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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Makes me smile . . . .
Review: Every time I walk into our den I break into a smile just to see our new Sony PCV-W600G Vaio. Sony deserves a lot of credit for breaking the mold and coming up with a totally new design for the desktop computer, with a fold-up keyboard, an elongated screen, and a space-age clock. It's perfect for our mid-century (1950's) style den.

And the PCV-W600G isn't just pretty. We've been thrilled with the ease and the speed of our new computer. Other than the recommended copying of all the software onto recovery disks (in case of some unspecified potential disaster), which took two hours, the set up was a breeze. Being an eternal pessimist, I kept waiting for the big glitch and the resulting 3 hours on the phone with some technician halfway around the world. It never happened. And, for the first time, we have a computer that doesn't dawdle after each click.

We've yet to explore all of this computer's potential. We haven't tried, for example, to hook up the TV cable to the computer yet. But, for the word processing, web surfing, email, and music listening that we have done, we are totally satisfied.

I know that there are more powerful computers out there, and some may be for less money, but I don't think any of them would bring a smile to my face the way my Sony does.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Makes me smile . . . .
Review: Every time I walk into our den I break into a smile just to see our new Sony PCV-W600G Vaio. Sony deserves a lot of credit for breaking the mold and coming up with a totally new design for the desktop computer, with a fold-up keyboard, an elongated screen, and a space-age clock. It's perfect for our mid-century (1950's) style den.

And the PCV-W600G isn't just pretty. We've been thrilled with the ease and the speed of our new computer. Other than the recommended copying of all the software onto recovery disks (in case of some unspecified potential disaster), which took two hours, the set up was a breeze. Being an eternal pessimist, I kept waiting for the big glitch and the resulting 3 hours on the phone with some technician halfway around the world. It never happened. And, for the first time, we have a computer that doesn't dawdle after each click.

We've yet to explore all of this computer's potential. We haven't tried, for example, to hook up the TV cable to the computer yet. But, for the word processing, web surfing, email, and music listening that we have done, we are totally satisfied.

I know that there are more powerful computers out there, and some may be for less money, but I don't think any of them would bring a smile to my face the way my Sony does.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great PC!
Review: This compter has a smoothe design. The keyboard can flip up. It also has a screen saver with a lot of useful things. Time, Date, etc.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: software, service and hardware issues
Review: This machine should only be purchased as an entertainment center. Other than for casual use, unless they are able to resolve their software problems, it is unusable as a computer.

I just purchased a W600G and find it difficult to adjust to the keyboard. The keys are too flat. It was cleary designed for beauty - not functionality. Because the keyboard is attached to the screen, you must move the entire machine to make angle adjustments and you cannot adjust its rake. For the money the keyboard should be detachable (certainly a slot-in device can be designed. Additionally, for this price the CD/DVD dive is flimsy. Its design makes it difficult to insert and press home discs without flexing the drive.

That is the good news.

The bad news is software and service.

THe machine is three days old and from the first moment the software failed. As yet nothing is plugged into the computer and no software has been added. Yet programs such as Explorer were unable to close causing the computer to restart, the crucial recovery program which enables you to produce back up CD and DVD's refused to write to the disc, (the drive worked perfectly for all other uses), and the computer has closed down on its own. Although the software- based restore option worked, that option is no longer available because the software cannot find its resore partition on the hard drive. Only the Sony program was able to erase discs, not Word.

These problems persisted despite reformatting the drive using the option in the recovery program that operates without discs.

Sony's service's response to all of this after over four weekend hours on the phone with various service representatives, was that my software has become currupted by the loading of hardware drivers (such as printer drivers). When I informed them this was unlikely and that in any event, they must have failed to remember that I had not yet attached any hardware to the computer, they politely but firmly told me I had to purchase a back up CD.

It should be noted, that unless my drive was factory formatted with a currupted image, (highly unlikely), Sony's master software may be defective and/or suffer from built-in conflicts with some of the other third party software loaded on the computer by the factory.

Service is unable to help with software. They refer you to the manufacturer of third pary software. With respect to Sony software they refer you to the online help line. If you have hardware problems you will end up mailing the fragile computer to a sevice center. If you purchase the very expensive on site warranty, you will still be dealing with the same folks. If you require replacement software, even if you are unable to produce your own back-up disc because of software defects, you will be told software replacement is not covered by the warranty. If you you object, although your computer may only be days old, you will be told to carefully read your warranty.

Therefore, do not buy this product unless you are prepared to live without support. It often takes a considerable period of time to raise service from the dead and unless you are very very lucky you will end up speaking with a perfectly nice man or woman from India whose understanding of English is limited (they communicate with you in much the same manner as does computer voice recognition). They are often difficult to understand. Worse, they have no understanding of the product. They read from information screens that tell them what to tell you and constantly ask you to give them time to check your records, the database etc. Each time, you are put on hold for interminable periods of time. In the end, unless it is the most basic of problems, you will be told they have to escalate you to the next level of service. You may then, after a very long hold, be able to speak with an American, but he too will be bereft of knowledge.

If you require service, go with a less attractive computer - entertainment center. I have just been told they are out there at the same price with far better specs.

In all other respects the 600G is a fine piece of industrial design.

I am returning mine within the 30 day period (from date of shipment!).

Stanley Deutsch

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: software, service and hardware issues
Review: This machine should only be purchased as an entertainment center. Other than for casual use, unless they are able to resolve their software problems, it is unusable as a computer.

I just purchased a W600G and find it difficult to adjust to the keyboard. The keys are too flat. It was cleary designed for beauty - not functionality. Because the keyboard is attached to the screen, you must move the entire machine to make angle adjustments and you cannot adjust its rake. For the money the keyboard should be detachable (certainly a slot-in device can be designed. Additionally, for this price the CD/DVD dive is flimsy. Its design makes it difficult to insert and press home discs without flexing the drive.

That is the good news.

The bad news is software and service.

THe machine is three days old and from the first moment the software failed. As yet nothing is plugged into the computer and no software has been added. Yet programs such as Explorer were unable to close causing the computer to restart, the crucial recovery program which enables you to produce back up CD and DVD's refused to write to the disc, (the drive worked perfectly for all other uses), and the computer has closed down on its own. Although the software- based restore option worked, that option is no longer available because the software cannot find its resore partition on the hard drive. Only the Sony program was able to erase discs, not Word.

These problems persisted despite reformatting the drive using the option in the recovery program that operates without discs.

Sony's service's response to all of this after over four weekend hours on the phone with various service representatives, was that my software has become currupted by the loading of hardware drivers (such as printer drivers). When I informed them this was unlikely and that in any event, they must have failed to remember that I had not yet attached any hardware to the computer, they politely but firmly told me I had to purchase a back up CD.

It should be noted, that unless my drive was factory formatted with a currupted image, (highly unlikely), Sony's master software may be defective and/or suffer from built-in conflicts with some of the other third party software loaded on the computer by the factory.

Service is unable to help with software. They refer you to the manufacturer of third pary software. With respect to Sony software they refer you to the online help line. If you have hardware problems you will end up mailing the fragile computer to a sevice center. If you purchase the very expensive on site warranty, you will still be dealing with the same folks. If you require replacement software, even if you are unable to produce your own back-up disc because of software defects, you will be told software replacement is not covered by the warranty. If you you object, although your computer may only be days old, you will be told to carefully read your warranty.

Therefore, do not buy this product unless you are prepared to live without support. It often takes a considerable period of time to raise service from the dead and unless you are very very lucky you will end up speaking with a perfectly nice man or woman from India whose understanding of English is limited (they communicate with you in much the same manner as does computer voice recognition). They are often difficult to understand. Worse, they have no understanding of the product. They read from information screens that tell them what to tell you and constantly ask you to give them time to check your records, the database etc. Each time, you are put on hold for interminable periods of time. In the end, unless it is the most basic of problems, you will be told they have to escalate you to the next level of service. You may then, after a very long hold, be able to speak with an American, but he too will be bereft of knowledge.

If you require service, go with a less attractive computer - entertainment center. I have just been told they are out there at the same price with far better specs.

In all other respects the 600G is a fine piece of industrial design.

I am returning mine within the 30 day period (from date of shipment!).

Stanley Deutsch

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliant, functional and fun to look at.
Review: This Vaio was always fun to look at and I finally purchased this Vaio PCV-w600g. Watching TV on the 17.5 inch LCD monitor is a joy and the SIS speakers, though they receive complaints, do quite well.

I do suggest a wireless keyboard for long duration typing. The keyboard is somewhat difficult to use, but isn't too bad for minimal stuff.

The design is by far the best feature, its good lookign in any room and completely functional.

I don't think there is a better deal on the market for a 17 inch LCD TV, let alone one that functions as a computer as well.

My only suggestion is that you add a second stick of 512mb RAM. This really wakes up the computer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliant, functional and fun to look at.
Review: We brought it home, we plugged it in, and it worked! I was a little worried about the keyboard and monitor being attached to the computer, but we bought the extended service plan and just plowed ahead. The "flatness" of the keyboard (similar to a laptop keyboard) takes a little getting used to, but we overcame that in about a day.

We hooked up the TV functions - wow, how cool! We can record TV programs and play them back whenever we want, and it actually worked the first time, just like it should.

I was disappointed that Sony included no documentation or restore software with the computer, and spent a couple of hours creating recovery disks. For the cost of the computer, they really could throw in some paperwork and a couple of recovery disks.

The DVD writer works wonderfully, and the included software works without a hitch so far.

The monitor has glass over the screen, not a "fabric" screen like a laptop or typical flat panel.

Overall, we really love this computer! This is our family's 10th computer, and our favorite so far.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Functional AND Cool!
Review: We brought it home, we plugged it in, and it worked! I was a little worried about the keyboard and monitor being attached to the computer, but we bought the extended service plan and just plowed ahead. The "flatness" of the keyboard (similar to a laptop keyboard) takes a little getting used to, but we overcame that in about a day.

We hooked up the TV functions - wow, how cool! We can record TV programs and play them back whenever we want, and it actually worked the first time, just like it should.

I was disappointed that Sony included no documentation or restore software with the computer, and spent a couple of hours creating recovery disks. For the cost of the computer, they really could throw in some paperwork and a couple of recovery disks.

The DVD writer works wonderfully, and the included software works without a hitch so far.

The monitor has glass over the screen, not a "fabric" screen like a laptop or typical flat panel.

Overall, we really love this computer! This is our family's 10th computer, and our favorite so far.

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