Explore the universe and learn about astronomy with Planetarium Platinum. This two-CD-ROM set offers a virtual reality voyage into our solar system. Its exciting real-time simulations deliver full-screen images to your desktop. For astronomy students and enthusiasts alike, Planetarium Platinum's guided investigations strengthen your research and creativity skills. Explore stunning images from the Hubble Space Telescope, complete with voice narration. Learn about astronomical concepts in 3-D, or view the sky with scientific accuracy from any location on Earth. Planetarium Platinum puts some 20 million celestial bodies with real-time lighting effects and animation at your fingertips. Its detailed renderings of more than 88 constellations also include their mythological histories. Planetarium Platinum's 3-D virtual sims of our solar system and galaxy let you view and manipulate everything from planets to moons, asteroids, and comets as they orbit around our sun. An animated celestial bodies screen saver entertains even when taking a break from the cosmos.