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2.4 GHz
5.8 GHz
900 MHz
Corded-Cordless Combos
Extra Handset Included
Panasonic KX-TG2214F 2.4 GHz Digital Cordless Speakerphone (Blue)

Panasonic KX-TG2214F 2.4 GHz Digital Cordless Speakerphone (Blue)

List Price:
Your Price: $66.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Good Phone
Review: Had the Motorola before. Piece of junk. Went back to the old reliable Panasonic. Always excellent quality for the money. This phone is no exception.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best phone
Review: I don't known who is writing this bull about this phone is the worst. I just last night bought the exact phone and it works great it has all the right features and the charging is awesome beacuse you only have to charge it for 6 hours that is so much beter than my old phone which I took back the sound is great on this phone the range is outstanding and would tell everyone to buy this phone.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible Phone
Review: I like this cordless mostly for the speakerphone handset. If I'm in some company or agency's automated phone system and am waiting for an operator (Quote: your average wait time is 9 minutes Unquote + muzak), I don't want to have to keep my ear to the handset, do you? Just punch the speaker button on the handset and set it down near you and go about your business. When the operator comes on, say something, hit the button to put it back on non-speakerphone status and talk normally. Great feature.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What a let down
Review: I previously owned a Panasonic phone very similar to this model. It was black and I had it for about 4 years. It worked wonderfully the entire time. I guess it finally wore out and so I decided that I would buy another just like it. I bought this model thinking it would be just as good. Was I wrong. I had some of the same problems that others had. It would beep in the middle of a conversation and then cut out. I would have to ask the person to repeat what they said because I couldn't hear them. I also had trouble with the "tin can" sound. Several times I would call someone and it would be very hard to hear them and there would be a static sound in the background. I would hang up and call back and it would be better. I ended up returning this phone and trying the cheaper model thinking it would be more like the original. This one was no good either. I returned the second model and went for another brand. We'll see how this goes. Very disappointed, Panasonic!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: do not buy
Review: i thought panasonic was a good brand. but i thought rong.first of all the voice enhancer makes who ever your talking to sound completly different. second you prity much have to be in the same room as the base to have a cristal clear conversation. that makes me made the most. but outher wise it is great phone.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: tin can
Review: This is the third Panasonic that I've owned and it sounds nothing like the previous two. The incoming voices sound like I'm listening through a tin can. The echoing is terrible at any range and speaking of range, this 2.4 ghz phone has half the range of my Panasonic 900 mhz phone. The outgoing sounds are equally bad as several people that I've called can atest to. They droppped the ball on this model

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: good stuff
Review: this phone is good. if you want something with more features. spend more money. but in my experience panasonic makes solid cordless phones. i've use three starting with an old 25 channel, then a 900 mhz and now this one.
I got this at target for the same price and i didn't think anyone else carried these colors.
the battery life is good (just keep in mind batteries have memories) will last forever on standby. charges fairly quickly too.
sound quality is very good, has Voice Enhancer feature i never use cause it basically just tweaks the EQ on the speaker and can make people sound a little strange. whatever.
reception is usually very good only when i go outside do i get a little interference(i have the base in the basement)and next to the microwave(kind of funny considering these things supposedly operate at the same frequency or something).
and the real reason to get this phone are cool colors that make people go "what is that".
complaints: the shoulder adapter it comes with could have been designed a little better, works better as a little phone stand for use with the handset speakerphone. maybe they should have included a nice headset instead.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Good Features, Bad Design
Review: Well I'm officlally done buying Panasonic cordless phones. I tried one a couple years back and had problems so I exchanged it for the same one, which ended up had the same problems. I figured it's been a couple years and maybe the've ironed them out but they have definately not. I bought this phone a couple months ago and returned it because it would cut out for no reason and then beep. It sometimes also sounded like the person I was talking to was under water. Once again I exchanged it for the same model, thinking I just had a defective unit, but the second one does the same thing. I am returning this phone and will try my luck with another brand (not sure what yet).

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