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Jasco Flat-Panel 5-Piece Speaker System

Jasco Flat-Panel 5-Piece Speaker System

List Price: $75.99
Your Price: $41.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: For what you pay - this system is very exceptional
Review: I bought these speakers about... 4 months ago or so, and I havent had any problems with them. However, the power lightbulb gets dimmer when I turn up the volume, I dont know exactly why it's doing that, im sure it has enough power, but I havent noticed it affect the sound quality at all. I can push these speakers to there max! And it sounds great! Once I put the volume up all the way, and by the way I did do some tweaking on sound levels (use something like Winamp to tweak the different outputs), and when I went outside I could make out what the music was. The sub plays deep lows preety well, but dont get me wrong, if you push it to far or you put on a song that is complex or a bit bass-demanding, it will distort, but just turn the bass down a bit and it should do well. This system won't give you ground-thumping bass, but if you set up your system and stood in the center of the room (a small room or medium sized room) it sounds good still. The sattelite speakers are also very nice, if you turn it up loud, you wont be able to hear any distortion, although there probably is some distortion if you really listened. For paying about $40 bucks for it, I am very pleased and suprised. Keep in mind I listen to mostly rap and hip hop, but i've played some techno and rock on the speakers, and it still preety good. One last word of advice, don't buy these expecting a ground thumping, houseshaking bass experience, but you could have fun blasting the music in your room with a couple of friends.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very good for its price.
Review: I bought this after last Christmas, and sicne then, I have used it to play on my GameCube, I hooked it up to my laptop, it's very good. I was surprised how much it cost, because it's quite good quality. I have yet to hear any distortion from the speakers, or the sub for that matter. I found it very versatile, since I've brought it to a friend's house multiple times, and we hooked it up to his X-Box. They are great speakers, very good for surround. The only gripe I can think of right now, is the fact that I had to go out an buy a headphone to A/V style cable. it only comes with the headphone style ones, which it comes with two. However, I needed the A/V style hookups for my game systems. Other than that, it's very good. I only gave it a 4 out of 5, however, because there are some that are better, for only a bit more money. But still, if you're tight on money, I would reccomend this system.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Agree with previous
Review: The set sounded really good for the price line (relatively [inexpensive]) in the beginning. Now the subwoofer sounds like it no longer works because I dont hear any bass coming out of it. I am upset with this product. Don't through good money at [poor] products is my lesson learned here.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Agree with previous
Review: the speakers and subwoofers are really great in the beginning. but as you start to use it more and more.they start to wear out.like they lose their power. the subwoofer is still great and all just that the flat panel speakers are weak after given couple boosts of amp and stuff. too weak. needs to be built better. last longer. just my thought.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: You get what you pay for.
Review: The speakers sound like tin. If you turn them up past half way, they start to distort. If you bump into the subwoofer the speakers will cut out. Every time you turn on the set there is a loud pop. Don't buy this set.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Greatest Ever
Review: The Speakers worked on my pc great. I got them on sale so it was a great deal. I've had them for over a year and the still work great. The sound quality is great. I've used them to watch dvds on my computer with and they were awesome. Nothing has gone wrong with them. THese are some of the best speakers i ever have had

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible
Review: These speakers were good in the beggining as they got alittle more use.. they started to desort, and 2 of them are blowen i have had them for 2 months only.. and this store wont take them back or replace them and the company GE.. all the confidence in there products wont take them back either..dont buy them..

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: good for portable CD playes, rotten for PC's
Review: They worked great on my Riovolt CD player, but when i first used them on my laptop with Redhat 9, it was OK, so-so, but when i put them on my compaq presario 5000 running XP home, they sound rotten. i got mine on sale so it was OK, but hey, i also got my CD player for 5 so as long as they work with that, im happy.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Pretty Bad
Review: This message may be redundant, but I write it in case you're still thinking about buying these. I am another unhappy witness to this product's short lifespan. I've had them two months and they are fantastic at first. Now they are worth about as much as five rocks sitting on my desk. Really, GE should have a recall or something.

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