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Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (Mac)

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (Mac)

List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $39.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: poor, but close to great
Review: A very fun on-line multiplayer game ... somewhere in feeling between your classic first person shooters (like Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament) and your planning and strategy FPS's like the Tom Clancy games.

The single player component of this game, however, is pretty poor. It's so difficult even on "easy" that the whole game just becomes a tedious process of trial and error. Many levels are impossible to finish until you die a couple dozen times, thereby learning where all the enemies are or what pattern you have to follow to make it thru unscathed. What fun is to die a dozen times, and then finally finish the level knowing that you only made it thru 'cus now you know exactly where every enemy is? Very poor game design. It's a shame ... if you didn't have to fail a dozen times each level just to finally "succeed", this would be the most fun game since Deus Ex.

Like I said tho ... multiplayer online is fun ... buy it for that if you have broadband.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good game!
Review: First off, let me just start by saying that MOH is the most well-written FPS out there. The story line continues from mission to mission and doesn't resort to the shambling zombies and cyborg enemies that another "WWII-era" FPS does (initials RTCW?). While I will admit that the Normandy Beach mission does seem lifted right out of Saving Private Ryan, it does lead on to some very interesting hedgerow missions.

That said, there are some problems that I'd like to discuss in this review. For starters, there's game performance. I own a PowerMac G4 867DP (MDD) with a GeForce MX440 32MB card and 1GB RAM. This was a heavy-duty machine when MOH came out. And I get frame rate drops all the time, even with resolution at medium, detail at medium, and resolution at only 1024x768 (sub 30fps numbers). This is compared with >45 fps with RTCW on max settings at 1024x768 res (Both are based on the Quake3 engine BTW). The game almost drops to 1fps briefly when you hit a checkpoint. I have upgraded to the latest version which is supposed to include routines that allow for both of my processors to be utilized, but this hasn't made much impact on the gameplay.

Second off, the graphics at the resolution I've had to play (as mentioned above) aren't as impressive as the box art, and the colors are not as deep. The texture mapping is poor, and granted this is an effect of both the lower memory of my Apple GeForce card and my settings, it is kind of disappointing.

Third, and final, the game can be astonishingly hard (I had to replay the Normandy Beach mission 8-9 times before I got past the beachhead into the bunker) even on the easy setting. It is no walk in the park like RTCW.

Getting back to some pros and leaving the cons aside, the missions are engrossing. The mission where you sabotage a U-boat by infiltrating the base as a Nazi officer and then getting discovered when you plant the first explosive is great -- and I had almost sadistic fun intentionally blowing my cover and anhillating the whole base with an MP40. The sniper alley mission in Normandy is impressively difficult but very satisfying to beat (hint: you don't have to kill EVERY Nazi but it is fun to do so!).

The sound effects are excellent too. The "ping!" of an M1 clip running out, the "rat-tat-tat" of the Thompson, and the "crack!" of a KAR-98 sniper rifle are more realistic than the sounds from RTCW.

The weapons selections are a history buff's fantasy. You get to use the following:
US Army: M1911A1 .45 cal pistol, M1 Garand rifle, Browning Automatic Rifle, Springfield Sniper rifle, Winchester Pump 12 Ga. shotgun, Thompson .45 cal SMG, US "Bazooka" antitank rocket, and Browning .50 cal machine gun.
Axis: Luger 9mm pistol, MP40 SMG, KAR98 sniper rifle, Panzerfaust antitank rocket, STG44 "Sturmgewehr" automatic rifle (the first modern assault rifle), MG44 machine gun
You also get to fool with explosives of every sort.

The detail to the levels is amazing, and realistic as well. '88' antiaircraft guns can block your path and require an airstrike you can call in. Grenades bounce like the real thing (and do require some serious practice to get the hang of). P-51 Mustangs fly overhead in the Normandy missions. German soldiers speak German (not accented English). There are no "secret labs."

This is a very satisfying game with serious attention paid to realism and detail which immerse you in the environment, but it is very demanding on even the upper echelon of G4 processors.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Demanding but immersive
Review: First off, let me just start by saying that MOH is the most well-written FPS out there. The story line continues from mission to mission and doesn't resort to the shambling zombies and cyborg enemies that another "WWII-era" FPS does (initials RTCW?). While I will admit that the Normandy Beach mission does seem lifted right out of Saving Private Ryan, it does lead on to some very interesting hedgerow missions.

That said, there are some problems that I'd like to discuss in this review. For starters, there's game performance. I own a PowerMac G4 867DP (MDD) with a GeForce MX440 32MB card and 1GB RAM. This was a heavy-duty machine when MOH came out. And I get frame rate drops all the time, even with resolution at medium, detail at medium, and resolution at only 1024x768 (sub 30fps numbers). This is compared with >45 fps with RTCW on max settings at 1024x768 res (Both are based on the Quake3 engine BTW). The game almost drops to 1fps briefly when you hit a checkpoint. I have upgraded to the latest version which is supposed to include routines that allow for both of my processors to be utilized, but this hasn't made much impact on the gameplay.

Second off, the graphics at the resolution I've had to play (as mentioned above) aren't as impressive as the box art, and the colors are not as deep. The texture mapping is poor, and granted this is an effect of both the lower memory of my Apple GeForce card and my settings, it is kind of disappointing.

Third, and final, the game can be astonishingly hard (I had to replay the Normandy Beach mission 8-9 times before I got past the beachhead into the bunker) even on the easy setting. It is no walk in the park like RTCW.

Getting back to some pros and leaving the cons aside, the missions are engrossing. The mission where you sabotage a U-boat by infiltrating the base as a Nazi officer and then getting discovered when you plant the first explosive is great -- and I had almost sadistic fun intentionally blowing my cover and anhillating the whole base with an MP40. The sniper alley mission in Normandy is impressively difficult but very satisfying to beat (hint: you don't have to kill EVERY Nazi but it is fun to do so!).

The sound effects are excellent too. The "ping!" of an M1 clip running out, the "rat-tat-tat" of the Thompson, and the "crack!" of a KAR-98 sniper rifle are more realistic than the sounds from RTCW.

The weapons selections are a history buff's fantasy. You get to use the following:
US Army: M1911A1 .45 cal pistol, M1 Garand rifle, Browning Automatic Rifle, Springfield Sniper rifle, Winchester Pump 12 Ga. shotgun, Thompson .45 cal SMG, US "Bazooka" antitank rocket, and Browning .50 cal machine gun.
Axis: Luger 9mm pistol, MP40 SMG, KAR98 sniper rifle, Panzerfaust antitank rocket, STG44 "Sturmgewehr" automatic rifle (the first modern assault rifle), MG44 machine gun
You also get to fool with explosives of every sort.

The detail to the levels is amazing, and realistic as well. '88' antiaircraft guns can block your path and require an airstrike you can call in. Grenades bounce like the real thing (and do require some serious practice to get the hang of). P-51 Mustangs fly overhead in the Normandy missions. German soldiers speak German (not accented English). There are no "secret labs."

This is a very satisfying game with serious attention paid to realism and detail which immerse you in the environment, but it is very demanding on even the upper echelon of G4 processors.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best game of 2002
Review: For me, there was a lot of hype about this game which probably set my expectations too high. It is a solid game. I often felt like I was part of a movie with the music in the game. The game seemed realistic to me and I enjoyed the "normal" weapons. Guns, rifles, shotguns, snipes, etc....it made for a real life game.

I thought the AI was pretty good. The enemy didn't just stand there all the time and often times moved around, rolled on the ground, ducked, etc. Of course sometimes they stood there like morons as everyone around them got picked off by snipers.

There were some challenging moments (like storming the beach), but all in all it was pretty straightforward game play. So it isn't terribly hard.

Multi-player is pretty fun except that some of the maps get old. I'm glad I bought it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Solid Game
Review: For me, there was a lot of hype about this game which probably set my expectations too high. It is a solid game. I often felt like I was part of a movie with the music in the game. The game seemed realistic to me and I enjoyed the "normal" weapons. Guns, rifles, shotguns, snipes, etc....it made for a real life game.

I thought the AI was pretty good. The enemy didn't just stand there all the time and often times moved around, rolled on the ground, ducked, etc. Of course sometimes they stood there like morons as everyone around them got picked off by snipers.

There were some challenging moments (like storming the beach), but all in all it was pretty straightforward game play. So it isn't terribly hard.

Multi-player is pretty fun except that some of the maps get old. I'm glad I bought it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: what a dud
Review: I had more fun assembling my kids toys with instructions in koren and no pictures than i did with this game. I can see where it can require 3 hands and is a fast paced game. But it is extremely difficult to command and stay alive. I can not understand how anyone can play it and have fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I have always been a big fan of first person shooters. But also adventure games. Games of this type I've played in the past include Marathon series, Tomb Raider series, and Unreal & Unreal Tournament. (There would be more, but I only have so much time.) The story is important to me. If I want to just blast things, I'll play Unreal Tournament. Anyway . . .

The first thing I noticed about the game was how real it felt. You start out in the back of a german transport truck, you know the kind with the canvas cover, getting trucked into a German compound. The tension and anticipation is amazing!! Your first job, with your squad, is to rescue an SAS agent being held hostage there. I'll just say you encounter resistance. When one of the truck drivers papers don't check out, the mayhem begins.

Other campaigns involve capturing and then driving tanks, stealthing through winter forests at night to take out antiaircraft guns, sneaking into bases to gather intel, demolition missions, rescuing pow's, infiltrating and planting charges inside a german UBoat, and the most insane - storming Omaha beach to commence operation Overlord, infiltrating their defenses, and taking out the gun towers - totally harrowing!! Sometimes you're alone, sometimes with others - Rangers, SAS, etc. The missions are believable, sensible, and seem necessary to the allied effort.

While the game is basically a 1st person shooter, there is always a mission to guide you. It always takes a little thinking to get the job done. On your compass there is a general guide as to what direction your mission should take you, as well as a general distance guide, but it's not that easy. Let's just say the shortest distance between two points isn't always a straight line, and getting there is no stroll down 5th Avenue.

I think the AI is great. Very few stupid guards and enemies. A little advice: Stealth works. Staying out of searchlights, and walking rather than running are quite effective. Sometimes not killing enemies is preferable to machine gunning everything. Often, if you're too loud the germans will sound the alarm, which brings others quickly. And it's damn tough finding your way out of town after destroying their radio communications, when you have twenty to thirty highly trained nazis with machine guns looking for you.

The weapons are appropriate to the period - which I like. This helps the learning curve. The range on the pistol is very different from the machine gun, from the sniper rifle. Reload time is a factor! At the beginning, I would run out of a clip at just the wrong time. Pay attention. This is especially true of the sniper rifle. I like that different weapons are useful in different situations - it's not just a "machine gun always" kind of game.

My favorite part is that skill works. Thinking works. If you walk in the middle of a road, you'll likely get taken out by a sniper - in one shot! Sometimes you have to impersonate German soldiers and officers. Know how? Neither did I. You have to learn. Hint: don't run.

Good games always feel a little short, and this is no exception. There are twenty levels, and they're all fun! The finale (which isn't Omaha beach) is so damn exciting and difficult, that you'll really feel like you've accomplished something!

Graphics and sound: Outstanding!

A couple rants: 1) Sometimes you can be firing a rifle or machine gun, say to take out a guy in a tower, yet 50 yards away, others don't hear it - good for us, but not too realistic; 2) No knife to use when you sneak up on folks; 3) You should have to drag dead folks out of the way - into closets or behind walls to maintain your secrecy; 3) When you're fully loaded up, you can carry two machine guns, a sniper rifle w/ scope, a silenced pistol, ten grenades, approx 1000 rounds of ammo, and sometimes a bazooka. Can you say 75 lbs? Hardly inconspicuous. Sometimes, you might start with just a sniper rifle, or a pistol, but you can load up pretty quick, with no adverse effects; 4) On a couple missions you end up killing like two hundred folks - by yourself. Hmmm . . . . These are small points - I just get excited about the realism and envision the next level.

I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a long time. Can't wait for the sequel.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game rules!!
Review: I have always been a big fan of first person shooters. But also adventure games. Games of this type I've played in the past include Marathon series, Tomb Raider series, and Unreal & Unreal Tournament. (There would be more, but I only have so much time.) The story is important to me. If I want to just blast things, I'll play Unreal Tournament. Anyway . . .

The first thing I noticed about the game was how real it felt. You start out in the back of a german transport truck, you know the kind with the canvas cover, getting trucked into a German compound. The tension and anticipation is amazing!! Your first job, with your squad, is to rescue an SAS agent being held hostage there. I'll just say you encounter resistance. When one of the truck drivers papers don't check out, the mayhem begins.

Other campaigns involve capturing and then driving tanks, stealthing through winter forests at night to take out antiaircraft guns, sneaking into bases to gather intel, demolition missions, rescuing pow's, infiltrating and planting charges inside a german UBoat, and the most insane - storming Omaha beach to commence operation Overlord, infiltrating their defenses, and taking out the gun towers - totally harrowing!! Sometimes you're alone, sometimes with others - Rangers, SAS, etc. The missions are believable, sensible, and seem necessary to the allied effort.

While the game is basically a 1st person shooter, there is always a mission to guide you. It always takes a little thinking to get the job done. On your compass there is a general guide as to what direction your mission should take you, as well as a general distance guide, but it's not that easy. Let's just say the shortest distance between two points isn't always a straight line, and getting there is no stroll down 5th Avenue.

I think the AI is great. Very few stupid guards and enemies. A little advice: Stealth works. Staying out of searchlights, and walking rather than running are quite effective. Sometimes not killing enemies is preferable to machine gunning everything. Often, if you're too loud the germans will sound the alarm, which brings others quickly. And it's damn tough finding your way out of town after destroying their radio communications, when you have twenty to thirty highly trained nazis with machine guns looking for you.

The weapons are appropriate to the period - which I like. This helps the learning curve. The range on the pistol is very different from the machine gun, from the sniper rifle. Reload time is a factor! At the beginning, I would run out of a clip at just the wrong time. Pay attention. This is especially true of the sniper rifle. I like that different weapons are useful in different situations - it's not just a "machine gun always" kind of game.

My favorite part is that skill works. Thinking works. If you walk in the middle of a road, you'll likely get taken out by a sniper - in one shot! Sometimes you have to impersonate German soldiers and officers. Know how? Neither did I. You have to learn. Hint: don't run.

Good games always feel a little short, and this is no exception. There are twenty levels, and they're all fun! The finale (which isn't Omaha beach) is so damn exciting and difficult, that you'll really feel like you've accomplished something!

Graphics and sound: Outstanding!

A couple rants: 1) Sometimes you can be firing a rifle or machine gun, say to take out a guy in a tower, yet 50 yards away, others don't hear it - good for us, but not too realistic; 2) No knife to use when you sneak up on folks; 3) You should have to drag dead folks out of the way - into closets or behind walls to maintain your secrecy; 3) When you're fully loaded up, you can carry two machine guns, a sniper rifle w/ scope, a silenced pistol, ten grenades, approx 1000 rounds of ammo, and sometimes a bazooka. Can you say 75 lbs? Hardly inconspicuous. Sometimes, you might start with just a sniper rifle, or a pistol, but you can load up pretty quick, with no adverse effects; 4) On a couple missions you end up killing like two hundred folks - by yourself. Hmmm . . . . These are small points - I just get excited about the realism and envision the next level.

I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a long time. Can't wait for the sequel.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How Can You Not Fall In Love?
Review: I purchased Medal Of Honor at Mac World 2002 and I love it! I am always playing online against other people and its so fun. Another reviewer mentioned boring weapons and no blood. Well, the game is rated T for Teen. If blood was put in the rating will be raised to M. What is so good about blood anyway?

The weapons are great! You only can select from a rifle, sniper, Sub Machine Gun, Machine Gun, and Rocket Launcher/Grenade Launcher. With any weapon you select, you are automaticly loaded with grenades and a pistol. These weapons each have their own guide to using. For example if you have an SMG and somone is trying to snipe you, you must know how to strafe but still controll yourself. This is only one of the tactics needed to play MOH. It is a very complicated game at first but gets easier after some weeks.

The graphics are great and single player mode contains a nice story (aferall, it is WWII).

I strongly recomoned MOH for all action gamers with a G4 and a broadband connection.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thank God for A Good Game
Review: I'm so glad Aspyr Media decided to make this game into a mac. I have never been able to play any games I enjoy because of my Mac system. But all of this has changed. This game has great grapihc's and sound which get's you into the game. So many great levels, but the Normandy mission is one to be hold. BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!

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