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Up to 32 MB MP3 Players

Rio 600 32 MB Digital Audio Player (MP3/WMA)

Rio 600 32 MB Digital Audio Player (MP3/WMA)

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: average mp3 player
Review: Rio 600 32 MB is an average MP3 player.
Its got more Cons than Pros!!!
-Rio Audio Manager software is sooo useless, even amateurs can write better software than this.
-The buttons(play/pause,stop,next track etc) are soo difficult to use since they dont have the feel of a button at all. They are more like a dial which is really stupid.
-Earplugs given with this product is soo stupid and get entangled all the time.

+Low battery consumption(about 9-10Hrs on a single battery)

+Windows Media player 9.0 detects this player immediately and is easy to transfer files(takes 10 secs to transfer a song)
+Supports WMA (Windows Media Audio) which has better compression at 64kbps.

Also I see most people pointing out that 32MB is too low to listen to a lot of songs but thats all you can do when you have a 32 MB player. Its not the fault of RIO mp3 player.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: cool
Review: It was a dark and stormy night...lightning flashed in the diamond multimedia building. They had just created the ultimate mp3 player...the rio 600!! DUM DUM DUUUUUUUM. Ok i know i shouldn't be writing a review if i dont own this product but i can't help it. Courier messed up my shipping type, now the device will be here on monday. But from what i've heard the rio 600 is an awesome simple device yet has a few defects.
Pros:Large backlit lcd display
USB support
upgradable firmware and memory (future proof)
Changeble sexy faceplates
Ajustable equalizer
Cons: Only 32mb of memory
Bad customer service
Memory is only upgradeble by means of special (expensive) unreleased "backpacks"

All in all im looking forward to my rio arriving on monday

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: OK for short use but not good for the long haul
Review: We've had two Rio 600 MP3 players for over a year now, and while they are generally good units, there are several problems that are worth noting.

First, with 32MB, we can fit around 10 songs onto the MP3 player. While this is great for a daily selection on the bus or in the car, when we've taken trips those 10 songs get old REALLY quickly. So depending on how you're going to use it, that limit may be fine or may drive you crazy.

Next, as much as we've tried to be very careful with our units, they drop sometimes. They fall out of pockets, or down the stairs, or your hands slip while using them. Sure, I don't expect the units to last if you drop them onto concrete from 30 feet. But even the smallest drop seems to damage pins and switches. We have numerous problems with our Rios, from buttons not working to bizarre behavior, from even slight mishaps.

The headphones aren't really a big deal to us because we probably have 20 sets of headphones around the house. Most people who enjoy music have headphones already - getting a set with their MP3 is the least of their worries. Yes, the default headphones are barely adequate, but that is hardly a reason to choose or not choose a MP3 player.

We found the software to be quite good - and plus, just about every other MP3 software package we use also sees the Rio. So even if you don't like the software that comes with the Rio, you're hardly stuck for options.

The main issues we have really come down to its small memory size and its flimsy quality. Sure, you can buy more memory for it. But it's probably far wiser to buy a higher quality unit that already comes with more memory, and have it last you many years.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: a great product but...
Review: I was looking for an inexpensive MP3 player for when I go to the gym or beach. Something that if I dropped it in the parking lot I wouldn't be heartbroken or bankrupt over the loss. This was the player for me. What they didn't tell you is that the software and Windows XP don't play well together. I tried downloading different drivers and such from their website. I just made a bigger mess than I had before. Long and short...I had to borrow a friends computer running Windows Me to get things to work. Once it did, I loved my little gadget. It was just a long process to get there.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Amazon, PLEASE let me curse
Review: This product was such an unpleasent experience, and it truly is more trouble than it's worth.
First, I'll state the goods. It looks really cool, has a cool lacd backlight, good sound and has really cool options. You can delete the tracks on the go, or sort them any order.
The Bad thing is.. The stupid thing only let's you have like 6 mp3 songs on it. I bought an mp3 player because I thought it had more technilogical stuff and more space than a cd plaer. Boy was I wrong.
Another reason why it ..., is that the program it comes with. It screws up a lot. I hate this product. It's more trouble than it's worth. After buying this, I was so thankful I didn't give away my cd player yet. I could just give this thing away.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: You get what you get and you dont throw a fit.
Review: This is a great little guy for taking a single disk on the road with you when you travel, work out or mow the lawn. I was not looking for a place to store my complete music collection, just something to use while waiting at the barber shop, doctor, oil change etc. This works perfectly.

If you upgrade to the latest version of Windows Media Player you can interface directly with this unit and not have to be bothered with additional software. Using the WMA format it sounds just fine.

It is not easily expanded, but if that is what you are after get a mini-disc so that expansion is as simple as buying additional, low cost, discs.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lies
Review: They describe this item as being epandable to 340 MB. However, the manual and an inspection of the product indicates no expansion capability. Additionally, it was shipped to me with missing parts.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A really good product.
Review: This is a really great product. I really like it a lot mostly because it is small and compact not like a CD player. I can also have a lot of diffrent songs without having to buy all those CD's. What also great about it is that it doest skip. I run and jog with it and it doesn't miss a beat. The clip clips right on to me so I don't have to hold it. Also the download time is really fast. The only bad thing I can say about it is that it holds a fair amount of music it could be a little bigger but it is still a great product.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Avoid this product!
Review: The Rio I purchase stopped working after a month. I tried for weeks to get technical assistance from Rio. They responded to neither email nor fax. A company that treats its customers this way and produces inferior product should go out of business soon. Buy an Apple ipod. They are made for PCs now and they work great.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: take good care of it
Review: Since i work at an electronics store, i get to test and play with these things. I personally own a 32 and 64 MB Rio 600. For the 32MB one, i get several people returning their rio 600's all the time. A few of those, their unit never worked at all, but to most they returned it about 2 months in use or more. I have had my Rio 600 32mb for 1 year and 3 months now, and it is still in great shape, and works like a charm. Why is this? It hasnt broke in 2 months because i have taken extremely good care of it. Most people's players die because they bend a small part in the hardware, such as in the batteries. So when i do anything with the batteries, i am EXTRA CAREFUL. Treat it like you are inserting batteries in a 2000 year old artifact that will crumble if you are the least bit rough on it. Don't try to insert the batteries in a hurry, either. Just be real careful, and try not to drop it. Also, be careful when insterting/taking out the usb cable and headphones also, to avoid bending anything.
Player Pros/Cons
-Nice Appearance
-Good Interface and fast connection speed
-One battery thank god
-Lasts long if you take good care of it
-32MB isnt enough, expensive expansion
-Batteries dont last long and battery indicator is wrong
-You have to take good care of it


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