Rating:  Summary: A Solution in Search of a Problem Review: An eager early-adopter, I searched high & low for this mouse after it was announced. I was in need of a new mouse anyway, so why not experience the thrills & chills of tactile feedback? One pre-release review I had read claimed that after a short while, you wouldn't believe you were ever happy with a mouse that didn't click, buzz, vibrate, and bump.That was not my experience. Admittedly, I was amused by iFeel feedback at first. Logitech includes a modestly-amusing little puzzle game and demo app that showcase the variety of effects the mouse can create. There is a staggering array of options available to you if you choose to customize the feedback schemes, ranging from barely-perceptible buzzing to almost finger-numbing impacts. I had grown rather fond of the sandpaper-like feel that one scheme bestowed upon all default buttons, in fact. But after a couple weeks of use, I still wasn't sure that there was any real advantage in using this hyperactive input device. I probably would've stuck with it longer if it weren't for the fact that the iTouch Desktop software (which enables & manages the feedback) seemed to interact badly with my usual applications, such as Netscape. It got so that I would disable the feedback features before opening my browser (running on W98) to avoid a crash. After a week or so of that routine, I realized that it was foolish to pay a premium for a feature that, while cool in theory, was frustrating in reality.
Rating:  Summary: Not very useful, didn't work with Black & White (the game) Review: I bought the mouse so that my Black & White gaming experience would be enhanced, but I was sadly disappointed. Although the mouse works - it vibrates a little or a lot depending on the object in the game you're hand is over - I was unable to get the middle button (the wheel acting as a button) to function in the game, though it'd work fine outside the game. There may be a patch or configuration fix for this, but I didn't want to take the time to deal with it. Even if it worked fine, the performance degradation associated with it isn't worth it. I'd say skip this one.
Rating:  Summary: doesn't feel right Review: I bought this premium product to assure reliable performance. Mouse has features that duplicate those of browser and Isp. I don't need them. Left click button now continuously double clicks. First request for assistance was impersonal and gave no other option but to ship mouse off for repairs. I owned and used C64 with original joysticks for 15 years. This product was very unsatisfying and customer support poor. I am only user and am 61 yr old woman so rough treatment not the problem. If low tech user like me gadgets unnecessary. Should have had trouble free performance for more than 6 months.
Rating:  Summary: High tech, low performance Review: I bought this premium product to assure reliable performance. Mouse has features that duplicate those of browser and Isp. I don't need them. Left click button now continuously double clicks. First request for assistance was impersonal and gave no other option but to ship mouse off for repairs. I owned and used C64 with original joysticks for 15 years. This product was very unsatisfying and customer support poor. I am only user and am 61 yr old woman so rough treatment not the problem. If low tech user like me gadgets unnecessary. Should have had trouble free performance for more than 6 months.
Rating:  Summary: Best mouse I ever had! Review: I have been using the Ifeel mouse for over a year now. Even without the vibrations, this is the best mouse I ever owned. I have Microsoft Intellimouse and my office and Logitech Ifeel at home. They are both excellent optical mice (no ball on the bottom). I prefer the Logitech Ifeel because it seems a little more accurate and comfortable when I am clicking a lot of things quickly. The vibrations seem kind of cute at first but you quickly get to like the feeling of your screen. I have come to depend of the tactile feel of my screen. I guess its almost subconcious. .... I had a few problems with the Logitech installation sofwtare. I was using an old serial port mouse to install the new USB mouse and ended up with no mouse for a while during the installation. Rememebr the Ifeel model requires a free USB port and does not work with Windows 95.
Rating:  Summary: Best mouse I ever had! Review: I have been using the Ifeel mouse for over a year now. Even without the vibrations, this is the best mouse I ever owned. I have Microsoft Intellimouse and my office and Logitech Ifeel at home. They are both excellent optical mice (no ball on the bottom). I prefer the Logitech Ifeel because it seems a little more accurate and comfortable when I am clicking a lot of things quickly. The vibrations seem kind of cute at first but you quickly get to like the feeling of your screen. I have come to depend of the tactile feel of my screen. I guess its almost subconcious. .... I had a few problems with the Logitech installation sofwtare. I was using an old serial port mouse to install the new USB mouse and ended up with no mouse for a while during the installation. Rememebr the Ifeel model requires a free USB port and does not work with Windows 95.
Rating:  Summary: by an Amazionian from Rome, Italy Review: I read the comments on this item before I edited my own comment here (Christmas 2001). I think that other's people reviews are fair overall ... but be aware of the extremes. My experience of the product was this. Installation went smooth, but read the products' requirements (hardware and software) to see if your computer fits (it should, unless you haven't upgraded Hard & Soft. for a while). The optical mouse works great: 5 stars, no doubt about it. What I about the iFeel? It's cool, it helps productivity when using the computer, as I believe it is intended to. If you have very high expectations from this feature though, you could be deceived, when playing games for instance, because the product is not targeting specifically this segment of the market in my view. Certainly, it would be even better if the "iFeel" worked with graphics' programs but don't blame (yet) the manufacturer for that. This is a new product tapping the market: Logitech and Immersion are performing the test in the right way, I think. Now it's up to consumers to judge: should the response be positive, more is to come, I'm sure. At present, in my opinion, this is a nice mouse, a useful tool, and a cool gift.
Rating:  Summary: by an Amazionian from Rome, Italy Review: I read the comments on this item before I edited my own comment here (Christmas 2001). I think that other's people reviews are fair overall ... but be aware of the extremes. My experience of the product was this. Installation went smooth, but read the products' requirements (hardware and software) to see if your computer fits (it should, unless you haven't upgraded Hard & Soft. for a while). The optical mouse works great: 5 stars, no doubt about it. What I about the iFeel? It's cool, it helps productivity when using the computer, as I believe it is intended to. If you have very high expectations from this feature though, you could be deceived, when playing games for instance, because the product is not targeting specifically this segment of the market in my view. Certainly, it would be even better if the "iFeel" worked with graphics' programs but don't blame (yet) the manufacturer for that. This is a new product tapping the market: Logitech and Immersion are performing the test in the right way, I think. Now it's up to consumers to judge: should the response be positive, more is to come, I'm sure. At present, in my opinion, this is a nice mouse, a useful tool, and a cool gift.
Rating:  Summary: Feel? Well, sort of... Review: I was in the market for a new mouse and picked this one on a lark. I travel a great deal and always seemed to pick up a lot of dust, dirt, and ...well... who knows what's in the mouse, so this time I knew that I wanted to try an optical mouse. While I was looking through the offerings, I came across the iFeel mouse for just a few dollars more. Hmmm...could this help me navigate windows, buttons, links, and other stuff? During my first attempt at installing the software (regular drivers plus something called Immersion Desktop), the mouse worked, but no 'feel'. A call to tech support went great (friendly, knowledgable, didn't try to rush me off the phone) but still no feel. I kept the mouse. Months later, a hard drive crash required me to start all over again and... it worked! Suddenly, as I moved the mouse over anything that was clickable (Window edges, Buttons, Hyperlinks, Menu Bars, Task Bar Items, Icons, etc.) there was a slight buzzing sound and feel to the mouse. Sort of a vibration, but not what I expected. I fiddled with the Immersion settings and found a configuration that seemed to work for me (less sound, less buzz). So know I have a mouse that sort of reacts to clickable things... Does it help? No, not really. Is is distracting? Sometimes. Does it really freak others out when they use it? Definitely. Would I buy it again? No, but I would pick out the non-feeling optical version of this product line again. So the product gets 3 stars. As a general purpose mouse, I love it. As an iFeel mouse, I don't think it does anything for me. I base this on the fact that I don't miss the feedback when I use other mouse products on other machines. I give the overall product 4 stars, though, because good, helpful, friendly tech support means a great deal to me.
Rating:  Summary: Not for Dell's Review: I was very dissapointed with this mouse. First of all, it didn't work with any of the Dell's in my house. The Dell's in my house include, a Dell Dimension 4400, a Dimension 8200, and an Optiplex. After trying on these three computers, I tried it on my IBM Netvista. It worked on this computer. But worked isn't the best word. On the computer, the mouse didn't keep up with my movements, and I was moving my hand at a normal speed. This product gets one star, because I can't go any lower. I don't understand why they would make a product that wouldn't work with a Dell. If you want to buy a nice optical mouse, go with a microsoft mouse.