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Up to 32 MB MP3 Players

Rio 600 32 MB Digital Audio Player (MP3/WMA)

Rio 600 32 MB Digital Audio Player (MP3/WMA)

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good quality MP3 player. Here's why you should buy this one.
Review: I did lots of research before I purchased my MP3 player. I even purchased a MiniDisc player before I lay the cash down for the RIO 600. Here's why:

- Basically I needed a music player that I could use while running and working out. The minidisc just didn't cut it. It would skip horribly after I began running faster. An MP3 player was the logical choice because it has no moving parts and therefore doesn't skip.

- I chose this player because of its price; it's potential memory upgradability (~340 MB at the time I purchased it), its looks, and its interface (USB). I have been using it for over two months now regularly. I bring it with me to school, to the gym, to work, etc. It has been working wonderfully. Even with the software that comes with it.

- Most of the problems I see that other people have are not with the player but with their computers. USB is still kind buggy on some motherboards. I would plug my player into one workstation and it would work fine and on another it won't. This is a problem with the computer and the way the motherboard manufacturer implements their USB. I would recommend updating your BIOS before using the player.

- The player takes only one AA battery and plays for at least 8 hours with it (nice).

The only reason I have given this player a rating of 4 stars instead of 5 is the memory. 32MB is not a lot to work with at the beginning. I wait for the memory upgrades to become available...

Until then, happy shopping!

Rating: 2 stars
Review: I recently bought the RIO 600, and while I haven't experienced any problems with it (like the skipping and freezing), I do have a few things I want to say. First of all, FALSE ADVERTIZING IS ILLEGAL! The back of the box specifically says "...Holds an hour of music..." What they don't tell you is that means an hour of low-quality, .wma files, that have to be converted from a non-supplied program. The software is screwed up only because of the mp3 tags not being read right (authors names in the place of titles). I have read all 74+ or your comments/reviews and have a valuable piece of info you might not know. The "expandable" memory pack will COST AS MUCH AS A NEW RIO! Too freakin' much! Also, who would pay 11+ dollars on a fruity pink or orange faceplate? The color doesn't really make a difference if you have to put the thing in your pocket(no belt clip). Next, the earphones are irritating and made my ears sore for a week. Now my play/ff/rew/stop button isn't working because it has been used so much. When you try to change the volume without looking, you usually press the menu button, and can't even tell if you have. And how cumbersome is it to take the backpack off and on? Is there some type of special tool you are supposed to use? In all, if you want to own a small memory, over-priced, hard-to-hanlde piece of obsolete machinery, then shell out your money. If you want a cheap, reliable, same sized .mp3 player, buy the iJam. It comes with a belt clip and case!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So great, I bought 2!
Review: I love my Rio 600. I in fact bought one for me and for my son because they were so lightweight, easy to use, don't skip, easy to update, and much more.

They play both MP3s and WMA files, and the system is very easy to use! Just plug it into the attached cable and in seconds you're moving files on and off your player with no trouble at all. You can update what's on the player quickly and easily as often as you wish.

The software it comes with is great - I do music for several bands have have high end Cakewalk and other music programs on my computer, but this is easy to use, easy to learn, and quite up to the tasks of organizing music.

I would never use something that costs ... on a belt loop - we bought simple ... nylon cases and keep the players in something sturdier like a backpack or belt pouch or purse while playing them.

We haven't had any trouble with them at all - we use them pretty non-stop and they've been flawless. The buttons are easy to use, but you really don't need to use them much anyway - just start the music and let it run!

I have to put in a good word for the STELLAR work done by WhiteCap. I was amazed by the music visualization software that comes with the Rio - it turns your favorite tunes into waves, spirals, teardrops - you name it! Everyone I've shown it to wants a copy for their own computer. You can get hypnotized for hours.

The Rio 600 is definitely a great buy for anyone who loves music!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An excellent player
Review: .....But not the best in the world. There are a few problemswith this player. I am in Sydney, Australia, so the player may differslightly to the US version. The earphones I got were prettyuncomfortable to wear and they might fall aou when jogging, however myfriend got a completely different set of earphones (also in Sydney,AU) which sort of went around the ear, however they were still ofless-than-acceptable quality. I went out and bought a pairof...Philips earphones, and the sound quality was EXCELLENT. Abouut 5rimes better. So if you decide to buy this player, make sure you get agood set of sony or philips earphones to take full advantage of therio 600s sound capabilities. Another problem with the 600 is the gapsin between the plastic joints (paticularly where the snap-onfaceplates go), which makes it feel decidedly cheap andflimsy. Overall, though, these faults can be forgiven because of theexcellent quality, design and sound of the player. I stronglyrecommend this player.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Maybe I'm Just Unlucky, But...
Review: I bought a 600 at Best Buy and it kept turning itself off. I tried a new battery, but it still malfunctioned. I figured it was a rare dud (my PMP300 worked perfectly) and I took it back for a replacement.

The SECOND unit was even better. Not only didn't it work, I felt heat while holding it and poened it up to discover a red-hot battery. I made certain it was in the right direction and tried another battery. Same problem, so I returned it and gave up.

I just bought a Compaq iPaq ---the size of a pager, USB, 64 Megs---and it works great.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Maybe I'm Unlucky, But...
Review: I was very happy with my PMP300, which I bought the week they were released, but I wanted to upgrade to USB and WMA format capability. So I bought a 600 at Best Buy.

The FIRST unit kept turning itself off after a few seconds. Oh well, I thought, a rare dud, and I took it back the same day for a replacement.

The SECOND was better. Not only wouldn't it play, my hand immediately detected intense heat. I opened it up and the battery was redhot. I made certain I had it in the right direction, which it was. Then I tried a new battery and again it turned redhot in 30 seconds. Needless to say, I took it back the smae day, and gave up!

I just bought a Compaq iPaq (USB, WMA compatible, 64Megs) and it works great, looks great, is the size of a pager, and appears to be much more durable than other players.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This could have been so much better
Review: I just got my RIO yesterday, and was psyched to find out what I'd get. I was dissapointed. Very dissapointed. The earphones are so uncomfortable to wear, and hurt your ears, take a long time to get in... and i can't imagine how sanitary they willbe after a few more uses as they go straight in to my ear... Anyway, Mp3 players are supposed to have great sound quality right? There are small mechanical beeps at random parts of the songs I am playing. The software they gave me is absolutely riduclous. When it "scanned" my hard drive for mp3's, not only did it give me my mp3's but about 600 sounds from games, aol, and whatever. Even though I had SPECIFICALLY UNSELECTED THOSE FOLDERS TO LOOK IN, the stupid program put them in m playlist anyway. As for the transfer, I don't know what the previous people are talking about. I would have 3 songs ready to transfer onto it, and it would get the first one done correctly, then proceed the FREEZE THE UNIT (as in it wouldnt do anything, no button I could push had any effect) and I had to take the battery out and replace it to get the stupid thing to work again.This said it was 32 megabites... I am assuming Diamond has a good reason why it told me after 5 (average 3.5 minute) songs, the player was full...The only reason I gave this thing that doesn't even work correctly a star was because it will be invaluable when I am running...but when I am running what am I going to do, hold it... and how interesting it will be to run 2 miles listening to the same 5 songs over and over? Severe oversight by the manufacturers for making it the shape of a kumquatch, thus making it impossible for me to find a belt clip and put it on... they expect you to buy the "case with belt" clip if you really want one... I am definetly not satisfied with this product at all... buy a CD burner if you want you mp3's on the go... a good one is cheaper then some of the expensive mp3 players.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Don't replace those headphones just yet
Review: After reading the online and print pans of the Rio 600's headphones, I ordered a pair of Sennheiser MX-3's when I ordered my Rio. I found the standard 600 headphones to be excellent. The Sennheisers offer slightly better bass but were much more uncomfortable to wear. I ditched the Sennheisers and am sticking with the stock earbuds. My only complaint with the 600 is its tendency to spontaneously advance to the next song in mid-recording--very annoying. I'm sending mine back for a replacement.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Cool but Not Quite There
Review: I'll be sending this one back. It sounds great, the backlighting is cool, and the USB connection is really fast. (I loaded up about 8 songs at CD quality in about a minute).

BUT, the headphones are INSANE -- small and irritating to put on, and tinny sounding. The 32 MB is WAY too small, and the main play button is really poorly designed -- sometimes I push the right button, other times I don't -- it's almost arbitrary. Also, the lack of a belt clip was an extreme oversight -- I don't want to have to hold this thing while I'm on the treadmill!

When the 800 ships with 64 MB, and you replace the headphones with something normal, I'd recommend this player. For the Mac, it's about the only option.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Too bad only 32mb
Review: I purchased this player about a week ago, and have experienced nothing but great sound quality, and awsome performance. A lot of people have experienced problems with this player, and to fix that there is a free ware up date. Also that problem only occurs on pc's. Mac owners don't have that problem. Ups dropped off my player the next day, and within 5 minutes of owning the rio 600 I was listening to my favorite songs. I was able to fit 11 songs on this player when converted at 96 by 32kbs. The sound quality is fine. The volume has also been improved greatly. The only problem i have with this player is that it only has 32mb. As soon as the 340mb back pack comes out I'm going to purchase it. All in all this is a fantastic player and i'm incredibly satisfied. All my friends are jealous, and one of them then purchsed the 600 after me. He too is very satisfied. What a great player.

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