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Toshiba e310 Pocket PC

Toshiba e310 Pocket PC

List Price: $399.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Toshiba e310 is a great value
Review: I'm a long time PDA user (starting with the original Sharp Wizards in the early '90s) and have been using a Casio E-100 (running WinCE) for several years. While still fond of my trusty old E-100, I found it was just too heavy to lug around in my pocket so I finally decided to upgrade to a new PDA running the latest PocketPC OS. I looked at the HP and Compaq units...then I saw the Toshiba e310 and was instantly impressed by its small size and light weight. Yipee! I could finally carry around my PDA without looking as if there was a brick in my pocket.

The price of this slick little unit is an added bonus - nearly [price] less than most other PocketPC units - so I bought one and it's been my daily companion ever since. Here are a few of my observations after about 2 months use:

1) Lightweight - Being able to inconspicuously carry your PDA with you everywhere is the whole point of having a PDA, and the e310 is easily the smallest PocketPC available at the moment.

2) Solid Construction - With an aluminum body, the e310 feels very well built. There is no flexing or fiddly plastic bits, though the stylus is rather small and fits loosely in the silo.

3) SD Expansion slot - Yes, a CF card would have been ideal, but no doubt size constraints forced Toshiba to use an SD card instead. However, it does make adding memory easy and inexpensive (though I've yet to fill the onboard 32KB).

4) PocketPC 2002 - Microsoft has really refined the OS and the e310 is both fast and easy to use. There is also plenty of high quality third party software available on the 'net. (My favorites are ListPro, eWallet, and WIS Bar.)

5) Syncing with your PC - ActiveSync works flawlessly over a USB port, and you can choose to sync with Outlook, Money, and selected files (such as Word and Excel files or other supported apps).

1) LCD display - Dimmer and less contrasty than my Casio E-100, but a big advantage is that the e310 is readable in sunlight, so this is a fair compromise.

2) Wireless connectivity - The e310 is not an ideal choice if you must have wireless access since only Bluetooth is available on the SD format.

I highly recommend the e310 to anyone looking for a powerful, versatile, and fun PDA that is easy on your pocket AND your pocketbook.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It was not what I expected
Review: I bought the Toshiba because I didn't want to pay the outrageous amount that Compaq wanted for their iPaqs. I also wanted to give the PoketPC OS a try. Well, you get what you paid for. Battery life is terrible and the unit is simply too long physically. The OS, while was nicely done, was overwhelming. I just needed a simple PDA that does what I want and has a long battery life.

I returned it and bought another Palm instead.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A good PDA, a bad price
Review: While a bit weak compared to its more powerful bigger brothers, this is a passable PDA. The only problem is that it lacks the CF expansion port that has become so powerful as of late. Once the SD port becomes more expandable, this will be quite an adequate machine. Other things worth mentioning is that it is very light and has a very good screen...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not Bad!
Review: My first PDA, I've had it for a couple of weeks.
Synchronizes well. Small and light. I am quite happy.
I wish there were more add-ons for it like a keyboard
and a WiFi networking card. But I guess that's what a
laptop is for!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great little PDA
Review: Very pleased...great deal, great pda. The color screen is crisp and fairly large compared to others. Includes a handy expansion slot for up to 128 ram. Buttons are very usuable and ergonomic...scroll button is wonderful! MP3 player sounds great through headphones and for the price one of the best ones out there. Finding an external keyboard will be a problem since no compatible ones are made so far...all and all good pda. very strongly recommend.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: No dissapointment
Review: The Toshiba e310 is everything I had hoped it would be. It is super-thin, lightweight, great color, bright display.... I could go on and on. It has been very reliable, no crashes like my old Ipaq. Battery life is good, but reduced if you are using programs stored on the memory card. Sturdy, too; I dropped it but it suffered no damage.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Completely Buggy
Review: First one that I received had a weird issue with the clock running 3 seconds for every real second. Sent that PDA back, got another one, but that would only intermittently sync with my computer. I tried to call technical support, but they were a complete waste of time. Setting up a PDA shouldn't be a huge ordeal, and if you do run into problem, you should have a right to expect customer support to at least be somewhat helpful. Very disappointing as I have two Toshiba laptops - but I will never buy a Toshiba product again if this exemplifies their product and product support.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: All I need and more!
Review: I've owned my E310 for a week now.
The software that I purchased and installed are:
1. Code Wallet
2. Agenda Fusion
3. Point Start
4. Rapid Calc
5. Pocket Slideshow
I also purchased the 128M SD card and the EB leather case (see below for web site address).

The basic software that comes with the E310 works fine. After I installed the software mentioned above, it has made my job much easier. Since I'm in the military I keep documents of (duty roster, alert roster, leaders book, slide presentations) available on my PocketPC. Military personnel know what I mean (HOOAH)! Syncing of all my work/info between my office computer and E310 works fine. Overall I couldn't be more happier with my E310.


Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Be prepared to call technical support to get going
Review: I just bought this wonderful device last week and since learned that it will not work with NT so I then updgraded to Windows 2000 just so I can sync with Outlook on my desktop. The directions are horrible and required me to go to the Toshiba website to download the latest drivers and still working on getting it to sync. It seems finicky, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I spent about 2 hours with technical support and they gave up citing that it was proabably the docking station for my laptop. I will continue to try to get it to work. Other than this it seems like a woderful toy and I can't wait to learn about all of its features.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Toshiba is one of the most reliable electronics in the world
Review: Please try this Toshiba e310 Pocket PC,
Its the best of the best

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