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Travel Software for Handhelds
Universal Translator Millennium

Universal Translator Millennium

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Abysmal
Review: I have tried to use this program to translate foreign-language websites, and I cannot make heads or tails of the gobbledygook that it spits back. Here's just an example of a news story translated from Spanish:

"The world Cup Program did yesterday from the PMA, (ONU,) Feeding of the the United Nations Machinery an international call for channelling the assistance with an object initiating the El Salvador that it was ravaged by an earthquake rebuilding back in a week.

The PMA El Salvador director the he became overt the recourse necessity from a Guy Gabreau Canadian saying a motive which they have done international call. To the moment that the earthquake has left I pay up from 701 cadavers and need yourself to rehabilitate the 180.000 person housings.

This sense of Gabreau indicated herself that traducer from a project that that the entity the executive committee is anticipated he begins close from February 1. He added the resources likewise in case of managing with herself that would develop in a six month ones 8 85 period and millions of one 1.600 dollars, millions of pesetas, would require.

The official that leaving marked the seísmo last Saturday near means that one million that persons identifying bear from from inside El Salvador from 180.000 they have been located in the rural zones and ones urban borderline.

The PMA has distributed by means of helicopters ones 900 food tons at 200.000 equivalent families means one million dollars (ones 88 millions of pesetas in foods). Also the PMA works with the Nacionla Clerkship and distribute the Family from rations from food for a week in maize consist of a complemented with fishing an and drunk fortificantes for the wives and the boys caddy bean and oils."

That's pretty much the standard for what this software is capable of.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A total waste of money
Review: I wish I had read some reviews before buying this product at a local retailer (for more money than I could have bought it here). A significant percentage of the words remain untranslated, and the rest are jumbled together forming no meaningful sentence. Put your money to better use, and don't be fooled by the claims on the box.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A total waste of money
Review: I wish I had read some reviews before buying this product at a local retailer (for more money than I could have bought it here). A significant percentage of the words remain untranslated, and the rest are jumbled together forming no meaningful sentence. Put your money to better use, and don't be fooled by the claims on the box.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: My hovercraft is full of worms!
Review: [...]

What's specifically wrong with LanguageFarce's Universal Translator? Well, I speak about five languages, so I checked out the prowess of this so-called (sogenannte-Ger, soi-disant-Fr) translator on simple sentences I know in several tongues. I started with a very easy sentence in German: "Ich liebe dich." (I love you.) Our cosmopolitan polyglot here translated it as "I dear you"--I kid you not. And it totally failed to recognize Turkish at all, though it claims to be able to translate it. Only by dividing a Turkish word in a sentence "yurtici" between its root ("yurt"-"country") and its grammatical ending (ici) could I get the translator to acknowledge this might, just might be Turkish. So it can't translate a language that uses suffixes for grammar, as Turkish does.

Moving English into German was equally laughable. I wouldn't depend on this software to order me a ham sandwich, let alone translate a letter into or out of any major language. If you see this CD, steer clear. Unless you like a laugh or two. Rating: worthless.

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