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Aliens Versus Predator 2 (Mac)

Aliens Versus Predator 2 (Mac)

List Price: $49.99
Your Price: $49.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Simply Awful
Review: A word of warning: MacPlay's claims to the contrary notwithstanding, "AvP2" will NOT run ok on a G4. I've got a 1GHz G4 with 512 MB (well within the requirements, supposedly) and the game runs so choppily that it looks like stop-motion photography. Add to that:

1) Endless load times. We're talking minutes here.
2) So-so graphics (you have to turn the detail way down to get anything approaching an acceptable frame rate)
3) Constant, irritating bugs. "AvP2" crashes ALL the time. Incredibly, even the end credits are glitchy.

The game concept may be kind of cool, but MacPlay's "AvP2" has got to be one of the worst, most slapdash ports in history. Again, DON'T buy it unless you're running a G5 or dual 1.25 G4s--you'll be wasting $...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Defienetly a good game
Review: Although it takes some getting used to(especially as Alien), Aliens Vs Predator 2 is an excellent game, both for multiplayer Deathmatch goodness for for the campaigns. Each species fights differently: Marines:Go in with guns a'blazing; Aliens: fast paced melee attacks; Predator: stealthy hunter. Great game, buy it if you're a fan of FPSs or of the movies.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Even a dog runs better than this
Review: Did someone mention you had better have a G5 to run this game?

Well I have a G5 and this game is bloody shoddy. The macintosh port is a complete disgrace and gives PC gamers some great ammunition to use to put down Apple's systems. Even with all the graphics settings turned down to complete minimum, my 1.6 mhz G5 with Nvidia Geforce 5200 still has loads of problems.

This game stalls, sticks and chops all over the friggin place. My suggestions to anyone is:

1. Do not buy this unless you are using a server bank comprised of 50 G5's with a terrabyte of RAM and a Geforce 10 1 gigabyte. (you might have to wait a few years)

2. Do not bother asking Macplay for an answer because they will not respond and really couldn't care about their customers. Don't expect them to make a patch that actually does anything.

3. If you already own it, I suggest dressing up in a predator costume and using the two dics included to go hunting cats. This will give you a much more authentic gaming experience.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Just like the movies!
Review: Even reading all the bad reviews I bought this game. I held my breath when I popped it into my eMac. Things didn't start out good as the game wouldn't install to my brand new external drive. I installed in to the internal drive and started up the game. I chose to be a Predator and the hunt began. I was immediatly awed by how alike it was to the movies. All the preformance issures people had warned about weren't a factor. It ran smooth as anything. I then en-trusted the next 3 hours to getting through the Predator campaign. The game was a blast and I felt like I was in the movies.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I don't profess to be anything close to a 'Video Game Guru", but I have never, ever played a more aggrevating, inept, poorly made video game in my life!! I have heard that the first AVP game was very good. This version is very bad. From what I have heard so far, unless you have a computer system that rivals the United States Department of Defense, forget about playing this game on anything else.
This lousy game is FULL of mistakes, and don't even bother to contact the so called "support group" at MacPlay. They are in complete denial over this crappy thing.Mac Play should be ASHAMED of this piss poor effort!! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Umm.. Problem with the review below....
Review: I don't profess to be anything close to a 'Video Game Guru", but I have never, ever played a more aggrevating, inept, poorly made video game in my life!! I have heard that the first AVP game was very good. This version is very bad. From what I have heard so far, unless you have a computer system that rivals the United States Department of Defense, forget about playing this game on anything else.
This lousy game is FULL of mistakes, and don't even bother to contact the so called "support group" at MacPlay. They are in complete denial over this crappy thing.Mac Play should be ASHAMED of this piss poor effort!! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I don't profess to be anything close to a 'Video Game Guru", but I have never, ever played a more aggrevating, inept, poorly made video game in my life!! I have heard that the first AVP game was very good. This version is very bad. From what I have heard so far, unless you have a computer system that rivals the United States Department of Defense, forget about playing this game on anything else.
This lousy game is FULL of mistakes, and don't even bother to contact the so called "support group" at MacPlay. They are in complete denial over this crappy thing.Mac Play should be ASHAMED of this piss poor effort!! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Review: i had played this on pc and really enjoyed it. this would be a great game if they hired back the programmers who knew what they were doing. this is an insult to mac owners and fans of the first game, which was incredible. I am far within the min. req. on my G4. The patch that macplay has releases, does little to nothing to cure the jumps, 15 sec freezes and lack of ability to enjoy the single player missions on anything but the lowest settings. to top it all off, any of the internet multiplayer server is not compatible with os 10.3 !!! i for one would like to see macplay make amends with a refund, a significant patch, or revision to the whole game. With so many programmers out of work, whoever headed this one up needs to be held accountable. wtih the movie comng oout next summer, this game is not up to 20th century fox standards of quality and is an embarrassment and a disappointment. go buy the first version for mac cheap and download the patch for os x.
shame on you macplay.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great atmosphere, resource hog
Review: I love the Alien movies, and so I was awaiting this game. I was surprised when it was slow even on my 1Ghz Mac. I emailed the company and they say they know the problem and will be issuing a patch. Let's hope that's soon.

I can't play this game while I'm alone in the dark. Seriously, it's got a great eerie atmosphere, even better than Half-Life. I'm enjoying the missions right now while I become accustomed to the controls, and I'm looking forward to the multiplayer gaming especially.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Better than original, but not without flaws.
Review: If you have ever played the original Aliens versus Predator and enjoyed it you're sure to love its sequel. Just as terrifying as the original, AvP2 is sure to deliver the same thrills and chills as its predecessor (Especially with the lights off). Simply put, the game is intense.

However, it is far from the perfect game, especially on my Mac (which is sad, considering the system requirements for the Windows version are minimal). Unless you have a dual G4 or G5 tower, expect frequent lag and delays in the game. Even with a 1GHz processor, 1 gig of RAM and a 64 meg video card, the game runs too choppy too frequently. In the end, too many visual effects must be sacrificed for gameplay. Part of this problem is the game engine that AvP2 utilizes (The same as "No One Lives Forever". If only it used the Quake III engine!)

Unfortunately, the Aliens are not the only "bugs" in the game either. Loading screens do not display properly at times nor do the different visual modes work all the time (i.e., Marine night vision, Alien vision, Predator infrared, etc.).

Between the slowdowns and the graphic jitters, AvP2 seems like a lousy port to OS X, which is sad since MacPlay has been sitting on this release for over a year now. If you have ever purchased a game ported by MacPlay, then their rushed ports and lack of tech support should come as no surprise to you. Their motto seems to be "At MacPlay no one can hear you scream".

iMac users beware: "Not recommended for iMacs" is clearly stated on the package! This game WILL run slow!

The Good: Awesome game, cool atmosphere, great weapons. Like 3 games in one between the different species.

The Bad: Not much graphic or plot improvement over the original, some graphic and gameplay bugs.

The Ugly: Ported to OS X by MacPlay, Unacceptable frame rates, even with newer systems, too choppy, not recommended for iMacs, G4 chips only

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