Rating:  Summary: Great Product except for speaker Review: Love my Treo 600 but have to have it replaced because the speaker that you put your ear against is defective. I hope the new one has this annoying bug fixed.
Rating:  Summary: Great Phone When When It Works Review: March 23, 2004. I have had mobile phones since 1981 when they first came out. Before this phone I was using a Nokia phone and Palm Tungsten. Bought this phone in December from AT & T Wireless. It worked great until the middle of February when the sound went out and I could only use the earpiece and speaker. I called tech support and they couldn't get it to work and they couldn't get me another phone for 12 days. The new one arrived and it would not hold a charge off the charger and would immediately perform a hard reset. I sent it back and received Treo phone 3 last week. Yesterday it too stopped working and I could only use it with the earpiece or on speaker. After researching on line, I discovered that this speaker going out is a real problem with the phone. I called At& T and they said that if I had bought any other phone from them they would replace it overnight. But they will not replace a Treo or Palm because of the PalmOne policy. So I am left with no choice but to order my 4th phone from Palm One and wait another 10 to 14 days for a replacement. And forget about getting one sent overnight by giving them your FedEx number. Their policy doesn't allow this. Features I have liked include: set up and Sim card exchange took only a few minutes; stronger reception (bars) than other Nokia or Sony Ericcson cell phones I have owned; email and web browsing works great; screen brightness and color are even better than the Tungsten that I had used for a year; talk time is excellent (I use 3000- 4000 minutes a month; very easy to use the Treo 600 with one hand; synchronizing and beaming works great;when phone works, it is probably the clearest cell phone that I have ever used; convenience of having one device is priceless. Dislikes: in addition to the reliability issues mentioned above, the camera is only fair and not as good as the fair one on the Sony Ericcson T616. April 13, 2004: (...)
Rating:  Summary: Treo 600 Buzzing and poor service Review: My experience with the Treo 600 with AT&T is horrible. My first phone worked fine for about 2 months. Then the speaker stopped functioning so I could not use the phone without a headset. Since it failed beyond the AT&T 30 day warranty, I had to call Palm directly. The tech support was difficult to understand but they did send me a replacement promptly. Unfortunately, the replacement has never worked properly. There is a terrible buzzing sound that makes the phone unuseable. It also drops almost every call. Now I am waiting for my 3rd phone. The delivery date keeps getting postponed so I am without a phone. AT&T will not offer any other assistance. My associate has one and is also waiting for his 3rd phone.
Rating:  Summary: Brings us 90% of the way to a perfect integrated device Review: My review comes after I've read all 29 previous reports to date. The speaker and buzz problems mentioned seem a bit overstated. I own two of them (one since October '03) and I have not had those problems or heard much about them. If you want to get the latest, greatest information about the utility of this device, head on over to treocentral.com
I am extremely impressed with this gadget and it has become an indispensable piece of "mobile office equipment" for me. I use it as an MP3 player, calendar (it syncs with our corporate calendar), phone, camera, movie player, memo taker and voice recorder, planner, calculator, web browser, email client and game machine. There is just an amazing amount of stuff integrated into one small device.
Are there shortcomings? Sure, the screen resolution could be better (only 160x160, not 320x320 like the latest PalmOne PDAs) and bluetooth and/or WiFi would be nice. The phone part has its share of dropouts, too.
However, all in all, I think it is the best integrated device on the market and I'd bet anyone would be surprised at all the functionality it offers... No matter how good a device is, we will always want something better. Isn't that the natural reaction of any true gadget freak? ;-)
5 stars!
Rating:  Summary: To add on to my earlier review Review: Not only is the manual useless, so is the website. Phone support for this product is only free for the first 90 days, and subsequently becomes about $20 per "incident." At this point, I have been on hold for over half an hour and it is nowhere near a peak calling time (Friday evening). I may be returning this soon.
Rating:  Summary: dont buy it if you want to use the advanced functions Review: OK, so now I get some guy on their support line that tells me that the Treo 600 cannot open or handle .jpgs and that I can pay for 3rd party software. While I'm talking to the guy, I find this on handspring's website: "The version of the Palm OS your Treo 600 smartphone runs can handle the following kinds of attachments fresh out of the box: Polyphonic ringtones (.mid) JPEG image files (.jpg) vCard and vCal files (.vcs and .vcf)" Who is right? I don't know. But clearly one of them is wrong, and they're both Handspring. I'm pretty pissed off. It clearly can't handle .jpgs right out of the box, and they clearly can't handle giving any explanation of the more advanced functions that the Treo may or may not have. DONT BUY ONE IF YOU WANT MORE THAN A PHONE, PDA AND GODAWFUL BROWSER.
Rating:  Summary: dont buy it if you want to use the advanced functions Review: OK, so now I get some guy on their support line that tells me that the Treo 600 cannot open or handle .jpgs and that I'll have to pay for 3rd party software if I want to view or attach .jpgs to messages. He doesn't even have any suggestions regarding the third party vendors for the software. While I'm talking to the guy, and he keeps rattling on about something else he clearly doesn't understand (and which had nothing to do with what I was asking about), I find this on handspring's website: "The version of the Palm OS your Treo 600 smartphone runs can handle the following kinds of attachments fresh out of the box: Polyphonic ringtones (.mid) JPEG image files (.jpg) vCard and vCal files (.vcs and .vcf)" Who is right? I don't know. But clearly one of them is wrong, and they're both Handspring. I'm pretty pissed off. It clearly can't handle .jpgs right out of the box, and they clearly can't handle giving any explanation of the more advanced functions that the Treo may or may not have. DONT BUY ONE IF YOU WANT MORE THAN A PHONE, PDA AND GODAWFUL BROWSER.
Rating:  Summary: The best phone I've ever had Review: Quite simply this is the best cell phone I've ever had. This is more than just a flashy phone, it is a productivity enhancer. It's a cell phone, a digital camera, a speakerphone, a Palm pilot, and an MP3 player all in one. The $199 deal that I see today amazing. I paid quite a bit more for the phone in March of this year, but I think the value it brings to your life makes it well worth the dough. Since I got it, this phone attracts a LOT of attention when you pull it out. However, please be aware there is a new Treo coming out which will have a higher resolution screen and camera. Also be aware that some folks have had issues with build quality and signal/sound quality. But otherwise highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: superior smartphone Review: The first small-enough-to-look-cool smartphone. + Good battery life Form factor D-Pad is a great short-cut Supports full range of Palm applications (many optimised for d-pad) allowing audio, video, web surfing, email, instant messaging... GPS coming soon? Expandable via memory card - Camera is not great (rumour is firmware upgrade will improve this) Battery is not removeable I previously owned the 270 and this thing is *much* faster and a lot nicer to use. And instead of "what the hell is that?" reactions, you get "wow, let me take a look". Couldn't live without it - up there with the iPod as the best gadget ever.
Rating:  Summary: Great combo, absolutely useless, horrid manual Review: The functions and usefulness of this are fantastic. The essential features are fairly intuitive, particularly if you owned a Palm or Treo before. That said, the more unique the function, the less likely you'll be able to use it without searching high and lo to find out how. The manual is completely useless. Whoever wrote this was a M****F*****... For those who aren't likely to want to spend hours online trying to learn to use those functions, or wont wait for the "for dummies" version, you might want to consider buying something else - its that bad.