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I/O Magic GeForce2 MX400 64MB AGP Video Card (DRDA750)

I/O Magic GeForce2 MX400 64MB AGP Video Card (DRDA750)

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: NICE!!!....ok Maybe I'm exagerating a bit...just OK.
Review: Well, I could consider this part of my update, I use to use a Pentium II 450mhrz TNT 16 mb graphics card, and 128 mb of RAM. It was ok, but when I ugraded to a pentium III 800mhrz, 256 mb of RAM, and this video card, the biggest difference was in the processor, I coudn't really notice that much of a difference when upgrading when using the new video card...IT WAS JUST OK. I'm sure it would run games today and future games a lot better than my ol' TNT 1 would....still.....People say this video card I use is "standard", but from my perspective...there's no such thing as "standard". They say:"I HAVE GEFORCE 3! IT ROCKS! GEFORCE 2 ...!" Or "GEFORCE 4 rocks!UPGRADE TOO IT DUDE!"
But I don't really care what they say....it runs OK to me.
Fine, you see...I'm more of a stragedy/role playing type pc game genere kinda guy...so I don't play first person shooters very often unless it's a must have, the last must have first person shooter I played was a game called "Unreal", and it ran perfect!
Well....what ever those other people say...all I think is this video card kicks ...!

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