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Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE v1.4 Curriculum CBT Training CDs

Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE v1.4 Curriculum CBT Training CDs

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE v1.4 Curriculum CBT Traini
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NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits Per Course

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

Learning time not available

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 J2EE Overview</h4>
Course Overview

This course will address the distributed and enterprise computing and J2EE architecture.

Learn To

<li>Match the application models with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify the benefits of distributed computing.</li>
<li>Identify the strategies that conform to the guidelines for designing a distributed computing system in the specified situation.</li>
<li>Identify benefits of J2EE.</li>
<li>Identify J2EE platform roles.</li>
<li>Identify the J2EE component technology that provides the specified functionality.</li>


This course is intended for programmers who are interested in adding the Java programming language to their list of skills and students who are preparing for the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform exam.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: Distributed Computing 2 hours

<li>Match the application models with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify the benefits of distributed computing.</li>
<li>Identify the strategies that conform to the guidelines for designing a distributed computing system in the specified situation.</li>
<li>Identify trade-offs in designing distributed computing systems.</li>

Unit 2: J2EE 2 hours

<li>Identify benefits of J2EE.</li>
<li>Identify J2EE platform roles.</li>
<li>Identify the J2EE component technology that provides the specified functionality.</li>
<li>Match each J2EE service technology with its function.</li>
<li>Match communication technologies used by J2EE with their functions.</li>
<li>Identify the types and features of clients.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Web tier in J2EE applications.</li>
<li>Identify types and features of business objects of the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) tier.</li>
<li>Identify the features of the integration technologies provided by J2EE for Enterprise Information System (EIS) integration.</li>
<li>Identify the J2EE client-side programming issues that need to be considered for J2EE clients.</li>
<li>Identify the Java Naming Directory and Interface (JNDI) code that creates an initial context.</li>
<li>Identify the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) code that performs a specified directory operation.</li>
<li>Identify the NamingShell application code that performs a specified directory operation.</li>
<li>Identify key aspects of the J2EE security model.</li>
<li>Identify features of resources, principals, and roles.</li>
<li>Identify new features of J2EE 1.4.</li>
<li>Identify features of the J2EE 1.4 Migration tool.</li>

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 Java Server Pages</h4>
Course Overview

This course will address the core and advanced features of J2EE SDK 1.4. Enterprise Connectivity. However, to fully prepare for the certification, it should be used in conjunction with other learning/training resources in addition to ample real-world experience. The principal areas covered are Web applications and JSPs.

Learn To

<li>Match HTTP methods with their functionality.</li>
<li>Identify types of server-side technologies used to display content on a Web Page in different situations.</li>
<li>Match different technologies of a Web application with their responsibilities.</li>
<li>Identify features of Java Server Pages.</li>
<li>Identify advantages of using Java Server Pages in different situations.</li>
<li>Match elements of Java Server Pages (JSP) documents with their descriptions.</li>


This course is intended for programmers who are interested in updating their skills to the latest Java2 Enterprise Edition platform: SDK 1.4.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: Web Application Development 2 hours

<li>Match HTTP methods with their functionality.</li>
<li>Identify types of server-side technologies used to display content on a Web Page in different situations.</li>
<li>Match different technologies of a Web application with their responsibilities.</li>
<li>Identify benefits of the Model-View Controller (MVC) design pattern.</li>
<li>Identify features of the context root of a Web application.</li>
<li>Identify the steps to construct and deploy a WAR file.</li>
<li>Match elements of the web.xml file with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify the code for creating welcome files.</li>
<li>Identify the code for defining error pages.</li>

Unit 2: JSP 2 hours

<li>Identify features of Java Server Pages.</li>
<li>Identify advantages of using Java Server Pages in different situations.</li>
<li>Match elements of Java Server Pages (JSP) documents with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify code for using implicit variables in Java Server Pages (JSP).</li>
<li>Identify the attributes of a Java Server Pages (JSP) directive to be used in different situation.</li>
<li>Match Java Server Pages (JSP) scripting elements with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Match Expression Language (EL) expressions with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify features of the jsp:useBean standard action.</li>
<li>Identify features of custom actions and custom tags.</li>
<li>Identify guidelines for defining and implementing tag files.</li>

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 Servlets</h4>
Course Overview

This course will address the core and advanced features of J2EE SDK 1.4. Enterprise Connectivity.

Learn To

<li>Identify features of servlets.</li>
<li>Identify advantages of servlets over CGI applications.</li>
<li>Match the methods in the servlet lifecycle with the situations in which these are used.</li>
<li>Identify the code for creating a servlet that handles form data by using the getParameter method.</li>
<li>Match the session tracking techniques with their features.</li>
<li>Identify the code for developing a Web shopping servlet that uses sessions to retrieve user information.</li>


This course is intended for Java Programmers wishing to update their skills to the latest Java2 Enterprise Edition platform: SDK 1.4.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: Java Servlets 2 hours

<li>Identify features of servlets.</li>
<li>Identify advantages of servlets over CGI applications.</li>
<li>Match the methods in the servlet lifecycle with the situations in which these are used.</li>
<li>Identify the code for creating a servlet by using the javax.servlet package.</li>
<li>Identify the code for creating a servlet by using the javax.servlet.http package.</li>
<li>Match the methods of the ServletConfig interface with the information they retrieve.</li>

Unit 2: Advanced Java Servlet Development 2 hours

<li>Identify the code for creating a servlet that handles form data by using the getParameter method.</li>
<li>Match the session tracking techniques with their features.</li>
<li>Identify the code for developing a Web shopping servlet that uses sessions to retrieve user information.</li>
<li>Identify the code for developing a Web shopping servlet that uses cookies.</li>
<li>Identify features of page redirection.</li>
<li>Identify functions of a controller.</li>
<li>Identify features of page caching.</li>
<li>Identify features of Mementos.</li>
<li>Identify guidelines for effective error handling in Java.</li>
<li>Identify features of filters in servlets.</li>
<li>Sequence the steps in the filter life cycle.</li>
<li>Identify the properties of Application Event Listeners.</li>
<li>Match the event listener interfaces with their corresponding events.</li>
<li>Match the different authentication methods with their features.</li>
<li>Identify the methods to configure security in Web applications.</li>
<li>Match the methods used in programmatic security with their functions.</li>

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 JAXP and JDBC</h4>
Course Overview

This course will address the core and advanced features of J2EE SDK 1.4. Enterprise Connectivity.

Learn To

<li>Match terms used in XML with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify features of Simple API for XML (SAX) parsing.</li>
<li>Identify actions performed by Simple API for XML (SAX) events that are fired when XML document items are parsed.</li>
<li>Match features of JDBC with the application development requirements that they meet.</li>
<li>Match a JDBC driver with the situation to which it is best suited.</li>
<li>Match the code fragments used to load JDBC drivers with the situations in which they can be used.</li>


This course is intended for Java Programmers wishing to update their skills to the latest Java2 Enterprise Edition platform: SDK 1.4.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: Java API for XML Processing 2 hours

<li>Match terms used in XML with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify features of Simple API for XML (SAX) parsing.</li>
<li>Identify actions performed by Simple API for XML (SAX) events that are fired when XML document items are parsed.</li>
<li>Identify advanced features of Simple API for XML (SAX) parsing.</li>
<li>Identify features of Document Object Model (DOM).</li>
<li>Parse an XML document with a Document Object Model (DOM) parser.</li>
<li>Match subinterfaces of the Node interface with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify the method signatures for modifying the nodes in a Document Object Model (DOM) tree.</li>
<li>Identify the steps in validating a document by using XML Schema validation.</li>
<li>Identify features of Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT).</li>
<li>Identify the code for each phase of transforming an XML document.</li>
<li>Identify the steps for performing Document Object Model (DOM) transformations.</li>

Unit 2: JDBC 2 hours

<li>Match features of JDBC with the application development requirements that they meet.</li>
<li>Match a JDBC driver with the situation to which it is best suited.</li>
<li>Match the code fragments used to load JDBC drivers with the situations in which they can be used.</li>
<li>Identify the JDBC URL to be used for locating a database.</li>
<li>Identify the code used to connect to a database in a specific situation.</li>
<li>Identify the JDBC code to execute Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands.</li>
<li>Identify the code to process the results of a query by using a ResultSet object.</li>
<li>Identify advantages of using javax.sql instead of JDBC 3.0 Core API in specific situations.</li>
<li>Identify the code to implement a pooled connection data source.</li>
<li>Identify the code to configure a DataSource object with distributed transactional capabilities.</li>
<li>Match the classes that implement the RowSet interface and their features.</li>

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 RMI, JMS, and JCA</h4>
Course Overview

This course will address the core and advanced features of J2EE SDK 1.4. Enterprise Connectivity. However, to fully prepare for the certification, it should be used in conjunction with other learning/training resources in addition to ample real-world experience. The principal areas covered are RMI, JMS, and J2EE Connector Architecture.

Learn To

<li>Identify features of Remote Method Invocation (RMI).</li>
<li>Identify features of Proxy pattern.</li>
<li>Identify the entities that participate in the information flow of Remote Method Invocation (RMI).</li>
<li>Identify features of Java Message Service (JMS) communication models.</li>
<li>Sequence the steps for sending messages to a destination.</li>
<li>Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous consumers.</li>
<li>Identify features of the J2EE Connector architecture design.</li>
<li>Identify features of resource adapters.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Common Client Interface (CCI).</li>


This course is intended for programmers who are interested in updating their skills to the latest Java2 Enterprise Edition platform: SDK 1.4.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: RMI 1 hour

<li>Identify features of Remote Method Invocation (RMI).</li>
<li>Identify features of Proxy pattern.</li>
<li>Identify the entities that participate in the information flow of Remote Method Invocation (RMI).</li>
<li>Identify the code to set up the server to create a remote object in a Remote Method Invocation (RMI) application.</li>
<li>Identify the code to set up the client for accessing a remote object in a Remote Method Invocation (RMI) application.</li>
<li>Identify the method for creation of an activatable remote object application.</li>

Unit 2: JMS 1 hour

<li>Identify features of Java Message Service (JMS) communication models.</li>
<li>Sequence the steps for sending messages to a destination.</li>
<li>Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous consumers.</li>
<li>Distinguish between durable and nondurable subscriptions.</li>

Unit 3: JCA 2 hours

<li>Identify features of the J2EE Connector architecture design.</li>
<li>Identify features of resource adapters.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Common Client Interface (CCI).</li>
<li>Identify features of connection interfaces.</li>
<li>Identify features of interaction interfaces.</li>
<li>Identify features of Record implementation.</li>
<li>Identify features of ResultSet.</li>

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 EJB Session Beans</h4>
Course Overview

This course will address the core and advanced features of J2EE SDK 1.4. Enterprise Connectivity.

Learn To

<li>Identify benefits of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).</li>
<li>Match the types of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) with the situations in which they are used.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture in Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).</li>
<li>Match the components of a session bean with their functions.</li>
<li>Match the SessionBean interface methods with the associated events in the life cycle of a session bean.</li>
<li>Distinguish between stateless and stateful session beans.</li>


This course is intended for Java Programmers wishing to update their skills to the latest Java2 Enterprise Edition platform: SDK 1.4.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: EJB - Basic Concepts 2 hours

<li>Identify benefits of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).</li>
<li>Match the types of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) with the situations in which they are used.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture in Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).</li>
<li>Match the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) components with their uses.</li>
<li>Identify features of the EJB JAR file.</li>
<li>Identify features of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) deployment descriptor.</li>

Unit 2: Session Beans 2 hours

<li>Match the components of a session bean with their functions.</li>
<li>Match the SessionBean interface methods with the associated events in the life cycle of a session bean.</li>
<li>Distinguish between stateless and stateful session beans.</li>
<li>Identify the operations performed on a stateless session bean during its life cycle.</li>
<li>Identify the operations performed on a stateful session bean during its life cycle.</li>
<li>Identify the code to create the bean class for a stateful session bean.</li>
<li>Identify the code to create the home interface for a specified stateful session bean.</li>
<li>Identify the code to create the remote component interface for a specified stateful session bean.</li>
<li>Identify the code to maintain the state of a stateful session bean.</li>
<li>Identify the code to remove a stateful session bean from an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container.</li>
<li>Identify the steps for configuring session beans.</li>
<li>Match each method of the EJBContext interface with the situation in which it is used.</li>
<li>Identify the appropriate pool settings to ensure the optimum swapping of stateless session beans by the bean container.</li>
<li>Identify the code to manage a handle to a session bean from a client application.</li>
<li>Identify features of Home methods.</li>

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 EJB Entity Beans</h4>
Course Overview

This course will address the core and advanced features of J2EE SDK 1.4. Enterprise Connectivity.

Learn To

<li>Identify features of EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) Client view.</li>
<li>Identify the code for declaring and using an EJB reference for accessing an EJB.</li>
<li>Identify features of the ejb-client JAR file.</li>
<li>Identify the type of bean and the reason why it should be used to create a specified component in a scenario.</li>
<li>Distinguish between Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) and Bean Managed Persistence (BMP) entity beans.</li>
<li>Sequence the stages and events in the life cycle of an entity bean.</li>


This course is intended for Java Programmers wishing to update their skills to the latest Java2 Enterprise Edition platform: SDK 1.4.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: EJB Clients 2 hours

<li>Identify features of EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) Client view.</li>
<li>Identify the code for declaring and using an EJB reference for accessing an EJB.</li>
<li>Identify features of the ejb-client JAR file.</li>
<li>Identify features of J2EE application clients.</li>

Unit 2: Entity Beans 2 hours

<li>Identify the type of bean and the reason why it should be used to create a specified component in a scenario.</li>
<li>Distinguish between Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) and Bean Managed Persistence (BMP) entity beans.</li>
<li>Sequence the stages and events in the life cycle of an entity bean.</li>
<li>Identify the code that creates the home interface of an entity bean.</li>
<li>Identify the code for creating the remote interface of an entity bean.</li>
<li>Identify the code that is used to create the primary key class of an entity bean.</li>
<li>Match the methods called during the Bean Managed Persistence (BMP) life cycle with their functionalities.</li>
<li>Identify features of EJB QL.</li>
<li>Identify the code fragment that is used to describe the various attributes of a BMP bean in the deployment descriptor of the bean.</li>
<li>Identify the features of CMP fields.</li>
<li>Identify features of different container-managed relationships (CMRs).</li>
<li>Identify the code fragment that is used to describe the various aspects of a CMP bean in the deployment descriptor of the bean.</li>

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 Advanced EJB Topics</h4>
Course Overview

This course will address the core and advanced features of J2EE SDK 1.4. Enterprise Connectivity.

Learn To

<li>Identify features of message-driven beans (MDBs).</li>
<li>Sequence the events in the life cycle of message-driven beans (MDBs).</li>
<li>Identify the requirements of the message-driven bean (MDB) class.</li>
<li>Match the activities involved in a transaction with the properties that they ensure.</li>
<li>Identify the transactional attributes that can be specified for transactions in EJB 2.1.</li>
<li>Match transactions with the isolation levels that should be associated with them.</li>


This course is intended for Java Programmers wishing to update their skills to the latest Java2 Enterprise Edition platform: SDK 1.4.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: Message-Driven Beans 2 hours

<li>Identify features of message-driven beans (MDBs).</li>
<li>Sequence the events in the life cycle of message-driven beans (MDBs).</li>
<li>Identify the requirements of the message-driven bean (MDB) class.</li>
<li>Identify features of message selectors.</li>
<li>Sequence the steps for developing and configuring Message-Driven Beans (MDBs).</li>

Unit 2: Transactions and Security 2 hours

<li>Match the activities involved in a transaction with the properties that they ensure.</li>
<li>Identify the transactional attributes that can be specified for transactions in EJB 2.1.</li>
<li>Match transactions with the isolation levels that should be associated with them.</li>
<li>Identify the code used to manage transactions programmatically by using the UserTransaction interface.</li>
<li>Match SessionSynchronization method declarations with their definitions.</li>
<li>Identify the code fragment that is used in the deployment descriptor of a bean to make the bean run in a specified transactional context.</li>
<li>Identify the code used to propagate exceptions to the EJB container in a container-managed transaction.</li>
<li>Identify features of EJB security.</li>
<li>Identify the features of declarative authorization.</li>
<li>Identify features of programmatic authorization.</li>

<h4>Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.4 Web Services and Patterns</h4>
Course Overview

This course is intended for Java Programmers wishing to update their skills to the latest Java2 Enterprise Edition platform: SDK 1.4.

Learn To

<li>Identify features of Web services.</li>
<li>Identify benefits of service-oriented architecture (SOA).</li>
<li>Identify features of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).</li>
<li>Identify features of J2EE patterns.</li>
<li>Match J2EE patterns with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Session Facade pattern.</li>


Experience with the Windows 2000/XP interface, basic PC skills is assumed. Previous Java 2 experience or completion of the Java2 Programming course series is required.

Deployment Options



NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits

Language Options

US English

Total Learning Time

4 hours


Unit 1: Web Services 2 hours

<li>Identify features of Web services.</li>
<li>Identify benefits of service-oriented architecture (SOA).</li>
<li>Identify features of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).</li>
<li>Identify features of Web Services Description Language (WSDL).</li>
<li>Identify features of Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) and its benefits.</li>
<li>Identify features of Web Service Inspection Language (WSIL).</li>
<li>Identify features of Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF).</li>
<li>Identify features of the EJB container programming model.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Web container programming model.</li>
<li>Match types of Web service packaging with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify features of Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC).</li>
<li>Identify tasks to be performed for service lookup and invocation.</li>
<li>Identify features of Web service transactions.</li>
<li>Identify security requirements for Web services.</li>

Unit 2: J2EE Patterns 2 hours

<li>Identify features of J2EE patterns.</li>
<li>Match J2EE patterns with their descriptions.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Session Facade pattern.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Business Delegate pattern.</li>
<li>Identify features of the Front Controller pattern.</li>

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