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Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB DDR RAM

Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB DDR RAM

List Price: $369.54
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Hardware Poor Customer service
Review: This card is great......runs smooth, never crashes, gets awesome resolution. However I had a problem with a previous mainboard and I waited on the phone before i got with with the Guillmont Coustomer service for about 45 min and when somone did answer they just made the problem worse....but with a new MOBO the card worked great!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is Wicked
Review: This card is killer.It runs so smooth it's awsome!!.I have Pentium3 733mhz with 128ram 15gb hard drive from Gateway.I have had no problems at all..It eats up Quake3 like nothing,never slows down or jitters,awsome.That is at standard clock speed to.You can really fire the clock speed up alot more if you want to.I have had no problems,no over heating,no crashes like some people have complaned about...If you are a serious about gettting a wild graphics card and have the cash,do yourself a favour and go buy one!!Awsome, its the top fueler of all graphics cards!!!It flys..

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is Wicked
Review: This card is killer.It runs so smooth it's awsome!!.I have Pentium3 733mhz with 128ram 15gb hard drive from Gateway.I have had no problems at all..It eats up Quake3 like nothing,never slows down or jitters,awsome.That is at standard clock speed to.You can really fire the clock speed up alot more if you want to.I have had no problems,no over heating,no crashes like some people have complaned about...If you are a serious about gettting a wild graphics card and have the cash,do yourself a favour and go buy one!!Awsome, its the top fueler of all graphics cards!!!It flys..

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: BAD CARD
Review: This is a very bad card, no one of my games can run with it :-\

Very very very very bad card...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Perfect Video Card
Review: This is now the standard by which to measure all other video cards! This video card flys through games like no other, and its 64mb of memory allow it to load visual applications much quicker than others. Also, hookup a Digital monitor to it through its DVI output. This will allow you to do anything you can imagine with your computer,

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is the best video card i have ever seen. The new geforce 2 gts is great. This card has 64mb of memeory to back it up. This card runs really smooth but if you are getting a card get the geforce 2 made by creative which only has 32mb of memory but you don't notice a difference.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get this if you dont have the money for an Ultra
Review: When I bought this card a couple of months ago, I bought it becasue of its cool blue color and because of the reviews I saw of it in a couple of computer hardware sites. I plugged it into my machine and was blown away by its performance. I benchmarked the thing 3DMark2000 and to say my score was incredible. The graphics this card puts out is incredible, though the new Ultra's are better. Also the features this card had like RAM sinks were perfect to the extreme hardware enthusist like myself and this was coupled with the fact that the card I bought was already overclocked to 220/365. Well to say the least, and why I would get this card over a Pro is that I easily, with good cooling of course, overclocked this card to 240/400 which is equal to the specs on a GeForce2 GTS 2 Pro. Now I'm getting scores around 8500 with 3DMark2000 and to say the least I am completely satisfied with my card. So in conclusion, unless you have the money to dish out for the GeForce2 Ultra cards out in the market now, get this card and with some luck and good cooling you'll have a GeForce2 Pro for the price of a GeForce2 GTS. Highly recommended.

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