Rating:  Summary: Very satisfying and very intense! Review: I basing my review on the single player aspects. The action is very intense and the gameplay great. This is probably rated nearly as well as Half-Life in its day. It would be a big mistake to deny yourself the chance to play this game. It is superior in so many ways, graphically, storyline, intensity. The storyline really throws you some hooks. The character models are fantastic. I just can't say enough about my experience with this game. I'm now starting to play the game for the second time.
Rating:  Summary: Starfleet Command 3 Review: SFC3 is one of the best Star Trek games that I've ever played! The Conquest Campaigns aren't as good as the original game, but the story line for the regular campain is very exiting, it really pulls you into the missions. Some of the missions are hard, and some are easy, just the right balance. The controls are easy to learn, and they aren't that much different than the first Starfleet Command. One thing that I don't like is that you can't control more than one ship, but that's OK because the depth of the missions make up for that loss. Overall, this is a great game, and one of the most realistic Star Trek games that I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few.
Rating:  Summary: Space: The Final Frontier? Review: I was excited about elite force II when I read about a preview about one year ago, it looked like more elite force with new missions, improved graphics, and not much more. MY review is in sections this time: Graphics Score: 8.9 Star Trek Elite Force 2 Roughly is based on the aging Quake 3 arena engine, though, has heavily enhanced it, provides stunning visual detail in both characters and environments. It's defintely colorful and exceptional, but isn't that incredible, but is good enough for what it has to offer. Full Screen Antialiasing, precise lensflares, stencil shadows, dynamic lightmaps and dynamic lights, realistic physics, detailed surfaces, detailed textures, Wall decals, high level curve detail, high level view of distance, high level of special effects, advanced deformable geometry, opengl extensions support, anisotropic filtering, 32-bit color, resolutions up to 1600x1200, V-Sync support, and more, to name a few. The typical. Really. The game performs decently under my 9500 pro with all advanced settings( except full screen antialiasing) maxed at a 1024x768 res with 32-bit color, usually I maintain around 20-200frames per second, usually 40, 50, 60, it changes frequently, etc. On anything inferior, the game will run sluggish. Believe me. Audio Score: 9.0 Elite Force II provides the typical rich 44khz sampling rate sound effects with up to 7.1+ surround sound support and reverb effects, which is very nice. The real nice thing is that it ranges from 11khz to 44khz, 2 speakers to 7 speakers support, 8-bit to 16-bit sound quality(or 24-bit if supported), and support for EAX, EAX 2, A3D, or EAX 3 sound cards, or just plain ol' good software sound. THe sound is very "treky", you know, but better than the last game, and indeed deserves a superb score. Game-Play score: 8.5 Game-play wise, Star Trek: Elite Force 2 is very good. There is new open-ended game-play, you can beat a level multiple-paths, explore all kinds of levels, use all kinsd of weapons against aliens, fight all kinds of aliens, the usual range of multiplayer head to head modes except new models, maps, and a new game-type named bomber, and more. Although there is a lot of puzzles, hard bosses, and at times can be disturbing and not so fun to experience. The game features many realistic locations, and characters and friendly in this game. The single player game is twice as long as the last one, but doesn't feature support for both female or male choices. And isn't perfect. But oh well. It's still more than just good. Story-line score: 8.6 Interesting, it takes off right after Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force ended, I wouldn't want to spoil it for you star trek fans out there ;), but you'll end up liking it! A.I score: 5.5 Uh, poor in certain ways. A.I isn't so good, they can be dumb, and has a few glitches, but are OK. Pros: +Very Good Graphics +Superb Sound And sound options +More treky and open-ended game-paly +Interesting storyline +Both singleplayer and multiplayer +Two new multiplayer models and a new game-type Cons: -Poor A.I -It isn't perfect -Performance could have been more optimized -Some frustrating puzzles in levels Overall score: 8.5 Final notes: Elite Force II, Star Trek, is more than a good sequel to Elite Force 1. But didn't pass my expectations in all ways, infact, totally featured horrible A.I and wasn't quite fully optimized, and at times featured fustrating puzzles that didn't bring Elite Force II to happyness, but is a great game and well worth the purchase, especially for star trek fans. I recommend it, and is an excellent example of it's genre. Beam me away, scotty! :)
Rating:  Summary: ADDICTIVE!!! (But Buggy!) Review: I played this game ad infnitum; the gameplay and graphics are great, although I wish that the economic model wasn't so stingy with the X-Generation ships. I found that an XCA or XCB was more than a match for just about any battleship. The Romulan, Gorn and Hydran X-ships were the best (the Romulan and Gorn varients tended to copy each other), while I found the ISC to be good in concept, but underpowered, the Mirak and Klingon just okay, the Federation variants a bit hard to master - but well worth the effort - and the Lyran X-varients decidedly inferior. The game tended to crash if you were playing either as a part of the pirate cartels or against them, and if you were playing as the Lyrans and used your ESG's to ram, the game would generate an aural artifact that would continue well after the end of the scenrio. Still, all in all, a better game than SFC II due to the inclusion of the X-Ships.
Rating:  Summary: It's As Good as The First One Review: Star Trek Elite Force II is as good as the first Elite Force. I am glad that it takes place right after Voyager Comes home to the Alpha Quadrant. I think the graphics are excellent. I have spent a few hours a day playing it trying to get farther than the day before,if I ever finish playing it to the end I would start all over again and replay because In my opinon I think that has replayability. The only thing that is wrong with the game it would have been nice to at least have Riker, Worf,and Data take part in the game. But they had Tuvok return and take temporary assignment aboard the Enterprise, which is ok. Other than that I still give it 5 stars. I highly recommend this to any Star Trek Fan and fans of first Person shooter games.
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek Elite Force 2 Review: If I had a choice, I would Elite Force before I play this game. I wanted forever but the game is not bad. The game requires you to do a lot of baby-sitting and you are compressed to time. The tricoder has to be used a lot like to find energy terminals and health terminals. The game offers a variety of people or things to shoot at. The problem or the good news is that you have to spend a lot of time by yourself, the game is quite clever because the different team members doing some of the thinking but you can't shoot them or hurt them like you did in the other elite force game. When you did in that game, they would turn around and shoot you and even if you killed them, the game didn't allow to go on but that is not a problem in this game. Last, the game is not a very good game to be basing on the series. Picard and Barclay are the only people from TNG and Tuvok is brought back as well.
Rating:  Summary: game was enjoyed my I Review: Fun game ... very fun game ... i like game ... kill borg ... kill klingon ... kill romulen ... kill human ... ha ha ha ha ... violence is bad ... violance is fun! buy game and kill kill kill!!!
Rating:  Summary: awesome force 2 Review: THIS IS THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! And belive it or not, I HATE star trek. My friend convinced me to try it for a minute. And I played it for an hour. The graphics are completely outstanding! There are tons of different guns and this something called a holodeck is awesome. you can play awesome games on it. The storyline is great and the levels are awesome, from destroyed hulls of a spaceship, to mercenary spacestations, to frozen military bases on a mountain, to harsh volcanic planets, and you get to fight all these awesome alien things. I THINK THIS GAME AT LEAST COMPARES WITH GRANDTHEFT AUTO VICE CITY! And you have to be crazy, or it has to be an absolutly fabulous game! ( the answer is the latter one) Get it! You won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Poor level design & short game length. Review: I found this game very disappointing. The demo held promise, but the gameplay in the full version is not up to par. There are two main things that detract from the game: first, the level design is very rigid--you can't explore the levels much and the way to proceed is always very obvious (with only a couple of exceptions); second, the game stops to load every 3 to 5 minutes. I suppose this is good if you forget to save (like me), but it *constantly* interrupted the game. Some other reviews have praised the graphics, but I found them somewhat pedestrian, compared with, for example, No One Lives Forever 2, which was visually stunning. One other complaint is that the game is very short; I finished it in about 9 hours. And much of *that* time was spent wandering around the Enterprise on "information gathering missions." I suppose it would be fun if you like scanning other crew members with your tricorder! Unless you have an unlimited budget for games, you may want to spend your money on something more worthwhile.
Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointed - This One's A Sleeper (MP) Review: I think a clearer distinction should have been made between Single Player (SP) and Multiplayer (MP) in some of the magazine reviews. I was pleased with the SP component but MP was horrible! I say "was" because I "binned" it after trying to force myself to like it. Most Annoying Aspects about MP: 1) There are only three Capture the Flag (CTF) maps! 2) There is no 1 vs 1 mod! 3) The scoring system in CTF is such that wins are based on score (not flag captures) so essentially it's just Death Match with flags (frag your opponents more than they frag you and you win) 4) The jumping is slow (almost like a perpetual low gravity) 5) You have to reload the weapons even though they are energy based weapons, which slows down gameplay (reload ENERGY weapons?! c'mon!) 6) BORING global taunts (no individual taunts/gestures). 7) The chat/HUD font is microscopic if your resolution is set to 1024 x 768 or higher (it's not adjustable...trust me). 8) The netcode is awful (if you try to run a server). it eats bandwidth like King Kong Bundy at a pie eating contest. Normally I could support 16 players on my network (lag free). However, there's tremendous lag if even eight players connect. 9) No support for Linux?! wtf? Are they serious? I'm not running Linux, but I intend to have a Linux comp. online shortly. c'mon! In the past that was acceptable but in this day and age you would think they would KNOW to provide Linux support right out of the box. The game play mechanics are similar to UT2K3 (without the double jump). It's not at all what you would expect from a game based on the Quake 3 engine...and that's a bad thing. If I wanted to play UT2K3, I would play UT2K3 because it has FAR better graphics. No wonder they didn't include a MP component in the demo. If you're looking for an average single player PC-based First Person Shooter game with a Star Trek theme, this game is for you. I wanted a good (not even great) multiplayer First Person Shooter. A total waste of money. If I could have borrowed it from a friend or rented it, I would have done that because it is definitely not a keeper. Let the buyer beware!