Unlike other computer math programs, Mathpert will solve any mathematical problem from algebra through calculus and display every step of the solution. It is not a passive "answer generator"--learning is accomplished by doing. Mathpert Assistant allows you to work through problems independently, just as you would with pencil and paper. Simply choose a standard textbook topic from the main menu and select an exercise or enter your own problem, then work through the problem by highlighting terms and performing applicable operations. The program performs computational details with 100 percent accuracy to eliminate trivial mistakes. At every step, the program offers a complete menu of possible operations. If you are unsure of what operation to perform next, the program will offer hints, or, if you choose, it will show you what operation to perform next, perform the next step automatically, or provide a complete step-by-step solution to the problem. In this manner Mathpert Assistant guides you through every problem successfully. Mathpert's menu structure is organized like a standard textbook, covering all topics in basic algebra through calculus. You can choose from over 8,000 typical problems. Mathpert's powerful graphing engine lets you view and print colorful graphs of any mathematical expression.