XP2 problems. Bookmark that page and use it to have a somewhat secure and stable XP2.

Also remember, forget the HOME EDITION, go PRO.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A huge improvement.
Review: This is a little late now that 2003 is coming out. However, for people wondering, this is a rock solid OS. Blue Screens of Death are rare now. It is plug and play so installs are easy! Microsoft is well on the road to providing a decent OS. Mind you this is comming from a person who is not a fan of the company.

Now this is not a gaming OS! If you have games that were written for 98, the probably will not work or will work badly! If you program, you can't go wrong! It is a huge improvement over NT.

However, with all things, there are somethings that you have to do! Get the service packs and the hot fixes! Also, there are some extra stuff that gets installed such as the media player. Microsoft hid the uninstaller in the original release. IF you get Service Pack 4, it will correct that..

This is worthwhile just to get rid of BSODs and if you have a laptop running NT, you have to change over! However, XP it probably a better choice!

For games, look into XP!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Windows 2000 > Excellent Business OS
Review: To the user who said, "This OS was released because NT was old and failing..." does not understand Windows or software development, and would rather plug Linux. NT, Win 2000's predecessor, is a solid and reliable OS geared toward the corporate/business user. Win 2000 builds upon NT's strengths while adding user interface enhancements and additional stability. For those who install a lot of software, you'll appreciate Win 2000's built-in protection against rogue apps (or poorly designed apps) that attempt to write over crucial system files. There are a ton of other enhancements in this release, geared toward the mobile user and professional. It's not the OS to run the largest selection of games however, and home users would be better off with Win98 or WinME. All in all, it's an amazing product.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best desktop OS there is
Review: What can I say? Looking through the other reviews for Win2000 Upgrade, there seems to be a lot of focus on price or comparison to Linux products. I usually find that the people claiming Linux to be "perfect" and so forth are either not running their own business, and therefore have no concept of total cost of ownership, or have very specific needs and highly trained staff. As a developer, I have found Windows 2000 a very valuable asset. I don't use MS development tools - I use Borland ones, but they work flawlessly with Win2000. I can plug in my camera or palm pilot or whatever I need to AND develop at the same time, and very rarely turn my machine off... and the interface for doing the multitasking and plug and play is very simple. There's no reaching for manuals or looking up manual files for cryptic commands.

For users of NT 4.0 Workstation - buy it. don't waste any time! For users of Linux - use a friends version of it, keep an open mind, try to learn a few things about it. You won't be disappointed.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: More stable than Windows 98
Review: Yes. It has not crashed on me yet. :) I have been using Windows 2000 for more than a month now. Whenever it gets busy with a process it cannot resolve, it does not crash your computer... it closes that particular application/process and returns back without closing other applications or even trying to close it. I am glad the way it is working compared to Win98 that will give you blue screens

Installation: I installed this O/s from scratch and to be honest the installation is so much simpler than Windows NT 4.0. You cannot ask for anything better. The good part of the installation was that it recognized my modem and has built-in drivers for most of the monitors. And if you upgrade it from Win95 or Win98, the upgrade just goes very smooth and preserves all existing data. It is awesome.

Requirements: You should not install this system if you have less than 128 MB Ram. It will not work properly with 64 MB. With an idle system and no applications running it uses 77-78 MB, I would recommend processor speed to a minimum of 400-450. I have a 233Mghz with 128 Ram and it runs reasonably ok. But it you like Speed and windows 2000 please go for better hardware.

Other small little thing I like about the O/s is the fade effect it produces when you click on any button or pull up a menu. I really like that.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Windows 2000 is incredible!
Review: Yesterday, I purchased Windows 2000 the day it came out. I opened the box and followed the instructions. They listed everything I needed to make sure the installation was successful, in which it was.

Windows 2000 installed flawlessly! I hit "next, next, next, next" and let the program do the remaining work (approximately 45 minutes).

I want this review to prove that Windows 2000 is above and beyond of what the "media" has been saying. Let me list the good and the bad about the program:


1) Reliability. No freezing whatsoever even though I've put my computer through the stress test. 2) Most major pieces of software and hardware are compatible! 3) Video games are playable, even the ones that were made for Windows 3.1! 4) New graphic interface with icons, buttons, backgrounds and sounds! 5) Start up and shut down are tremendously quick. 6) The list goes on and on!


1) Norton AntiVirus no longer works. 2) My DVD player no longer works. 3) Sound works, but there is static when sound plays at a low level. 4) These may be major errors on your behalf, but these are very small to me. These are all of the errors I've encountered!

Take it from me, a business owner and home user, it's 90x better than Windows 98. END

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