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PNY CDW025B04-MS CD-RW, 80 Minute, 700 MB, 4X (25-Pack Spindle)

PNY CDW025B04-MS CD-RW, 80 Minute, 700 MB, 4X (25-Pack Spindle)

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Reliable
Review: I have used quite a few different brands of blank discs when recording music, and I must say that the PNY brand has been tops so far. The discs are excellent quality for digital music recording, they don't scratch easily, and they are very low maintenance. After having some bad experience with the Imation brand, I was happy to pay a bit more for a better quality disc. The superior caliber of these discs is well worth any deficit in cost.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: So far, so good
Review: I recently purchased a 50-pack of PNY's 700MB (80 Min) CD-Rs, and am very pleased. I have burned both audio and data CDs using Adeptec's (Roxio's ?) Easy CD Creator 3.5c on a Plextor PlexWriter 8/4/32A. It took a bit of research to take advantage of the full 80 Min / 700MB capacity of the CD-Rs, but I have had no problems yet. The CDs are good quality. My only gripe is that the CD design is ugly - not an issue if you use printed CD labels.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: one fla
Review: theses cd-rw's are great for both music and datta so far i have had no prob wiht them at all othere than there are no cases for it othere than that it's appsolutley perfect for me i am going to continue to use this item i have already ordered 2 spindels (100) for about 40 wich is 10 dollars less that what most are this obviosley tells that it's not very exspencive compared to other 50 pack spindels the only thing that i don't like about this item is that there aren't cases other than that it's a great deal i've burned 1 so far and i was very pleased with the results

i give this product a 4 1/2

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