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Up to 32 MB MP3 Players

Rio PMP 300 MP3 Player

Rio PMP 300 MP3 Player

List Price: $169.95
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Awsome (cheap) MP3 player
Review: I just got my rio300 and so farI like it. I havent had it long enough to comment on the weak case, but I got little ear things instead of a headset. They always fall out and it it anoying. More memory would be nice to. Besides that, it is a great investment and you dont have to pay for CD's to get one track anymore either. It is great for school, home, on the road, or anyware else. Overall I think it is very good for the price.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Awesome Device
Review: I have the 64mb PMP300 with an additional 32mb flash card for a total of 96mb, which is more than enough. This thing is tiny, it's really cool looking, it doesn't skip, and the sound quality is phenominal. It's much better looking than the new PMP500 in my opinion. I'm very happy with it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Its just a toy...
Review: Cons: In a nut shell, the RIO PMP 300 MP3 was great for the first few months. I purchased it a year ago and have had many problems. As others have commented, the battery lid broke and springs open often. The result is short piercing sound (not dangerous but extremely annoying) and the lcd display goes ape. Music Match software was a joke but has progressed a little (I still can not get it to download to the Rio device with this software).

Pros: The unit is great to have while working out. The sound is descent enough. The size is compact but then again I would rather have some thing a bit larger.

I hope that they make a larger one that holds at least four hours of music, fixes the battery lid problem, includes great software and has USB (as the 500 does) or FireWire support. Oh yeah, maybe a flip top lid like the cell phones (even when the unit is in the Hold postion the player responded to the buttons and started playing or skipped).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Do you really want to listen to the same music over and over
Review: OK now...who needs the hassle of having to always have their computer around to change the songs they want to listen to. If you go on vacation where are you going to upload new songs? The only reasonable alternative is a Minidisc player/recorder. Each disc holds 74, or up to 80 minutes of music. The sound is incredible, and don't worry about abusing the discs since they are protected by their own plastic shells. Minidiscs are the only reasonable route for sheer portability until something better comes along. Don't forget to add another $100 on the Rio so you can listen to 60 more minutes of music. Now which is the real bargain. $100-60 min. of music on the Rio, or $3-74 min on Minidisc?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Tons of fun!
Review: I just got mine a few days ago and after hooking it up to my Real Jukebox (the diamond software sucks), I was set. Transferring tracks is simple and quick...even on a 56k modem. The player is so small and is perfect for city living...I throw it in my pocket and listen to all of my favorite tracks. The memory is little (about 45-60 minutes depending on the mp3 quality...maybe a flash card would be a good investment. We'll see.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Rio (Diamond MM) Customer Service is deplorable!
Review: After I purchased the Rio 300, I ordered a flash memory card. It is now 4 months later and I have not received the card. I asked for a refund 3 months ago and have had no response from Diamond's customer service in spite of sending numerous emails.

I also sent in my rebate coupon 3 months ago and have not received it.

Thumbs down for Diamond MM.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good Product, Good Idea, but a flaw on mine
Review: id like to say I like my Rio, but if i could return it and get a different one, I would. Im not sure if its just mine, or all of the rios, but mine resets. I could set it down from about literally 1/2 an inch, and the thing starts again from the beginning. I don't have a case, but im getting one in hopes of stopping that. a cd player will skip, but this resets to track 1.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good when new
Review: I loved rio during the first few weeks after buying it. Although it carries only 30 MINUTES of CD-QUALITY (or 1 HOUR RADIO QUALITY) music, it still is good. I used it every day and carry it with me everywhere I go--jogging, on my way to school and even at home. The problem is the case is not very durable. It cracks easily and they don't sell any cases so you have to be really careful with it--it's a delicate electronic thing. The first part which cracked was the cover which holds the battery. So what I did was to use a rubber band to hold it in place (I can't use it in jogging anymore). Then the belt clip followed. I e-mailed Rio's support people and they told me that to buy a carrying case instead. It is not a very durable product. I'm getting myself the 64 MB version--I hope it's more dependable than the 32 MB one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GREAT! The best buy I ever did!
Review: The Rio PMP 300 is the best HIFI-buy I ever did. Okay, it has only got 32MB memory. But it's very "cheap". So, BUY IT!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very kool gadget
Review: I dont have the Rio 300 but ive used it , it was my friends. It was a very good product and im getting one . The biggest problem is its memory capacity , wich doesnt bother me much because im a music freak and i dont think even 36 kbps is bad for things like Nirvana.I do prefere at least 64 or 96 Kbps though . The battery pannel doesnt BREAK easy , it just pops off and that happens with my 3 walkmans and my Cd players too if it bothers you that much try tape.It would to have the LCD screen display song titles and have a backlight but my cd player doesnt have that so again it doesnt bother me much.If your a MAC user( which im not) u can either get the Rio 500 which costs more but works with MAcs and has 64 Mb of memory or u CAN buy software to make the Rio compatible.Some people listen to hours of music but im only a teen ager and i dont get much time so the bus ride to and from school only gives me 10 min of music anyway.If you want more than an hour ( at 64 kbps) then i do recomend getting at least a 16 mb upgrade card. I would. ANd the cheapest ive found MD for is $300 , im not paying that for a Cd player wen i already have one. Buy rio , you get your moneys worth.

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