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Hercules 3D Prophet II MX Dual-Display Video Card

Hercules 3D Prophet II MX Dual-Display Video Card

List Price: $169.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Best card for the price
Review: I bought this card as an upgrade to replace my old 8mb SiS card. It installed easily but required a bit of tweaking to get it to run properly. I had to dowload the latest unified driver from Nvidia and the newest agp driver for my motherboard. Once I did that it ran with no problems. On my P2 350 Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 both run beautifully and faster than I've seen on any card. That's with full graphics and 32 bit color. The TV out is also a nice added feature for watching DVD's.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Didn't realize that there could be such a big difference.
Review: I bought this card knowing that the AGP of the motherboard was supposed to be 2.0 in order to play DVD's, but after a census from folks at guillemot (good customer service) they mentioned that quite a few people in the office still had AT motherboards that were only agp 1.0 compliant and that my old gigabyte should still be able to function with it. Well, it did work and games are more than adequate, but I am missing a frame here an there in the DVD play even though the picture looks sharp. When I upgrade to an ATX board (maybe waiting till AMD has a 2 gig cpu)later this year I will take this card with me. All and all I am very pleased and impressed how much better it is than my old Matrox Mystique which I thought look sharper than most computers I seen.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Geat card for the price
Review: I have tried 5 cards trying to find the right price performance ratio.First was a Diamond Stelth....stay away.Second was an ATI All in one....the software ran up in front so it was a drain on my resources.Third is the Voodoo 3000 16 meg.This is a fine card. I can recommend it.The fourth was a Voodoo5 5000 64 meg. I honestly liked the card but had problems with some games locking up the price ratio for a 64 meg card is good.But I try to keep computing as trouble free as possible. Reading PC World`s latest issue they rated this card number 2 on their chart.It is a fine card for the price.It comes with a control panel where you can experiment with overclocking the card. I feel I made a smart purchase.If I had to rate my experiences with the cards I have used they would go like this 1Hercules Prophet 2.Voodoo 5 5000 3 Voodoo 3000 4 ATI....ATI`s drivers are terrible 5.Diamond Stelkth....horrible...I don`t even want to go there Hope this helps.All cards were done with a clean install (after a format) with the latest drivers available off of the manufactures website.Dell XPS T700r/128ram

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just what I was looking for!
Review: I just received this product a couple weeks ago, and I have been impressed! This card not only can display stunning graphics for its rather economic price, but it can utilize dual-display technology from the GeForce 2 MX TwinView GPU. I love the dual display, you can setup the monitors' orientations so that you can move the mouse from one monitor to the other. There are only two minor problems: the secondary display is a TV-out and some games show errors when you have in dual-display mode. To get around the latter problem, you just adjust the control panel to disable dual-display, then restart your computer. Again, this is a fantastic card!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: it's not a dual "pc" monitor card, it's a VGA+SVideo card
Review: I just received this video card, and I was disapointed to realize that it does not do dual vga video out :(

Since I did not open the install the card I have no idea as to it's quality, but I am ranking it low because of the deceptive product name.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just what a video card should be: invisible.
Review: I put this card in an IBM Athlon machine that was about 2 years old at the time I installed it. The card loaded invisibly, worked immediately, and just plain did the job it was intended for.

A few months later, I replaced my Win98 installation with Win2k and the card didn't even hiccough.

It doesn't seem to add much heat to my system, and it gives me resolutions beyond what my 19" Trinitron monitor is capable of displaying.

I haven't used the extra video out at all, so I can't comment there, but otherwise, using this card has been a dream.

I probably waited too long to write this review though, huh? Video cards have probably left this one in the dust by now, in which case this one's probably a lot cheaper than it was when I bought it. If so, that makes it a bargain to boot!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just what a video card should be: invisible.
Review: I put this card in an IBM Athlon machine that was about 2 years old at the time I installed it. The card loaded invisibly, worked immediately, and just plain did the job it was intended for.

A few months later, I replaced my Win98 installation with Win2k and the card didn't even hiccough.

It doesn't seem to add much heat to my system, and it gives me resolutions beyond what my 19" Trinitron monitor is capable of displaying.

I haven't used the extra video out at all, so I can't comment there, but otherwise, using this card has been a dream.

I probably waited too long to write this review though, huh? Video cards have probably left this one in the dust by now, in which case this one's probably a lot cheaper than it was when I bought it. If so, that makes it a bargain to boot!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great card for a reasonable price
Review: I was anxious to install this card because my existing card kept on freezing up my system. I have a PIII-933 that used to run a 16Mb Raven AGP card by Quantum3D. I ran it through a gauntlet of tests to see if this new one would freeze but it works flawlessly. The install was a bit goofy but it could have been my system. My Windows Millenium kept on detecting a Standard PCI card so the "auto-detect" would not install the drivers from the CD. I ended up forcing the install by choosing the option to "install another driver" and saying "yes" to override even though it warned me that the driver was not compatible with the device. I tested the accelerator functions by playing Half-Life at 1024x768 resolution and it works great. The intro scene is realistically amazing, the textures are smooth, and the action is fast. You can't go wrong with this one and for the price, the brand name of Guillemot is hard to beat.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Nice Card and Well worth the price.
Review: If you want great graphics, the Geforce 3 is for YOU! As soon as you put it in (thanks to the helpful instructions, which make installation a whole lot easier) the power of the card is just incredible, and should be a drastic improvement to the other [stuff] you used to have

Rating: 5 stars
Review: If you want great graphics, the Geforce 3 is for YOU! As soon as you put it in (thanks to the helpful instructions, which make installation a whole lot easier) the power of the card is just incredible, and should be a drastic improvement to the other [stuff] you used to have

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