Rating:  Summary: Zero stars if possible Review: One would think after hearing all the hype about Linux you should give it a try. Well, I did and what a nightmare, not only did it cause me to lose ALL of my hard drive because it wiped out Windows. It caused be to take my computer into a shop to have this linux mess removed from my computers hard drive.Lets get one thing straight here, no one has written about hardware compatibility. That is right, because Linux has no hardware support or if it does it must be from a different planet or something. Another sore point, NO software, if you go to your local big retailer, there is NOT one software title available for it. Lastly, after the costly ordeal, this package went into the trash can where it belongs. Thinking I could save some money, yeah it costed me a lot more in the long run. For anyone thinking about this, DON'T just buy Windows XP Professional. Windows does something that Linux can't it actually works, if you want to buy new hardware Windows installs the drivers automatically... Maybe the linux groups might think on the basics, also after losing ALL my information plus taking my PC to a repair center to have this Linux mess removed! ARRGG I am not happy!
Rating:  Summary: Linux and Windows are Different. Review: I've played with computers since Apple was a Beatles' company. I started using SuSE with version 6.1. Comparing Windows to SuSE Linux is misleading. I have not yet tried SuSE 9.0 and still do most of my work on an older SuSE Pro. Usually, after one installs Linux, you recompile the OS tailored to your use. Your computer is faster. Then one can dive into the incredible software extras SuSE provides. That's how I got stuck on SuSE -- Imaging Software, Programming Languages, Office Suites, Communications Software (even Ham Radio), etc., etc. Its all there on your SuSE Pro Disks. It takes a lot of time and learning to appreciate SuSE Linux for Professionals. This is leading edge software, and not for everybody. Trying to please Windows Only users is a mistake. But for those needing to explore advanced computing, SuSE Pro is an outstanding investment.
Rating:  Summary: Novell has soured my taste for Suse. Review: I've been using Suse since version 5.3. We even named our German Shepard "Suse".(http://www.mikehunsberger.com/photos/susenovember/index.htm) I have just changed to Fedora 1 since Suse's sellout to Novell. I thought Suse was a cool company. Novell is just another big ugly corporation. No thanks.
Rating:  Summary: Very buggy and no software applications Review: How could anyone give this software a high rating. I installed this software and one of the first things you notice is how disorganized and unstructured this operating system is. It is like a car built by 50 people with no one seeing what the other one is doing. Very frustrating and there is NO MULIT-MEDIA SUPPORT! Another sore point, also, the operating system does not detect ALL the hardware. It is impossible to get it to work. This renders a computer useless and if you need to get real work done then you wind up using Windows. So it is a waste of money. Second, the GUI display is slow, with a disorganized menu system. It makes no sense, another deal where no one talked to anybody while writing it. Software crashes are common with the Segmentation Faults all over the place. If you are looking for drivers then forget it, they don't exist. Lastly, if you are wanting to spend money on a computer to just sit then this is for you. When it is time to work you need Windows, leave this for the kids to play with.
Rating:  Summary: Who needs Microsoft when there's SuSE Linux !? Review: I get the impression those who wrote negative reviews are just too lazy to learn a new operating system. Some people are just stuck in their ways and prefer an old shoe and that's fine if they're happy with that. There will be an adjustment switching from one operating system to another but SuSE Linux makes that transistion painless. RedHat is also very good but geared more towards the server market and now with them morphing into Fedora who knows. Mandrake is also nice for Linux newbies but SuSE just has that extra special something about it that attracted me. I don't know, maybe it's the gecko ;- ) Seriously, I have literally tried EVERY Linux distribution (distro) available in the past 5+ months and in my humble opinion SuSE is the winner for ease of use and a pleasant desktop experience. That's really what it's all about, the "desktop experience". Linux in general gives you MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more flexibilty in how you want your desktop to look and feel. M$ Windows 'dictates' how THEY want you to experience your desktop unless you have 3rd party software to change that. There are 10's of thousands of FREE programs available for Linux that are just as good if not better than Windows programs. If you've been interested in Linux but didn't know which 'flavor' to use, don't bother looking any further, I did all the research for you. While I found most if not all the Linux distros noteworthy, SuSE Linux is your answer! If you're new to computers and don't like the Microsoft policies, then look to SuSE Linux. If you need a gaming machine then you're a little limited with Linux and might as well get Windows. You can always buy both and create a dual boot system. Load Windows first then load SuSE Linux which will do everything for you. It's a no-brainer install- just get it!
Rating:  Summary: SuSE is Great. Windows SuCKs Review: Works great. I have it running on a compaq presario laptop (if you use a wireless card make sure it is supported. see below about hardware), an old 700mhz emachines, on old 400mhz gateway (dual boot next to lycoris). And I also have it running on my dad's 2.4C Pent 4. It easier to install than wins since wins doesn't ask you anything it just does as it pleases then you have to fix it afterwards our reinstall. Most people have never installed win. so they think it is easy but I have had many problems with it. Even with thinging like detecting a ps2 mouse and a intel i810 vid chip. Some people have rated it a 1 saying "it isn't like windows", but that is the POINT it is BETTER. SuSE has all the sofware you need, and if it doesn't you can usually get it for free off the net, since it is Linux. For almost anything you can point and click a solution, and rarely if ever you might have to use the terminal ("command line"), but at least you have the option to (win. cmd line is very weak). Their are many great forums to help out Linux newbies (as I am still one myself <6 months) if you ever need to use the terminal. And don't forget about SuSE's 90 days of free installation tech. support. --If you are still not sure than download SuSE live-eval off their site it is an OS than RUNS off the CD so you dont have to install anything (but beware live-evals are much slower and often have bugs because they are emulations running of your cd-rom drive). The live-cd will start you in YaST afterwards you can play around with it and when your done you can just restart take the CD out and boot back into whatever OS you have installed. Make sure to see if your hardware is supported. The reason some hardware isn't supported is not because Linux is lazy it is because some companies won't release the spec.s to their hardware. (i.e. Broadcom 802.11g chips) Yet they do for a Mac. Apple has approxiamently <0.5 percent more of the desktop market share than Linux, while Linux has a greater corporate server share than Mac by far. This is because Linux is a direct competitior to Windows and if companies are too Linux friendly Microsoft has a history of putting the heat on byraising licensing cost. read about it on microsuck.com Anyways SuSE is great. And if you hate Linux then get a Mac caused window Sucks worse then anything.
Rating:  Summary: Great Product! Review: This is great, all my hardware was detected without problems, installation was as easy or more than a windows installation, it is loaded with all kind of software to do anything you'd like to do, the interface is very clean and YaST is just great. I used to be a Red Hat user for about 2 years, also tried Mandrake for a while and have installed some other distros, but this is by far one of the best linux distributions I've ever seen. I don't know why some people on the reviews say it's hard to install/use, it really isn't and works absolutely great. I'll be a SUSE user from now on :) and probably will be staying with it for a long time. Would recommend to anybody.
Rating:  Summary: Well... Review: Well with all the noise around linux, I thought I would give this a try. Needless to say, I wound up having to re-install Windows. It takes hours of configuration to get the functionality of this product. Not only that, you are using command line syntax, eek!
I have had the best luck with Windows XP Professional...
Rating:  Summary: This is just good. Review: Been all the way with IT since 1970. Mainframes, DOS, unix, OS/2, Windows all versions. This is the easiest - and best - I have seen yet. Smart GUI, installs virtually hands off, recognizes even a few exotic pieces of HW (latest Nvidea Gforce plus my camera), and doesn't mess-up my W/2000 - which is not the case the other way around. Hint, if you need both, install Windows first. Suse even adjusts disk space to make room for both. It is bulletproof, doesn't crash, and as with Redhat which I used before, viruses and worms are unknown. The delivered suite of programs are more than adequate for most users, and the office package is good. For real serious work, I'd recommend downloading StarOffice which does most things better than MS Office, and is immune to the VBA worms which has pestered the world for quite some time now. Buy it. Why some people rate this 1 star, beats me.. Maybe they miss the twisting paperclip.
Rating:  Summary: Very difficult to use Review: I thought I would try Suse linux on my home computer. To say the least it amazes me how people could give this 5 stars. A long time Windows user, it in no way could compare to Windows. It is impossible to find software for linux, other than what is on the internet. It pays to stick with Windows on the desktop, this is like greek to me.