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Call of Duty (Mac)

Call of Duty (Mac)

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $44.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Medal of Honor spanker!
Review: 1. I love first person shooters...
2. The setting takes place when our country entered into war for more credible reasons (we were still the "good guys")... takes less toll on the slightly more "consciencious" players/potential buyers.
3. The single player in this title is definitely better than Medal of Honor's single player- and don't get me wrong, Medal of Honor was/is a really good game- Call of Duty just happens to be a really nice leap foward!
4. Multiplayer in Call of Duty is rock solid and hella fun (cable modem connect)!

Here's my system specs: MDD G4/1GHz/1GB RAM/OS X 10.3.4/Radeon 9800 Pro (I can play Unreal Tournament 2004 at 1600x1200 SMOOTHLY on this card!) Hint: This game is a lot more payable if you disable FSAA in the INI file if you've a less powerful card... this option isn't directly editable in the main game [interface's] setup.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Medal of Honor spanker!
Review: 1. I love first person shooters...
2. The setting takes place when our country entered into war for more credible reasons (we were still the "good guys")... takes less toll on the slightly more "consciencious" players/potential buyers.
3. The single player in this title is definitely better than Medal of Honor's single player- and don't get me wrong, Medal of Honor was/is a really good game- Call of Duty just happens to be a really nice leap foward!
4. Multiplayer in Call of Duty is rock solid and hella fun (cable modem connect)!

Here's my system specs: MDD G4/1GHz/1GB RAM/OS X 10.3.4/Radeon 9800 Pro (I can play Unreal Tournament 2004 at 1600x1200 SMOOTHLY on this card!) Hint: This game is a lot more payable if you disable FSAA in the INI file if you've a less powerful card... this option isn't directly editable in the main game [interface's] setup.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: MOHAA... the right way.
Review: As some reviewers have mentioned, this game is what Medal of Honor should have been. The graphics (and sound effects) are really outstanding, and on the whole, the physics model and gameplay seems more realistic that MOHAA. It's a much more enveloping experience.

Bear in mind you need a relatively new, powerful Mac for this game to work as intended. I wouldn't bother even trying with anything less than a 64MB Radeon card or equivalent nVidia card. For example, I'm running mine on a dual G5 (Radeon 9600, cable internet) and during really congested battle scenes or dense multiplayer contests, it can get a little choppy... so have realistic expectations in mind, relative to your own machine.

The online multiplayer setup and server setup can be a little confusing, but performance is generally very good. Wish there were a few more maps but that's what the add-on packs are for, right? : ) Good integration with Punkbuster and as a result, far fewer hacks found on most servers IME.

Definitely worth your money!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game!
Review: Highly recommended, I prefer this game over MOHAA. Single player is better and Multiplayer is really nice as well.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than MOHAA!
Review: I absolutly love CoD!!! It kicks MOHAA's ass in SP and esspecialy MP! The only complaint I have is that the single player campaign, to me at least, seemed rather short, but the amazing MP aspect easily makes up for this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than MOHAA!
Review: I absolutly love CoD!!! It kicks MOHAA's ass in SP and esspecialy MP! The only complaint I have is that the single player campaign, to me at least, seemed rather short, but the amazing MP aspect easily makes up for this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game... better than MOHAA!
Review: Smarter AI, excellent graphics, exciting game play. I can feel that I'm "in" the war and not just playing a game. It runs pretty decent on my TiBook G4/1Ghz/1GB RAM.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: THIS GAME IS SO FUN, has amazing graphics and awsome sound, and really nice effects. THE online play is great SO IF YOU WANT A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER GET THIS ONE OK ! :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Frighteningly real
Review: This is an incredible simulation - graphics and sound are outstanding. In single player mode the enemy AI is very good. Some scenarios (particularly the battle for Stalingrad) take your breath away - you're running up a hill, with bullets and bombs flying all around you, not even carrying a gun (there aren't enough to go around), with the Germans trying to kill you ahead, and your own officers threatening to kill you if you retreat. If you've seen the opening scene from "Enemy at the Gates" it's exactly like that, only a lot more intense.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GEST GAME
Review: This is awsome!!!! SO MUCH BETTER then MOH.

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