Rating:  Summary: Archos 20 GB Jukebox Recorder Review: I've had my unit for 2 weeks now, and after an initial problem (which I worked out myself), I can honestly say I like the unit.PROS: Drag and Drop in Windows Built-in recording capability (recorded my iTunes through analog because the files are not compatible, and it works well) Easy to use I'm getting a $50 rebate through Amazon.com bringing my cost to $159.99! Great sound CONS: Not as stylish as iPod or Dell players Problem with upper right corner cushion OK, here's the problem I had: The unit would not always power up or stay on. After researching FAQ's on Archos website, it said to adjust the upper right corner bumper. I contacted Archos through the website asking if I did this if I would void my warranty, and after over one week, there was no response by email. So customer service through the site is not good in my case. THE FIX: Using a Torx T10 screwdriver, remove the screw holding the bumper to the case, pry carefully on the bottom side, fit the small wing door end into bumper indentation carefully and reinsert bottom of bumper into case. Insert screw and tighten until snug, but not tight. No problem since. It seems that the end flap needs to make contact with the battery, and the bumper can interfere. Hope this solves other's buyers problems. As I stated in my PROS, the unit sound great, the price is right, and it's easy to use. PLUS, Amazon is good about returns if needed.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic value for the money Review: I've been using this about three weeks now. Biggest complaints: Slow startup time. Slow to switch songs (FF/RW). Biggest likes: I replaced the built-in Archos software with Rockbox (rockbox.haxx.se). Rockbox is an open source OS for Archos jukeboxes. It is SOOO much better and VERY easy to install. It has 6 million more settings for everything and is MUCH faster when browsing or loading a playlist. So I highly recommend doing that - don't even bother using it with the Archos OS. Besides Rockbox, I like the keys on the Archos unit - usable even with gloves on (e.g. when driving). Sound quality is outstanding. Battery life is good (I really do get 10-11 hours on a charge). Now when using this device, please don't compare it to an Ipod. This gizmo is fully HALF the price of the Ipod so they are not in the same league. The tradeoffs are it's a little slower to navigate songs and is easily double the weight. Also, it's not as flashy and trendy. Personally, I would rather pay HALF the price and get a replacement if I drop/break this one, than be completely screwed if it were broken or stolen. Finally, the best thing about it is it acts as a simple USB hard drive. It's EXTREMELY fast to copy songs. Playlists can be easily created using Winamp or other standard MP3 players. No special software is required at all to use and set it up. I have not even installed the CD which came with it. So in summary: It's a heck of a great machine for the money (even at $200 it's a good deal), *especially* with the Rockbox software. Just don't think you're getting a flashy new Ipod.
Rating:  Summary: No use of buying it. Review: I bought this and had lot of problems. Initially I had a problem with the battery. I got the unit replaced. The replacement is also not good. The player freezed while using the controls. After this happens, you have to just wait for the player to shut down. The manual given along with the player is not that useful either. I wanted to change the battery myself but couldn't using the manaul. The reason i bought this unit over other MP3 players was because of price. But going thru all the troubles, i don't think this is worth the trouble.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely great for the price. Review: I recently got the 10GB version of this, and it's an incredible player for the price (especially with the Rockbox firmware). Windows XP recognized it immediately as a removable hard drive (speaking of, it doubles AS a hard drive, so if you need to transport large files, it's great) and all you have to do is drag the files over. Extremely easy and intuitive. Plays MP3s clearly (especially through a nice pair of headphones) and has never skipped on me. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: 0 stars would be better Review: Recieved this as a gift, and wow does it suck. My computer doesn't recognize it, the manual included is useless, and it charged for more than 24 hours, and still isn't completely charged. The display shuts off after 5 seconds. This is going right back where it came from, and I'm using the credit to buy an iPod.
Rating:  Summary: Go iPod or Nomad Review: I bought this product about a year ago so I could listen to music in my car, load photos from the Compact Flash adapter (a great idea I will say), and watch some movies on the LCD. It started out working out very well, until it broke. The unit simply would not stay on for more then five seconds. After paying some money to send it in and get it repaired, the LCD then broke within a month or two of getting it back. Rockin'. I can still play it in my car by just turning it on and hitting play a couple times, but that not what I paid several hundred dollars for. Plus the battery life sucks. Like the title suggests, skip on this one.
Rating:  Summary: MP3 Player & Portable HD Hybrid Review: When it comes to the Archos Jukebox FM Recorder think USB 2.0 External Hard Drive wrapped in an MP3 (Only) Player. I had it for six months before I fried it (accidentally plugged wrong AC adapter into it). I called customer service and the rep talked to me like I was dumb, but being a little tech-savvie I cut him off & said that when I know something is broke it's really broke, he gave me an RMA on the spot and I got a replacement in about three weeks. When I got the replacement the "up" button didn't work, but again being a little tech-savvie I opened the case and reset it so the buttons meshed up correctly. Later I forgot it in my car on a hot SoCal day and it wouldn't boot up anymore. I was about to call Cutomer Service again (Round 2) but it booted from USB so I ran scandisk (1 Error). I replaced the firmware to Rockbox and have been happy ever since. Get this if you want an external hard drive more than an MP3 Player. I give it only 4 stars not so much because of its plasticy, fragile feel- it has taken alot of my abuse, but because I felt "burned" for having to deal with surly tech support staff & having to crack open the case to reseat the buttons & I doubt someone else would have that much patience. Upgrading to the Rockbox firmware is mandatory (something a non-techy would find annoying but easy to do), making its MP3 playability on a par or better than the rio or ipod for alot cheaper. Still it's not for the trendy Ipod crowd but more for the techhead or wise shopper who'd rather have one device pull double duty as a hard drive and mp3 player than spend for two seperate devices.
Rating:  Summary: Stay away Review: If your plans are to sit in a lounge chair and listen to MP3's then this is the item for you. If you plan to do any type of physical activity that might cause the Jukebox to be less than stable, then you want to consider anything but this. I have had it for a few months and am looking for any brand (never Archos again) to replace it. I understand that it has a 20 g harddrive, but I see IPOD users all the time wearing theirs while power walking, jogging etc.. If this thing even bounces once, it locks up. So, if you want somethinglisten to while sitting, by all means buy it. Otherwise, you are just pouring money down the drain.
Rating:  Summary: Might be Old stock or mislabled? Review: Bought this two weeks ago here . Using it for a week now. It has a lithium-ion rechargeable, NOT 4 AA nimh's as stated on the box. Also the kit I received Special Edition V2 does not include a case for carrying it (on belt etc). Windows logo is covered with a white sticker as is the picture of the carry case on the back. Clearly states on box AA Nimh's INCLUDED (in FIVE languages). Lithium-ion might be better, but can't change it out when it goes dead at work. Songs skip when batteries are at 50% power per meter if it accesses the drive when you are moving.(as it will to play the songs) Good value for the $$. Wish it had swappable batteries. (yes i removed the cover to display the silver L-ion slim flat battery module.)
Rating:  Summary: Very good overall Review: I have an earlier version of the Archos Jukebox, but it's very similar. The positive: excellent sound quality, very convenient method of storing vast amounts of music (and books on tape), easy to sync with computer via USB, very good battery life (I get around 10 hours), easy to hook up to home stereo or car stereo (requires optional accessory), and it's been reliable -- I've had no problems in the year or so I've owned it, except a couple hangs that required it to reboot. Very good bang for the buck! The negative: I don't think the Jukebox's OS firmware is particularly good in terms of user interface and the information it provides. It is quite primitive compared to the Ipod, which is the gold standard for these types of devices. For example, the Ipod sorts music by Artist, album, genre, user-defined playlist, etc., while the Archos just provides a DOS-like nested tree structure for filing music. This means it's much easier to find and sort the music you want to hear on the Ipod -- something you shouldn't underestimate in terms of the overall usefulness of the device. The Ipod also has a much better display that's easier to read. Note that alternative firmware is available for some Archos Jukebox models from Rockbox. I haven't tried it yet, but I've heard it's superior to the standard Archos OS. Conclusion: The Archos Jukebox costs much less than the Apple Ipod. It provides comparable sound quality and reliability, in my opinion, but it's not as easy to use. I highly recommend the Archos to anyone who doesn't want to pay the Apple premium.