Rating:  Summary: This is an awesome game! Review: This is the best computer game I've ever seen! When you first start off, you get a choice of 10 original breedz -- the goofy, lazy Persian, the expert mouser B+W Shorthair, the affectionate Tabby, the playful Calico, the elegant Siamese, the sophisticated Russian Blue, the big, cuddly Maine Coon, the timid Orange Shorthair, the pretty Chinchilla Persian, and even bouncy Bunniez! On the internet, you can download even more breedz--such as Dracos, Dalmatian catz, Himalayans, and hundreds more! You can even breed the petz to make adorable kittenz too! I give this game 5 starz!
Rating:  Summary: Catz 4 Review: This is very cool! So much better than the old Catz 3! You now have voice recignition so you can speak to your Catz! You also can travel to places around the world - Arabia, Gypsy Circus, Canadian Snow Scene, South Seas Island, and Wild West! Plus, you can create your own playscenes with the playscene editor! Freezes sometimes when starting, but easy to fix! It has also tonz of new toyz and clothez! You have another problem to deal with, too - your petz can get sick!Overall, I give this program two pawz up!
Rating:  Summary: They tried too hard.... Review: When I first purchased Catz 4, I knew that it would be very similar to the older versions, but I didn't think I would actually be dissapointed! The graphics are incredible, the variety of toys is great, but the fact is, Catz 4 just isn't about owning petz anymore. They should have stoppped with petz 3. Catz 4 is totally unrealistic. As usual, it took me forever to find a pet that matched my personality, but with petz 4 all the catz seem the same.They don't have unique quirks like in the other versions, and now about all this game has going for it is a lot of eye candy. After a while, I even went so far as to go back to playing Catz 2. Catz2 is so much better because instead of breeding pets, you get more caught up in raising them. I had a calico named Rapsy (don't ask how I thought that name up) and he was the only catz2 petz I had. That wasn't a bad thing though, because I didn't get distracted by baby petz and could watch my petz grow into a very individual adult. I imported him into catz3, and his personality was totally different. He used to be very lean and loved to do trickz, but in the other catz versions he wouldn't cooperate at all. My point is, if you want a game about caring for your petz, buy catz2 or 3, but if you just want to fiddle around with toys and playscene editors, buy catz4. As with all sequels, they eventually wear out...............What! Rapsy, stop clawing the furniture!^-^
Rating:  Summary: A fun game.. for a while Review: With Moderate graphics and play control, this is an ok game that has mediocrely realstic "catz" which you own and control. It can be fun for a while, as they can be up while you are playing a computer game or doing some spreadsheet work, but the game gets old after a month or less. In the beginning of the game, you must pick a catz for yourself from the kennel. You can then name it, and it will be yours to keep on your desktop. There are several different backgrounds where your catz can live, and each has its own special features. On the Snow background, you can make and throw snowballs at catz, and on the house background your catz will chase mice that run from hole to hole. It can be interesting to see how each pet will react to different toys. You can put all the toys/tools on your shelf at somepoint during the game, and you can always change with other items you may find. They can be catnip, overwhich catz will go crazy, or pillows, which are good for sleeping on. You can breed your catz together and make new catz. That can be fun for a while, but the generations are not always the same as they would be in real life. An added feature is voice recognition, which can be fun if you have a good mic. Another cool feature is that you can import your own play scenes from photographs or other things. This can let your catz play in your own backyard or living room. Overall, this game has many cool features but has moderate gameplay, sound, and graphics. This may deserve a 4 star, but definitly not a 5 star rating, as i have given it a 3 star right now.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: Wow. This game can blow your socks off (send them flying in the air! annoy your mom with the amazing flying stink bomb socks!), and this is a great price for it. I have been bored with it before though, but my intrest has been sparked again. Originaly, you can only adopt 10 different breedz + a bunny. I have found that you can download zillions of other breedz, like the ragdoll and the himalayan off Catz sites. So right now, before you think about it anymore, BUY THIS!!