- Designed for small work groups and power users
- Easy connectivity and manageability for hassle-free network printing
- 10,000-page monthly duty cycle, 250 standard-sheet input capacity
- 11 ppm black printing, 7.5 ppm color printing
- 1,200 x 600 dpi resolution for both black and color printing
Hewlett-Packard has designed the 2250 DeskJet for offices with aneed for professional-quality text and graphic printing, with availablenetworking options. Offering 24 MB memory (expandable to 88 MB) and 1,200 x600 dpi resolution with fine tone quality, HP's modular ink delivery systemprovides individually replaceable ink cartridges for cost savings. Getphoto quality on any paper with HP's color-layering technology.The 2250 supports a wide range of media to meet the needs of mostoffices, including recycled paper, premium ink-jet heavyweight paper,transparencies, photo papers, matt and glossy brochure cards, as well asenvelopes. Printing speeds produce 1.5 pages per minute for color printing(can be as fast as 14 pages per minute in draft mode), and 6.5 pages per minute for high-qualitymonochrome printing. For photo printing in color, you'll get the bestresults (maximum 2,400 x 1,200 dpi resolution) when you use photo paper. Duplexing printing with the 2250 DeskJet is done manually, and a monthlyduty cycle of 10,000 pages meets the demands of small workgroups. Thestandard paper tray supports 250 sheet input, and is expandable to 500sheets. The optional networking features allows your printer to grow asyour business does--with connectivity and manageability. The 2250 isbacked by a one-year warranty, plus Express Exchange for returns and repairs.