Rating:  Summary: Half-baked at best Review: Two things before I begin:1) I would be EXTREMELY cautious about the positive reviews listed below -- I don't believe that a reviewer giving this more than 3 stars has taken the time to perform a comprehensive or well thought out evaluation. 2) As crazy as this sounds, do not expect this product to work with non-Logitech Bluetooth enabled hardware. This statement is based on my personal experience and is supported by the following language from step 8 of the quick install guide included with the product: "**Important** (Logitech's emphasis): If your PC has another Bluetooth wireless hub or Bluetooth software already installed, the Logitech wireless hub will be installed to connect **only Bluetooth products by Logitech** (my emphasis). Read www.logitech.com/bluetooth/howto for more information about installation." The problem here is that the primary (exclusive?) value-add of Bluetooth is that IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE PLATFORM INDEPENDENT -- CLEARLY IT IS NOT!!! In addition, the aforementioned website is only the entrance point into a maze/blizzard of URLs that detail the compatibility (but more importantly: incompatibility) issues that you can expect to have with this product. And you know what, this product is so stupid and souless that I'm not going to waste my time giving it the blisteringly savage flame it deserves -- I'm just going to net it out from here... 1) Mouse has 7 buttons plus a click-able wheel -- half of these aren't recognized by popular software packages and games 2) The flippin' (the familial nature of this site prevents me from using a more appropriate adjective) keyboard runs on 4 double-A ALKALINE (i.e., not re-chargeable) batteries. What the H E double hockey sticks was Logitech thinking?!?!?!?!? This outrage alone makes this bundle completely and totally useless for gamers, high-end multimedia users, and/or anyone interested in not having to run around their home in search of 4 batteries to have fun or complete work on their computer. Doh! Doh! and double Doh! (special thanks to Mr. H Simpson for a well appointed phrase). 3) The keyboard icons used to label the easy/quick access buttons are unfamiliar at best, and positively esoteric at worst -- you really need a rosetta stone (I'm sure sold separately) to understand when/why to use these. But why 2 stars instead of one? If someone at Logitech/Bluetooth had actually spent five minutes trying to understand how consumers want a wireless keyboard/mouse combo to work, rather than bemoaning my purchase, I would be lauding both the miracle of how the soft touch keys/responses of the unit are premo and how the install instructions are so well thought out as to be approachinhg bullet-proof. But at the end of the day, this shouldn't drive anyone to drop almost two bills on this peice of junk.