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Up to 32 MB MP3 Players

Rio PMP 300 MP3 Player

Rio PMP 300 MP3 Player

List Price: $169.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great product, saving you much money in the long run.
Review: If you like to buy CD players, cassette players, or even the new mini disk players, a major problem is song sampling. For example, the new Limp Bizkit album, Signifigant Other, may have five songs you really like on it, but you do not care for the singles they've released, not knowing what the rest of the album sounds like. Using MP3's, you can download the b-side tracks of the CD, sample them, and if you like them you can buy the album you otherwise would have never bought. You will end up with a better CD library and you won't waste your money on the one-hit wonders.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Incredible product - this is the future of music!
Review: I recently bought my RIO and I couldn't be happier with it. I fit about 9 songs on the 32 available megs. For those that need more space, the RIO is expanadable. Simply purchase a seperate flash card (or buy one of the newer models).The sound is flawless. At 128kps you'll think you were listening to the actual CD. Even 96kps is fairly crisp. I was extremely impressed by how easy it is to upload/download files. It takes just a few minutes to load the RIO up with a whole new set of songs. You can also rearrange existing tracks. I'm been using this thing non-stop and I'm still on the original battery so Diamonds claim that it lasts 12 hours on a single AA battery seems to be holding true.The RIO is also extremely lightweight. Its under 3 ounces. Perfect for working out and running. Speaking of running, thats another nice thing, motion has no effect on the RIO. The only complaint I have is with the headphones. I ended up getting a new pair bacause the set that they included was painful within 15 minutes of use. Other than that the RIO ROCKS!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Fairly great product, but quality depends on you.
Review: I was very enthusiastic after I received the Diamond Mp3 player (32 MB). I would be able to play Mp3s on a portable scale. However, there are a few drawbacks to this:

1.) You can only download and listen to LEGALLY acquired music. Basically, people you never heard of, but in any case, people still listen to mp3s they get from people or FTPs, but I don't think it's such a big deal.

2.) The amount of music you can put on depends on the size that it was encoded. For example, if most of your music is 2-5MB, which would be encoded at 128-190 kbps, then you could only hold from 7-10 songs, which is not that many. Plus, if you're on vacation, you don't want to be listening to the same song over and over, so this product is really useful if you have a laptop. Otherwise, boredom sets in.

3.) The "equalizers" don't give you much option to change the treble/bass of the music. You are only provided with Jazz/Classical/Rock/Normal settings, which will be based on what you listen to.


4.) Battery drains at a medium pace, so bring extras.

5.) Flash cards cost A LOT!

All in all, this product is good for its portability and the fact that you can listen to mp3's without buying the CDs. But there are lot of other things to consider, so it's all up to you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Portable Mp3 player... Awesome Idea
Review: I find that this is a very good purchase. Its small, doesnt skip, light, same quality of sound as cds, you can customize the songs and order and you never have to buy cds again.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Just wait a little longer
Review: It is very smart idea to puts songs on this special device, but for only 2 hours and then paying so much. First of all you will spend time trying to copy these things on this machine, second you will get bored after listining to the same stuff for 2 hrs and third if you are patient enough there is gonna be a similar thing but a lot more sophisticated, the one you can make your own CD's and play them and record also from Internet so be patient, altough if you have the money and don't know what to spend on this toy will amuse you for about 2 months and then you'll get bored of it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Miniscule storage capacity
Review: The PMP 300, quite simply, does not have enough storage space. If you care at all about your music, you will want to encode your MP3s at 128 kbps or higher--you can tell the difference, if your hearing is at all normal. So, if you're creating songs that average 5 MB each, you'll be able to fit 6, maybe 7, on this thing. Ridiculous.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Rio is a MUST BUY!
Review: I just recieved my Mp3 player 10 mins ago in fact, and I went over the comments around this product. Here is my responce:

Regarding volume:

Recording Digital music can be different on certain programs, you might be recording analog with the sound recording volume way down. Get a digital encoder like realjukebox. I put the volume on the rio at 20 and almost died because it was soo loud.

Regarding space:

Sure 32 megs isn't a lot, but at the 96k recording I can't tell a single difference between them and a cd. I was able to make different playlists, and before I go places I can upload a new set in no time at all.

The sound quality is great, volume is great, all around great product, way to go Diamond multimedia!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This Product is good, but it in no way shows its potential.
Review: It would be nice if for once a company would think about what they could do with a product before they just slapped it together and threw it on the shelf, specially for $200+. They could have made this product capable of so much more, such as recording from most any audio device. They could and should have given it more memory.I also believe that if they can't offer you more quality, more memory, and more options for recording from different devices; they should take the price down, atleast 50-100 dollars. Is that to much to ask. I think the product is a wonderful idea, but it should have been given more thought. Thank you.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This MP3 Player is the BEST!
Review: This unit has awesome sound. MP3 is the best idea since the CD, but this is better. MP3's won't skip and are FREE. The only drawback to this unit is that it only has 32 megabytes. I put usually 8 songs @ 128 and 160 kbps, which is fine for me. I just wish Smart Cards were cheaper that's all. Some of the other people think the volume doesn't go loud enough, don't listen to them, it goes very loud and produces much needed base. You can also hook up the MP3 Player to a stereo at home or in the car with a tape adapter you put in the headphones plugin (it really sounds awesome! Overall this is a GREAT unit!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great Idea, but wait at least 6 months
Review: I have been up to date on the developments in mp3 technology for well over a year now so I'm quite interested in this product. I have about 1 Gigabyte of mp3s on my computer at home and theoretically would find such a device invaluable. I could use this while skiing/snowboarding, riding on a bumpy car or bus, or for countless other uses. Here comes the big "but": The software that comes with the player only lets you encode at 128 kbps (less than CD-quality). If you want CD-quality audio, you'll have to pay $30 for software like MusicMatch Jukebox 4.0. All of the mp3s I rip are at 192 kbps which I consider to be the best quality for the amount of space they consume. Which brings me to the next problem: capacity. If you use 160 or 192 mp3s, you're only going to get about 6 to 8 songs onto that thing. Quite a bummer for paying as much as a 40 second electronic shock protection CD-player or a Minidisk player. I don't own a Diamond Rio myself but I know some people who do, and I say wait until they can hold AT LEAST 74 min of CD-quality audio!

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