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Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB DDR RAM

Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS 64 MB DDR RAM

List Price: $369.54
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Reader from Laguna Hills - is DEAD wrong!
Review: As I stated, I purchased 3 of the cards, and they did work, but with green or red snow on all of the LCD's I tried. nVidia came out and stated that they did not support Hercules in their implimentation of DVI, and they will not support the DVI on the GeForce 2 without an external TMDS trasmitter.

I stated only facts that I could prove in my post,

No official support for the VI interface (DFP or DVI)

No mention of a non-linear powr supply, but ech support insists on one

poor drivers

poor build quality of the card

2 bios revisions in 2 weeks,


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Reader from Laguna Hills - is DEAD wrong!
Review: As I stated, I purchased 3 of the cards, and they did work, but with green or red snow on all of the LCD's I tried. nVidia came out and stated that they did not support Hercules in their implimentation of DVI, and they will not support the DVI on the GeForce 2 without an external TMDS trasmitter.

I stated only facts that I could prove in my post,

No official support for the VI interface (DFP or DVI)

No mention of a non-linear powr supply, but ech support insists on one

poor drivers

poor build quality of the card

2 bios revisions in 2 weeks,


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: BAD CARD
Review: He incorrectly stated that the Prophet II does not support those LCD monitor (implying that you could not use this card with those monitor brands). Only the plug is different. I have a Princeton Graphics DPP560 LCD monitor and it works great. The factory monitor uses a DFP-20 (Compaq) plug as the monitor was released before the DVI standard existed. I got a simple adapter from Priceton (Viewsonic and others also offer the simple adapter) that changes the Prophet II DVI port to a DFP-20 port. Only the pin-out is different. The card is beautiful. Until now, I had to stick with the sad Rage LT chipset or the Savage4, but now I sail with the Prophet II. I love this card...no problems.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Raymond Sattaur is Wrong
Review: He incorrectly stated that the Prophet II does not support those LCD monitor (implying that you could not use this card with those monitor brands). Only the plug is different. I have a Princeton Graphics DPP560 LCD monitor and it works great. The factory monitor uses a DFP-20 (Compaq) plug as the monitor was released before the DVI standard existed. I got a simple adapter from Priceton (Viewsonic and others also offer the simple adapter) that changes the Prophet II DVI port to a DFP-20 port. Only the pin-out is different. The card is beautiful. Until now, I had to stick with the sad Rage LT chipset or the Savage4, but now I sail with the Prophet II. I love this card...no problems.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: DVI-out doesn't work
Review: Just a warning, if you're planning on buying this card to use it's DVI-out with an LCD monitor.

*It doesn't work.*

It didn't work with my Viewsonic VP181 LCD monitor, and many others have reported to Hercules' tech support that the DVI-out wouldn't work with their LCD monitors either.

Symptoms are green and white "snow" all over the display, flickering, and darkening/lightening of the display.

Hercules' tech support has yet to acknowledge the problem, let alone provide a fix for it.

Analog output seems to work just fine, but buyer beware if you want this card for its DVI-out.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great card, but not the best value for everyone.
Review: Nvidia is generally the best choice for video cards because of their great drivers and support. This card is awesome in that you can realistically run most games at 1600x1200 resolution in 32-bit color with 30+ frames per second (yes, Quake 3 included). The only issue with it is that most people would be better off getting the budget Geforce 2 MX card, for less than half the price, since you could buy that now, and Nvidia's newer budget card in a year or two (which will probably be more powerful than this). Also, if you're wanting to go high end, the 64MB Geforce 2 Pro that's now available is probably a better bet than this. It has slightly faster RAM for more memory bandwidth (which is the main bottleneck for the Geforce 2).

The Ultra is basically a rip off, since the GPU on the "regular" Geforce 2 is ALREADY being held back by the performance of the RAM on these cards. Hence the "pro" is a nice compromise.

Despite the high price, I have to admit I've loved having this insane level of graphics performance, and it's hard to go back to lower resolutions when on a computer with a Geforce 2 MX.

One last thing-image quality is excellent all around (2D and 3D). I run my desktop at 1152x864 in 32-bit color at 120hz through BNC cables on a high quality Sony monitor. Image quality is essentially identical to Matrox's G400Max (Matrox is generally considered to be the image quality leader). I've heard some people claim that Nvidia's image quality hasn't improved from the TNT1 through the Geforce 2, but that's simply not true.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Cooling problems
Review: The HS/FAN on the GPU is attached by the little plastic clips and thethermal pad. The thermal pad is useless as its so thin that it actually doesn't contact the hs and the GPU because the HS surface is concave resulting in a gap in the middle which acutally traps heat! The card would overheat and the video out whould just turn off (and this at the stock 200/333 speed). I had to scrape off the thermal pad and replace it with thermal compound.

Hercules initailly shipped this card overclocked to 220/366 but the newer bios and and the newer card put it back to Nvidias stock speed (200/33).

Other than that its a great card, I clock mine at 240/400 super stable 6800+ 3D marks on a P3 800...This card is expensive but its the best card out until V5 6000 or Nvidia releases the NV20 in late september/early October.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great card - but read their website!
Review: This card is fantastic, but defintely "caveat emptor" - we're clearly dealing with leading edge technology here, so reading their tech web site is a must and you'll find it's a mine of useful information, with tips on how to configure your card to work smoothly. Absolute musts are BIOS updates and DRIVER updates. Also look at their recommended settings for Direct3D and other advanced settings, their recommended motherboard BIOS settings (and make sure you update your motherboard BIOS and chipset drivers, too) and other recommendations. It's all referenced through their website...Out of the box I had a troublesome card which permanently crashed games and was very frustrating. Just a hour or so of effort, taking time to review and put in place some/all of their recommendations, I have a card that produces phenomenal performance and works flawlessly. For the techno-savvy - a big thumbs up.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: DVI, HIGH power Requirements
Review: This card is fast, but there are some serious problems...

1. DVI does not work with Viewsonic, Princeton, or the Apple Cinema Display pictured on the box. This has been confirmed by tech support.

2. This card is power hungry, and is not recomended for a MB with a linear power supply. (not stated anywhere until you call tech support)

3. UNSTABLE. Lets face it, 2 bios revision and 5 drivers releases in 2 weeks? Houston, we have a problem.

It is fast, but don't expect to run all of your games with one set of drivers. If swapping drivers to play different games, editing the registry to turn values on and off is your thing, go for it.

I got 3 of them to see if it was a bad card I got, 1 mail order, 1 best buy, 1 compusa. No 2 cards would do the same thing, heck you can't even run the demos out of the box without crashing..

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: DVI, HIGH power Requirements
Review: This card is fast, but there are some serious problems...

1. DVI does not work with Viewsonic, Princeton, or the Apple Cinema Display pictured on the box. This has been confirmed by tech support.

2. This card is power hungry, and is not recomended for a MB with a linear power supply. (not stated anywhere until you call tech support)

3. UNSTABLE. Lets face it, 2 bios revision and 5 drivers releases in 2 weeks? Houston, we have a problem.

It is fast, but don't expect to run all of your games with one set of drivers. If swapping drivers to play different games, editing the registry to turn values on and off is your thing, go for it.

I got 3 of them to see if it was a bad card I got, 1 mail order, 1 best buy, 1 compusa. No 2 cards would do the same thing, heck you can't even run the demos out of the box without crashing..

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