- Medium-tint glass for more accurate color representation
- Improves contrast
- Blocks up to 99.9 percent of ELF/VLF E-field radiation
- Antistatic and antiglare properties
- Easy to install
Light reflecting off your monitor screen not only is distracting and distorting, but may have detrimental health effects. For increased comfort and contrast and for minimized glare and radiation, consider the 3M circular polarizing computer filter. It's designed so that only the light produced by your computer reaches you. The antistatic 3M filter also helps reduce eyestrain, fatigue, and possible headaches, allowing you to work longer and more productively. With less incident light, you'll enjoy crisp clear images. Medium-tinted glass provides more distinct color representation while blocking up to 99.9 percent of ELF/VLF E-field radiation. The filter requires no assembly and is available in either contour or flat frame design. It is supported by a lifetime warranty.