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CIW Enterprise Specialist Curriculum CBT Training CDs |
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Rating: Summary: CIW Enterprise Specialist Curriculum CBT Training CDs Review: Course Overview
This curriculum introduces the learner to CORBA, IDL and the building of CORBA clients. It also covers CORBA Servers and EJB Framework, Deployment and Transactions.
# This curriculum consists of the following five courses: 87061 CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 1: CORBA Introduction, IDL, and Clients
# 87062 CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 2: CORBA Servers, Advanced Features and Security
# 87063 CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 3: EJB Framework and Session Beans
# 87064 CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 4: EJB Deployment, EJB Clients and Entity
# 87065 CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 5: CMP, EJB Transactions and Security
Learn To
See individual course descriptions for specific course objectives and scope.
The intended audience for this course includes Technical Managers, Database Administrators, Application Developers, Systems Analysts, Software Engineers, Software Designers and Project Managers. Learners should have knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming.
Deployment Options
NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits Per Course
Language Options
US English
Total Learning Time
30 to 40 hours
Unit 1 30 - 40 hours
CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 1: CORBA Introduction, IDL, and Clients Training CD
Course Overview
This is the first course in a five part series that introduces the student to the CORBA framework, the Interface Definition Language and the building of CORBA clients. Topics covered include the role of the Object Management Group and each of the fundamental elements of the CORBA architecture, such as ORB, IDL, Object Adapters and CORBA Services, the IDL. The IDL constructs - modules, interfaces, attributes and operations are covered. Material is presented on the nonclass data types and how they are mapped to Java, how inheritance is represented in IDL, specification of parameter-passing modes, and the definition of exceptions using IDL. How to compile IDL files to generate client stubs and how to use these stubs to create client applications are also covered. The learner is directed in initializing the ORB, using the Naming Service, invoking Remote Methods, and using Out and Inout parameters.
Learn To
# Identify characteristics of CORBA.
# Identify features of the Object Management Group (OMG).
# Identify features of the Object Management Architecture (OMA).
# Identify features of Interface Definition Language (IDL) attributes.
# Match Interface Definition Language (IDL) primitive types with their Java primitive type counterparts.
# Identify features of defining constants.
# Identify features of using the IDL compiler to generate client stubs.
# Match Object Request Broker (ORB) initialization methods with their descriptions.
# Identify features of the CORBA naming service.
The intended audience for this course includes Technical Managers, Database Administrators, Application Developers, Systems Analysts, Software Engineers, Other Software Designers, and Project Managers. Candidates for this curriculum employ distributed application architecture technologies (including JavaBeans and CORBA), synthesize knowledge of system architecture design, database design and connectivity, create complete software solutions using the Java programming language and API. CIW Java Programming, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, and Database Specialist certification is necessary or equivalent experience for those students not seeking Master CIW Enterprise Developer Certification. This course is mapped to the Master CIW Enterprise Developer Program, and covers exam 1D0-442.
Deployment Options
NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
Language Options
US English
Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours
Unit 1: CORBA Introduction 2 - 3 hours
# Identify characteristics of CORBA.
# Identify features of the Object Management Group (OMG).
# Identify features of the Object Management Architecture (OMA).
# Identify the functions and features of an Object Request Broker (ORB).
# Identify characteristics of the Internet InterORB Protocol (IIOP).
# Identify characteristics of the Interface Definition Language (IDL).
# Identify functions and features of object adapters.
# Match CORBA Services specifications with their descriptions.
Unit 2: IDL 2 - 3 hours
# Identify features of Interface Definition Language (IDL) attributes.
# Match Interface Definition Language (IDL) primitive types with their Java primitive type counterparts.
# Identify features of defining constants.
# Identify features of the Interface Definition Language (IDL) typedef.
# Match parameter-passing modes with their descriptions.
# Identify features of inheritance in Interface Definition Language (IDL).
# Identify characteristics of enumerated types.
# Identify characteristics of unions.
# Identify characteristics of structures.
# Identify characteristics of arrays.
# Identify characteristics of sequences.
# Identify characteristics of exceptions.
# Identify characteristics of interfaces.
# Identify characteristics of modules.
Unit 3: Building CORBA Clients 2 hours
# Identify features of using the IDL compiler to generate client stubs.
# Match Object Request Broker (ORB) initialization methods with their descriptions.
# Identify features of the CORBA naming service.
# Identify considerations for connecting to the naming service.
# Identify characteristics of obtaining the initial naming context.
# Identify characteristics of retrieving an object reference.
# Sequence the steps to invoke a remote method.
# Identify the steps in building a simple CORBA client.
# Identify functions of the in, out, and inout parameter-passing modes.
# Identify characteristics of holder classes.
# Identify characteristics of helper classes.
CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 2: CORBA Servers, Advanced Features, and Security Training CD
Course Overview
This is the second course in a five-part series that covers the building of CORBA servers, and advanced features such as Factory and callback objects, exceptions and DII, and CORBA security. The participant will learn how to use the IDL-to-Java compiler to generate server skeletons and how to implement CORBA objects using these skeletons. Server IDL skeletons, CORBA servers and naming services, and server invocation are covered in detail. This course also covers factory and callback objects, with conceptual information on each object type and instruction on how to design and how to use them. Exceptions, the methods to throw and catch them, the Finally Block method, and user-defined exceptions are covered, in addition to, Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) and how it is used to allow a client to access any CORBA object. Instruction is given on constructing an argument list, preparing for and extracting the return value, and invoking the Request. Finally, security, firewalls and firewall types are covered, along with the CORBA security service model and architecture.
Learn To
# Identify features of generating a server Interface Definition Language (IDL) skeleton.
# Identify steps for implementing a CORBA object.
# Identify steps in creating an instance of an object to be published.
# Identify features and functions of factory objects.
# Identify steps in using factory objects to obtain object references.
# Identify functions of callback objects.
# Identify features of CORBA exceptions.
# Match CORBA system exceptions with their definitions.
# Identify characteristics of user-defined exceptions.
# Identify characteristics of CORBA firewalls.
# Identify characteristics of client-side firewalls.
# Identify characteristics of server-side firewalls.
The intended audience for this course includes Technical Managers, Database Administrators, Application Developers, Systems Analysts, Software Engineers, Software Designers, and Project Managers. Learners should have knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming. This course helps candidates prepare for CIW Enterprise Specialist exam number 1D0-442. In addition, the learner should have taken the first part of this series, 87061.
Deployment Options
NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
Language Options
US English
Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours
Unit 1: Building CORBA Servers 1 - 2 hours
# Identify features of generating a server IDL skeleton.
# Identify the steps in creating a simple CORBA server.
# Identify features of parsing parameters.
# Identify steps for implementing a CORBA object.
# Identify steps in creating an instance of an object to be published.
# Identify steps in publishing to additional naming contexts.
# Identify features of the wait method.
Unit 2: Factory and Callback Objects 1 - 2 hours
# Identify features and functions of factory objects.
# Identify steps in using factory objects to obtain object references.
# Identify functions of callback objects.
# Identify steps in developing applications that use callback objects.
Unit 3: CORBA Exceptions and DII 2 hours
# Identify features of CORBA exceptions.
# Match CORBA system exceptions with their definitions.
# Identify characteristics of user-defined exceptions.
# Identify characteristics of throwing server-side exceptions.
# Identify characteristics of catching client-side exceptions.
# Identify characteristics of the finally block.
# Identify steps in employing user-defined CORBA exceptions.
# Identify characteristics of the Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII).
# Identify characteristics of the Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI).
# Identify the syntax of the Any class in constructing an argument list.
# Identify characteristics of the NVList class in constructing an argument list.
# Sequence the steps in creating a NamedValue object.
# Identify syntax to invoke a request.
# Identify syntax for extracting return values.
# Sequence steps in invoking a method on a remote object by using DII.
Unit 4: CORBA Security 2 hours
# Identify characteristics of client-side firewalls.
# Identify characteristics of the CORBA security model.
# Identify characteristics of CORBA firewalls.
# Identify characteristics of server-side firewalls.
# Identify features of Internet InterORB Protocol (IIOP) over Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
# Identify characteristics of the CORBA security service.
# Identify characteristics of CORBA security architecture.
CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 3: EJB Framework and Session Beans Training CD
Course Overview
This is the third course in a five-part series that covers software components, distributed architectures, and the technologies associated with the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. It provides an overview of the Enterprise JavaBean Framework and also covers the creation, deployment, and invocation of an Enterprise JavaBean. Topics covered include server-side component software, defining software components and describing popular server-side component technologies, introducing benefits and issues surrounding distributed architectures and covering technologies associated with the J2EE Java platform. Communication paradigm used by EJB, and introducing and defining the main components in an EJB application server are also covered. Instruction is given on client-EJB interaction and the services that the application server makes available to EJB. The different types of enterprise beans, including session and entity beans are covered, as well as the role of the Deployment Descriptor and the objects that make up an EJB-JAR file. Finally, the course covers the creation of a Session bean, the required methods that all session beans must contain, and differences between a stateless and stateful session.
Learn To
# Identify features of two-tier architecture.
# Identify characteristics of multi-tiered architectures.
# Identify characteristics of component architecture.
# Identify features and functions of the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) architecture.
# Sequence the phases in the EJB client interaction process.
# Match EJB container services with their descriptions.
# Identify necessary inclusions when creating the enterprise bean class.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbRemove() method.
# Identify characteristics of the setSessionContext() method.
The intended audience for this course includes Technical Managers, Database Administrators, Application Developers, Systems Analysts, Software Engineers, Software Designers, and Project Managers. Learners should have knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming. This course helps candidates prepare for CIW Enterprise Specialist exam number 1D0-442. In addition, learners should have taken the first two parts of the series, 87061 and 87062.
Deployment Options
NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
Language Options
US English
Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours
Unit 1: Server-Side Component Software 1 - 2 hours
# Identify features of two-tier architecture.
# Identify characteristics of multi-tiered architectures.
# Identify characteristics of .NET enterprise architecture.
# Identify features and functions of CORBA.
# Match features of Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) technologies with their descriptions.
# Identify characteristics of J2EE architecture.
# Match EJB development roles and their descriptions.
# Identify characteristics of component architecture.
# Identify differences between JavaBeans and EJB.
Unit 2: EJB Framework Overview 2 hours
# Identify features and functions of the EJB architecture.
# Sequence the phases in the EJB client interaction process.
# Match EJB container services with their descriptions.
# Identify characteristics of the EJB home object.
# Identify characteristics of the EJB remote object.
# Identify characteristics of session beans.
# Identify characteristics of entity beans.
# Identify characteristics of the EJB-JAR file.
# Identify features and functions of deployment descriptors (DDs).
Unit 3: Creating Session Beans 3 - 4 hours
# Identify necessary inclusions when creating the enterprise bean class.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbRemove() method.
# Identify characteristics of the setSessionContext() method.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbPassivate() method.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbActivate() method.
# Identify characteristics of the EJBContext interface.
# Identify characteristics of the SessionContext interface.
# Identify features of session bean types.
# Sequence the steps by which the EJB container creates a stateless session bean.
# Sequence the steps by which the EJB container creates a stateful session bean.
# Identify characteristics of writing business methods for an enterprise bean.
# Identify characteristics of the EJBObject interface.
# Identify characteristics of the EJBHome interface.
# Match system and application exceptions in EJB with their descriptions.
# Deploy a session bean by using Deploytool.
# Identify the features of session beans in the Library application.
# Sequence the steps in creating a stateful session bean.
# Identify steps involved in creating a stateless session bean for the Library application.
CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 4: EJB Deployment, EJB Clients, and Entity Beans Training CD
Course Overview
This is the fourth course in a five part series that covers the Deployment Descriptor tool and EJB deployment, writing EJB clients, and entity beans. The course introduces the Deployment Descriptor, including the role it plays and the various responsibilities that the bean developer, assembler and deployer have in relation to it. The various resources that can be referenced in the Deployment Descriptor are covered, as well as the syntactical requirements for using those references in your EJB code. The course covers writing EJB clients, showing how JNDI is used to locate the home object, and how the container creates the enterprise bean. Invocation of business methods on the bean, passing values into the bean, and receiving return values are covered. Instruction is delivered on removing the bean, as well as examining EJB code that handles exceptions in the client. The mechanics behind entity beans are covered, including the loading and storing of beans, and the use of primary keys with entity beans. Finder methods are also discussed.
Learn To
# Match specifications of the deployment descriptor (DD) with their descriptions.
# Match DD Extensible Markup Language (XML) tags with their descriptions.
# Match environment data XML tags with their descriptions.
# Identify characteristics of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
# Identify characteristics of the JNDI architecture.
# Identify characteristics of the InitialContext constructor.
# Identify features and functions of entity beans.
# Identity the life cycle of an entity bean instance.
# Match EntityBean interface methods with their descriptions.
The intended audience for this course includes Technical Managers, Database Administrators, Application Developers, Systems Analysts, Software Engineers, Software Designers, and Project Managers. Learners should have knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming. This course helps candidates prepare for CIW Enterprise Specialist exam number 1D0-442. In addition, learners should have taken the first three parts of the series, 87061 - 87063.
Deployment Options
NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
Language Options
US English
Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours
Unit 1: EJB Deployment 2 - 3 hours
# Match specifications of the DD with their descriptions.
# Match DD XML tags with their descriptions.
# Match environment data XML tags with their descriptions.
# Sequence the coding steps for accessing environment data.
# Match Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) reference XML tags with their descriptions.
# Sequence the coding steps for using EJB references.
# Match resource factory reference XML tags with their descriptions.
# Sequence the coding steps for using resource factory references.
# Identify characteristics of application assembler and application deployer roles with the DD.
# Identify steps in deploying an entity bean by using the New Enterprise Bean Wizard.
# Identify steps in deploying a session bean.
Unit 2: EJB Clients 2 - 3 hours
# Identify characteristics of the JNDI.
# Identify characteristics of the JNDI architecture.
# Identify characteristics of the InitialContext constructor.
# Identify characteristics of locating the home object.
# Identify the syntax used to create an EJB instance.
# Identify characteristics of removing an Enterprise EJB instance.
# Identify considerations for writing a checkout client application.
# Identify considerations for writing a check in client application.
Unit 3: Entity Beans 2 hours
# Identify features and functions of entity beans.
# Identity the life cycle of an entity bean instance.
# Match EntityBean interface methods with their descriptions.
# Identify characteristics of the EntityContext interface.
# Identify features of primary keys.
# Sequence the steps in creating entity beans.
# Sequence the steps in invoking business methods on entity beans when the EJB object has no instance of an entity bean associated with it.
# Identify steps in swapping entity beams.
# Identify steps in invoking remove() on an entity bean.
# Identify characteristics of bean-managed persistence (BMP).
# Identify steps in using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
# Identify characteristics of the ejbCreate() method.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbPostCreate() method.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbRemove() method.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbLoad() method.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbStore() method.
# Identify characteristics of finder methods.
# Identify characteristics of multiple row finder methods.
# Identify characteristics of the remote interface for an entity bean.
# Identify characteristics of the home interface.
# Identify features of entity beans in the Library application.
# Identify characteristics of creating entity beans for a library application.
CIW Enterprise Specialist Part 5: CMP, EJB Transactions, and Security Training CD
Course Overview
This is the final course in a five part series that introduces the learner to CMP, EJB Transactions, and EJB Security. The course covers an introduction to CMP and discusses how the container performs data manipulation. The learner is introduced to the benefits and drawbacks of CMP, and learns how to implement an entity bean that uses CMP. It also covers transactions, defining them and their properties, the EJB transactional model, along with distributed transactions and isolation levels in transactions, and differentiation between container-managed and bean-managed transactions. EJB security, as well as the various roles that the bean developer, assembler, and deployer play in security. The roles of the container and deployment descriptor in EJB security are covered.
Learn To
# Identify characteristics of container-managed persistence (CMP).
# Identify characteristics of the ejbCreate() method when using CMP.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbRemove() method when using CMP.
# Identify characteristics of transactions.
# Match properties of transactions with their descriptions.
# Identify features of the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) flat transactional model.
# Identify characteristics of the Enterprise EJB security structure.
# Identify characteristics of the getCallerPrincipal() method.
# Identify characteristics of the isCallerInRole() method.
The intended audience for this course includes Technical Managers, Database Administrators, Application Developers, Systems Analysts, Software Engineers, Software Designers, and Project Managers. Learners should have knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming. This course helps candidates prepare for CIW Enterprise Specialist exam number 1D0-442. In addition, learners should have taken the first four parts of the series, 87061 through 87064.
Deployment Options
NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
Language Options
US English
Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours
Unit 1: CMP 2 - 3 hours
# Identify characteristics of CMP.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbCreate() method when using CMP.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbRemove() method when using CMP.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbLoad() method when using CMP.
# Identify characteristics of the ejbStore() method when using CMP.
# Identify characteristics of the deployment descriptor (DD) when using CMP.
# Identify the changes necessary to convert a bean-managed persistence (BMP) file into the file.
# Identify characteristics of the home interface for the EmployeeEJB entity bean.
# Identify characteristics of the remote interface for the EmployeeEJB entity bean.
# Generate an SQL statement for a CMP entity bean by using the Application Deployment Tool.
Unit 2: EJB Transactions 2 - 3 hours
# Identify characteristics of transactions.
# Match properties of transactions with their descriptions.
# Identify features of the EJB flat transactional model.
# Identify features of the nested transactional model.
# Identify characteristics of an EJB distributed transaction.
# Identify effects of different isolation levels in EJB transactions.
# Identify characteristics of CMTs.
# Match CMT attributes with their descriptions.
# Identify methods used by the CMT enterprise beans to set and check flags.
# Identify Extensible Markup Language (XML) tags for defining CMT in the deployment descriptor (DD).
# Identify characteristics of bean-managed transactions (BMTs).
# Identify features of the UserTransaction interface.
# Identify characteristics of deploying BMT session beans.
Unit 3: EJB Security 2 hours
# Identify characteristics of the EJB security structure.
# Identify characteristics of the getCallerPrincipal() method.
# Identify characteristics of the isCallerInRole() method.
# Match security deployment descriptor (DD) Extensible Markup Language (XML) tags with their descriptions.
# Identify features of settings in DD security.
# Identify steps to specify DD security settings by using the Application Deployment Tool.
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