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Memorex 80 Minute/700MB 4X CD-RW Discs (25-Pack Spindle)

Memorex 80 Minute/700MB 4X CD-RW Discs (25-Pack Spindle)

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $14.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dependable product
Review: I have been using memorex blank media for a long time. They are the most dependable on the market. I have yet to come across a cd that was bad.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: worst CD-RW ever !
Review: I have been using these to backup data with a Roland VS-2400CD recorder which uses 1 to 4x media.

When it came time to restore the data, I found out that EVERY SINGLE DISC I HAD BACKED UP ON THIS MEDIA WAS UNREADABLE ! I have over 30 of them.

I tried them in the computer, with a Nero disc quality test, which came to 0. Surface scan showed between 10 and 30% defect accross all discs !

I also tried burning them on the computer, and the results were no better.

These are the discs made by InfoDisc . As mentioned in another review, they are the worst. Sure, you can write on them, but don't count on being able to read when you need to.

Avoid at all costs !!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Your time is more valuable than money....
Review: I have tried one hundred of these CD-RWs on three different burners (the first 50 were sent back to the manufacturer at my expense). The results are as follows: 70% will not complete the writing process. 10% completed the writing process but were illegible at a later use. 15% would not write a second time, and only 5% were reliable beyond 2 writes and multiple reads.

You might say "hey these are relatively inexpensive, so even if some don't work, I am still ahead of the game." The reality is these CD-RWs will be a big time sink for you. Your PC will stall and stammer, your drive will make strange noises, often for several minutes, as it attempts to read these CDs. Writing is even a bigger waste of time - you will be alerted there was an error in the writing process while 10 - 15 minutes into the process (being only 4X).

My advice is to buy the competitor's higher price version and save your TIME (and get value for your money).

PS: I see the price of the competitor's equilavent item is now lower than this brand, so choosing is a "no-brainer".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Some of the Best
Review: I have used cd-rw's for several years now. These are some of the most reliable I have used. But then you should expect nothing less from a company like Memorex.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Affordable but only somewhat dependable
Review: I've had mixed results with these Memorex CD-RW discs, having used them on both Windows NT and Windows XP PCs. The discs oftentimes work fine, but more times than I would have liked I've started to add files to an existing disc only to discover that the disc has become unreadable for some reason. This happens even when I use the discs on one PC alone (it happens much more frequently when I go back and forth between computers). I do back up some of my important files on these discs, but I would never depend on them as my sole means for recovering files lost in a PC crash. I'm sure Memorex CD-RWs such as this are quite common among workplaces, as they are relatively inexpensive and widely disseminated. For basic Word/WordPerfect and spreadsheet files, they are OK for the most part. I wouldn't trust these things for graphics or other large files, however, and I certainly would not trust them with really precious files. And whatever you do, make multiple backups of your important files or, if at all possible, make use of more than one backup device.

These are CD-RW discs, of course, so they are made to order for saving text files, spreadsheets, and the like; if you want to save music files, you'll want to use CD-R discs; CD-RWs won't play in standard CD players, and only CD-RW allows you to reinsert the disc and add files at any time (until the disc gets full, of course - it holds 700 MB).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not for Macs
Review: Macs can't recognize these disks. Though the pack contains a disk with CD-burning software only for PCs, nowhere on the package does it say the disks are for PCs only.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: will not work
Review: My computer is unable to read of burn theses disks in my CD-RW drive. Is it my computer or is it Memorex?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: not rewritable
Review: These are the worst CD-RW discs on the market. They are NOT rewritable and should be sold as CD-Rs. Look elsewhere as in any where else for rewritable discs.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Avoid Memorex CD-RW
Review: This rewiew is for rewriteable media only!

These CD-RWs are very low quality. I have been using them for a year now and they are bad after erasing them 2-3 times on AVERAGE.

There must be a reason why Fujifilm only produces 650MB and does not offer 700MB disks with phase-change medium! (Fuji disks are my most dependable CD-R medium.)

I have used them with multiple CD-writers, packet writing, UDF, digital-camera, the pocket version 210MB/24min and the full version 700MB/80min. The pocket version for my digital camera (CD-MAVICA) is loosing pictures (read-errors) after 2x erasing the discs. Generally I cannot rewrite the discs or erase them with cdrecord after few times (MEDIUM ERROR).

Their ATIP information is as follows (so that you can distinguish them from other 'brands' that use the same discs):

Manuf. index: 40
Manufacturer: INFODISC Technology Co., Ltd.
Disk type: Phase change
ATIP info from disk:
Indicated writing power: 5
Reference speed: 2
Is not unrestricted
Is erasable
1T speed low: 0 (reserved val 0) 1T speed high: 4
2T speed low: 8 2T speed high: 0 (reserved val 10)
power mult factor: 4 6
recommended erase/write power: 5
A1 values: 02 4C D0
A2 values: 4A D8 5A

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