Rating:  Summary: Ooh. Aah. BANG! Review: This is a fabulous first person shooter. You play Lt. Alex Munro, leader of an elite force of tactical officers known as the Hazard Team. With a large variety of various weapons like the phaser and Bat'leth, an intense multiplayer and a movie-like single-player, this game tops many others. The Game is rated "T" for a reason. The many aliens in the game sometimes - how can I put this nicely - explode. But the rest of the game makes up for this. Recommended for those who like Star Trek, first person, and shooters.
Rating:  Summary: reviewing the free demo Review: Whoever designed the free demo made the big mistake of making it too hard! I have never played the first Star Trek Elite Force and this second one is new to me. The purpose of a demo should be to give the player some feel of the game without it be too difficult for the first time player of the game. Not in this demo! The minute the game starts you are attacked by hordes of aliens not even giving you a second to orientate yourself to the setting or to familiarize yourself with the weapons. I kept getting killed because the game also did not run smoothly on my system for some reason. I tried changing the video settings but the frame still clipped and had many slowdowns. My computer has no problem running quake 3 smoothly on high settings but with this game even on the low setting the graphics slowdown was horrible. If Activision is trying to pursuade people to buy the full game with this demo, in my opinion they failed miserably! I have no intention now of buying the retail game and will soon delete the demo from my computer!
Rating:  Summary: magnifico Review: One of the best star trek games of all time, along with klingon academy, The Dominion War,and the first voyager. PEACE: Don't need to say another word, the game speaks for itself.........
Rating:  Summary: Single player great, multiplayer technically challenging Review: SINGLE PLAYER: GREAT! Very Long and involved story, fun sub plots occuring in the background. MULTIPLAYER: Very Fast. Weapons hit hard, this is not a game where you take a little damage and run around looking to get healed. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Their support has responded, during the business week, within 1 day to any inquiry. When they have offered support, it has been accurate. No Support of console features, such as cheat modes or hosting your own server. ONLINE PLAY TECHNICAL ASPECTS: You can not host and play on the internet on the same machine. Two machines are required. Only one player per license can play on line at any given time. LAN play does not have these restrictions.
Rating:  Summary: Fun Fun Fun! Review: My title pretty much sums it up. Who hasn't dreamed of saying, " Lieutenant, set a course for the xi entrades system..........MAximum Warp. You can do this in this game- if you have voice activated command system. Its pretty fun to fight cardassians, and damage is really realistic. You can even saw off warp nacelles with phaser fire! Giving orders is fun, but steering the ship yourself is even moreso. If you so much as think of ramming starbase 12( tons of fun) your first officer seizes command from you. The kessok, a new race are a little over powered, but a sovereign can take care of one with good tactics. this brings me to ships. in single player you get galaxy and sovereign. in skirmish, you get those two, ambassador class, akira class, nebula class,a shuttle craft(yes you heard me right) vorcha, bird of prey, warbird, kessok light, kessok heavy, and a ferengi marauder. so if your going to buy one game this summer, make this it!
Rating:  Summary: Good, but 'elite'? Review: This game's graphics and story line are much improved on the first entry, ST: Elite Force. It also adds some puzzle-solving tasks, which is a nice way to break up the action. If you liked the first game you are likely to enjoy this sequel, but don't expect anything new to the FPS genre. Some issues: The single-player game doesn't take long to complete - a day or so, if you're putting in solid hours. This may not be much of a concern if you plan to play multi-player. Second, and I know this is subjective, the designers (at Ritual) have given us very few holomatch maps from which to choose, and they all look like they came from Doom III. What happened to the space station maps of EF ver. 1?
Rating:  Summary: So Much Potential Unrealized Review: SFC3 is an improvement over its predecessors in many ways: simplified interface, better graphics, removal of most archaic Starfleet Battles rules. The best feature by far is the ability to customize your ships with different weapons, engines, armor, etc. It's interesting to note that ships actually move at different speeds, something SFC1, 2 and OP annoyingly didn't have. The single player campaign is OK, but just OK. I've owned it for seven months now, and I have no desire to finish the single player campaign at all. In this regard, SFC3 is inferior to SFC2: Empires at War. It is also inferior to its predecessors in that there are far fewer ships and races in this edition. So much so that the game feels incomplete. Not to mention the complete lack of missions in conquest mode (99% of the missions that exist for this game were fan created, and aren't included in the retail version. That's a real indictment on Taldren's mismanagement of this project.) However, the game really shines in multiplayer on the Dynaverse version 3 (D3). There are some very nice, populated servers out there, the best of which, of course, are fan-administered. The top two are The Neutral Zone and Dominion Wars, and both are still very popular. You could say they are single handedly proping this incomplete game up by adding many, many new ships and missions to the game (and all free of charge. The perfect compliment to your Amazon purchase of the retail game. In fact, these mods and servers are THE reason you should buy this game and give it a chance. Get the free TNZ mod at BattleClinic.com, and the likewise free DW mod at pwfe.com/domwars. They truly save this game from the trash heap). Of course, D3 play isn't the most sophisticated thing to say the least. You're staring at an uninteresting hexagonal map most of the time, and the winning team is mostly determined by who is willing to expend the greatest amount of player-hours turning those hexes from one color to another by successfully completing player vs. player fights and single player missions on them. In conclusion, if you're a die hard starship combat sim fan like me, this is your game. But if you're a fan of Starfleet Battles, or only a casual gamer, your money is best spent elsewhere. Here's hoping future Star Trek starship combat sims have a different producer and developer.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: This game is the best game I've every played. And it's much better than Voyager Elite Force, which was good, but it lacked things that are in Elite Force 2. I wish that they'd stop giving the players non Federation guns. The Federation should stick to using their own weapons. That's just how I feel anyways. I know that the Arc Gun saved me a few times. And the Quantum Burst kills me more than it kills the enemy. The Compression Rifles are my favorite. As for my favorite mission... The Attrexian Station (donno the actual name of it). The worst... That swamp planet you crash on. It was a good idea to have a swamp scene, but it wasn't very detailed. Well, I stop now. PLAY THE GAME.
Rating:  Summary: Very good game, only one bug.... Review: This is a good game: great graphics, interesting story, a very satisfying assortment of weapons and you get an up-close view of the Soveriegn Class Federation starship (nice looking main shuttle bay, and big too!). BUT: Before installing the game, make sure that you have DirectX 9 compatible video and audio hardware and drivers installed on your computer or else the game will completely lock up your PC on the second part of the game. I had to download new drivers for ATI video card and Soundblaster sound card to fix this problem. Other than that, this game is better than the first Elite Force in many ways and its worth the $$.
Rating:  Summary: It Gave Me A Major Headache! Review: I am highly dissappointed in this sequel. The ships/bases are not as realistic as the first game and the firepower is not as realistic as the first game. This game didn't even come with an instruction manual! I love the instant action of the first game but the sequel is horrible. I have tried to give this game a chance but after wasting 7 hours I'm through. I literally thought I was going to get sick. Do not waste your money on this. The new technology and the addition of the Cardassian and Species 8472 is not worth it. The Maps are not even as good as the first game! The 3D view isn't worth it either, gave me a migraine. I repeat, NOT AS REALISTIC as the first game! I'm going back to the first game and I'm going to try to pawn part II off on someone else.