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Java Enterprise Connectivity Curriculum CBT Training CDs

Java Enterprise Connectivity Curriculum CBT Training CDs

List Price: $645.00
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Java Enterprise Connectivity Curriculum CBT Training CDs
Review: Course Overview
This curriculum introduces learners to enterprise computing and to the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. It also teaches how to design enterprise-level, N tier Java Applications and the basics about client development, including client-side programming and using the Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI). Additional topics covered are Web and server-side development, how to use RMI and JDBC, the design and development of Enterprise Java Beans, and lastly the function and purpose of entity beans, container-managed and bean-managed persistence, EJB transactions, and deployment issues, including packaging and assembling EJBs.

# This curriculum consists of five courses: Course 86021 Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 1: Architecture and Client Development
# Course 86022 Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 2: Java Server Pages and Servlets
# Course 86023 Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 3: RMI and JDBC
# Course 86024 Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 4: EJB Architecture, Session Beans, and Security
# Course 86025 Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 5: Entity Beans, EJB Transactions and Deployment

Learn To
See individual course descriptions for specific course objectives and scope.

The targeted audiences for this curriculum are System Administrators, Application Developers, System Analysts, Software Engineers, and Programmer/Analysts. Learners should be experienced with object-oriented design and the Java programming language. It would be helpful for learners to be familiar with distributed programming (multi-tier architecture), relational or object database programming, transactions, and component technology.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits Per Course
CEU credits: 3.50 CEUs

Language Options
US English

Total Learning Time
30 to 40 hours

Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 1: Architecture and Client Development Training CD
Course Overview
This first course in the series provides the foundation for the rest of the course series. It introduces learners to enterprise computing and to the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. It also teaches how to design enterprise-level, N tier Java Applications and the basics about client development, including client-side programming and using the Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI).

Learn To
# Identify distributed computing systems.
# Identify the benefits of enterprise computing, and the technologies used to create enterprise applications.
# Identify the information about the J2EE platform.
# Identify the multitier application model that is supported by J2EE.

The targeted audiences for this course are System Administrators, Application Developers, System Analysts, Software Engineers, and Programmer/Analysts. Learners should be experienced with object-oriented design and the Java programming language. It would be helpful for learners to be familiar with distributed programming (multi-tier architecture), relational or object database programming, transactions, and component technology.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
ITCAP credits: Not Applicable CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
US English

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: Distributed and Enterprise Computing 3 - 4 hours
# Match the application model architecture with the situation in which it is implemented.
# Identify the benefits of distributed computing in a specific situation.
# Identify the strategies that conform to the guidelines for designing a distributed computing system in the specified situation.
# Evaluate tradeoffs in designing distributed computing systems.
# Identify the benefits of enterprise computing in a specific situation.
# Identify the technology that is used to create an enterprise application in a specific situation.

Unit 2: J2EE 3 - 4 hours
# Identify the benefits of implementing J2EE in a specific situation.
# Identify the J2EE platform role that provides a solution in a specific situation.
# Select the J2EE component technology that provides the specified functionality in a given situation.
# Match each J2EE service technology with its function in a specific situation.
# Match the communication technology that enables information flow between components with the specified components in a J2EE application.
# Select the reason for implementing a Web-centric or EJB-centric design pattern in a specific situation.
# Select the appropriate application design that can be used to create a J2EE application in a specific situation.
# Identify the change to be made in a specific tier to optimize the functionality of a J2EE application in a specified situation.
# Analyze a specific situation to identify the J2EE client-programming issues that need to be considered in the situation.
# Identify the JNDI code that creates the required initial context.
# Identify the JNDI code that performs the specified directory operation.
# Identify the NamingShell application code that performs the specified directory operation.

Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 2: Java Server Pages and Servlets Training CD
Course Overview
This second course in the series teaches about Web and server-side development. It introduces the current server-side Java technologies used in Web Application Development and explains the client and server Interaction. It teaches how to create Java Server Pages and servlets and distinguishes their responsibilities. It also covers the servlet life cycle and session tracking.

Learn To
# Identify the basics of server-side applications and the advantages and creation of JSP.
# Identify how to create and invoke a servlet and track a client session by using sessions and cookies.

The target audiences for this course are System Administrators, Application Developers, System Analysts, Software Engineers and Programmer/Analysts. Learners should be experienced with object-oriented design and the Java programming language. It would be helpful for learners to be familiar with distributed programming (multi-tier architecture), relational or object database programming, transactions, and component technology.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
ITCAP credits: Not Applicable CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
US English

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: Web Application Development: JSP 3 - 4 hours
# Match the methods of HTTP with the functionality they provide in a specific scenario.
# Identify the server-side technology to be used in a specific situation.
# Assign responsibilities to the EJBs, servlets, and JSP pages in an application.
# Identify the advantages of using JSP instead of other technologies in a specific situation.
# Complete the JSP page code to generate dynamic Web content.
# Identify the attributes of a JSP directive to be used in a specific situation.
# Identify the piece of code that correctly uses predefined variables in a specific situation.

Unit 2: Web Application Development: Servlets 3 - 4 hours
# Identify the situations in which it is advantageous to use a servlet instead of a CGI application.
# Match the methods in the servlet life cycle with the situations in which these are used.
# Complete the code for creating a servlet by using the javax.servlet package.
# Complete the code for creating a servlet by using the javax.servlet.http package.
# Invoke a servlet by adding the servlet in a servlet chain.
# Complete the code that uses SSI to invoke a servlet.
# Complete the code for creating a servlet that handles form data by using the getParameter() method.
# Identify the code for implementing a threadsafe servlet in a specific situation.
# Identify the code for implementing background processing for a specific activity in a servlet.
# Select a code snippet for implementing a specified error-handling mechanism in a servlet.
# Identify the session tracking technique that can be used in a specific scenario.
# Identify the code for implementing a session tracking technique.
# Complete the code used to implement a session by using the Session Tracking API.
# Complete the code for developing a Web shopping servlet by using sessions.
# Complete the code for developing a Web shopping servlet by using cookies.

Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 3: RMI and JDBC Training CD
Course Overview
This third course in the series covers using RMI and JDBC. It teaches how to use Java Remote Method Invocation for creating and using remote objects and the criteria and tradeoffs involved in selecting distribution technologies. The sections about JDBC provide an introduction to the API and an overview of how to create JDBC programs, it also covers the function of the JDBC 2 Optional Package API.

Learn To
# Identify and implement RMI in a J2EE application to enable communication between two Java objects across the network.
# Identify CORBA and JMS, two alternative distribution technologies used in heterogeneous applications.
# Identify the features of JDBC and determine the JDBC driver to be used in a specific situation. Perform the primary steps in a JDBC program.
# Identify the features of javax.sql, which is the JDBC optional package.

The targeted audiences for this course are System Administrators, Application Developers, System Analysts, Software Engineers, and Programmer/Analysts. Learners should be experienced with object-oriented design and the Java programming language. It would be helpful for learners to be familiar with distributed programming (multi-tier architecture), relational or object database programming, transactions, and component technology.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
ITCAP credits: Not Applicable CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
US English

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: Distribution Technologies 3 - 4 hours
# Match the features of object distribution technologies with the tasks that these features enable.
# Identify the situation in which a specific communication model of JMS is to be used.
# Match the distribution technologies with the situations in which they are used.
# Label a diagram that depicts the information flow in remote method invocation with the entities that participate in the information flow.
# Complete the code to set up the server for creating remote objects in an RMI application.
# Select the code to set up the client for accessing a remote object in an RMI application.
# Select the piece of code used to implement object serialization.
# Create an activatable remote object server.
# Identify the situations in which native methods are called from Java programs.
# Select the code to implement an RMI client for enabling communication between Java and non-Java objects by using the CORBA protocol IIOP.
# Select the code to implement a message-consuming JMS client in a point-to-point messaging application.

Unit 2: JDBC 3 - 4 hours
# Match the features of JDBC with the application development requirements that they meet.
# Match a JDBC driver with the situation for which it is best suited.
# Match a piece of code used to load a JDBC driver with a situation.
# Construct the JDBC URL to be used for identifying a database in a specific situation.
# Select the code to connect to a database in a specific situation.
# Select the JDBC code to execute action commands in a specific situation.
# Select the code to process the results of a query by using a ResultSet object.
# Identify the situations in which javax.sql is used instead of JDBC 2.0 Core API.
# Select the code to establish a database connection by retrieving a reference from JNDI.
# Select the code to implement a pooled connection data source.
# Select the code to create a DataSource object with distributed transactional capabilities.
# Match the implementations of the RowSet interface with the situations in which they are used.

Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 4: EJB Architecture, Sessions Beans, and Security Training CD
Course Overview
This course teaches about the design and development of Enterprise Java Beans. It differentiates between the two different kinds of beans, session and entity beans, and explains their purpose. It also explains how to create the different kinds of session beans, how to use session beans appropriately, and how to work with the EJB Security Model.

Learn To
# Identify situations in which EJBs can be used.
# Identify the types of EJBs.
# Match the EJB components with their uses.
# Create an Enterprise bean class and the interfaces.
# Select the situation that causes an EJB to transit from one state to another.
# Identify the differences between stateful and stateless session beans.
# Develop and deploy session beans.
# Implement and propagate declarative and programmatic security.

The targeted audiences for this course are System Administrators, Application Developers, System Analysts, Software Engineers, and Programmer/Analysts. Learners should be experienced with object-oriented design and the Java programming language. It would be helpful for learners to be familiar with distributed programming (multi-tier architecture), relational or object database programming, transactions, and component technology.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
ITCAP credits: Not Applicable CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
US English

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: EJB: Basic Concepts 3 - 4 hours
# Select the benefits of EJBs in a specified situation.
# Match the types of EJBs with the situations in which they are used.
# Match the components of an enterprise bean with their uses.
# Identify the stage in the operation of an enterprise bean at which a specific event occurs.
# Complete the code to create an enterprise bean class.
# Identify the code to create the remote interface for a specified enterprise bean class.
# Identify the code to create the home interface for a specified enterprise bean class.
# Match the events in the life cycle of a session bean with the situations that trigger them.
# Match the events in the life cycle of an entity bean with the situations that trigger them.

Unit 2: Session Beans: Development and Security 3 - 4 hours
# Match the components of a session bean with their functions.
# Match the SessionBean interface methods with the associated events in the session bean life cycle.
# Complete the code to create the bean class for a stateful session bean.
# Complete the code to maintain the state of a stateful session bean.
# Complete the code that removes a stateful session bean from an EJB container.
# Complete the code to create the remote interface for a specified stateful session bean.
# Complete the code to create the home interface for a specified stateful session bean.
# Complete the code to create a deployment descriptor to deploy a stateful session bean by using XML.
# Deploy a bean in an enterprise network by using IBM WebSphere 3.5.
# Complete the code to call the methods of a stateful session bean from a Java client application.
# Match each method of the SessionContext interface with the situation in which it is used.
# Select the appropriate pool settings to ensure the optimum swapping of stateless session beans by the bean container.
# Complete the code to manage a handle to a session bean from a client application.
# Select the appropriate security policy for EJBs to be deployed based on the specifications of an enterprise network.
# Declare bean authorization requirements in the deployment descriptor of a bean.
# Complete the code to implement the specific authorization requirements of a session bean.

Java 2 Enterprise Connectivity Part 5: Entity Beans, EJB Transactions and Deployment Training CD
Course Overview
This final course in the series covers the function and purpose of entity beans, container-managed and bean-managed persistence, EJB transactions, and deployment issues, including packaging and assembling EJBs.

Learn To
# Identify the concept and components of an entity bean.
# Understand the implementation of Bean-Managed Persistence (BMP) beans and Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) beans.
# Identify transactions, transactional attributes, and isolation levels.
# Understand the implementation and deployment of bean-managed and container-managed transactions. Exceptions in the context of transactions will also be covered.

The targeted audiences for this course are System Administrators, Application Developers, System Analysts, Software Engineers, and Programmer/Analysts. Learners should be experienced with object-oriented design and the Java programming language. It would be helpful for learners to be familiar with distributed programming (multi-tier architecture), relational or object database programming, transactions, and component technology.

Deployment Options

NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits
ITCAP credits: Not Applicable CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

Language Options
US English

Total Learning Time
6 to 8 hours

Unit 1: Entity Beans 3 - 4 hours
# Identify the type of bean and the reason why it should be used to create a specified component in a scenario.
# Complete the diagram that represents the operational process of an entity bean.
# Complete the code for creating the remote interface of an entity bean.
# Identify the error in the code that creates the home interface of an entity bean.
# Identify the code that is used to create the primary key class of an entity bean.
# Complete the code for creating the bean class of a BMP bean.
# Identify the piece of code that is used to describe the various attributes of a BMP bean in the deployment descriptor of the bean.
# Complete the command used to package a BMP bean into a jar file.
# Deploy a BMP bean by using WebSphere.
# Complete the code for a client that invokes a BMP bean.
# Identify the code used to create the bean class of a CMP bean.
# Identify the piece of code that is used to describe the various aspects of a CMP bean in the deployment descriptor of the bean.
# Complete the code for a servlet that invokes a CMP bean.

Unit 2: Transactions 3 - 4 hours
# Match the activities involved in a transaction with the transaction properties that they ensure.
# Identify the transactional attribute that should be used in a specified situation.
# Match transactions with the isolation levels that should be associated with them.
# Identify the code used to manage transactions programmatically by using the UserTransaction interface.
# Match SessionSynchronization method declarations with their definitions.
# Identify the piece of code to be included in the deployment descriptor of a bean to make it run in a specified transactional context.
# Identify the code used to propagate exceptions to the container in a container-managed transaction.

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