Rating:  Summary: some new fee back for this baby,nothing like this per now Review: well again this is a great phone i like the fron lcd display when you hold the button in the side down it first show eather your analog clock or date and day then if you have missed calls it shows when preesd second time and if you hold it down the flash comes on as long as you pres it again to turn of or you put the 15,30 or 60 second in the lcd display if is dark enough their is your flash light and mention before can take pictures with the front close,reseption is very good has never let me down yes the voice dial or speaker phone is soemthing missing well i use my head set that the phone borught think is pretty need and i use my speed dial so not a problm think that the group dial is great when you can put some one else with different ringtones taht the regular and some logos to pop up in the front lcd pictuers if you use the super fine and vga640 *480 with the flash quality is going to be great rigth now im having some trouble with my t-zone but is not the phone is the service pretty good service customer service is very nice great plans better than cingular such i was fet up with their plains service and signal, still believe that samsung e715 is a great phone if planing to get a phone
Rating:  Summary: the best...but not the greatest Review: more like 4.5 .i previously had a nokia 3390 and upgraded to this one because it was one of the nicest phones i've ever seen. First, i wanted a flip phone because i was tired of the whole deal with "locking the keys" to the my phone and having it not work, and accidently calling someone. So i wanted a flip phone. There are cheaper flip phones out there obviously, but i wanted more features. The camera with the flash was a big plus, and i am a train commuter, so having the games on the phone is a good way to pass the time when i don't feel like reading. I also liked the organizer too. Anything else about the phone was an added plus. that i didn't know i wanted till i got it. I am very happy with my phone, but there are a few things that would have maded it the greatest phone out there.1. The phone can make pictures look red when taking pictures that are not in natural light. However i found a way to remedy this. If you have a lightsource that is white nearby, quickly point your camera toward it before taking pictures, and it will get rid of the redness. You can also quickly just hold it up against anything else white. For those familiar with film, this is called a "white balance". Kind of annoying but this is a cell phone not a digital camera 2. There are features that this phone has that the manual does not tell you about, for example taking a picture of yourself, or even taking a picture of yourself with a flash. 3. The picture quality is nothing great. I wasn't expecting great anyways, but if you don't have a camera at the spur of a moment, this will do. 4. The flash has a very limited range, but at least it has one. I've only found the flash useful for taking close up pictures. 5. The zoom gets pixely when you zoom too close. 6. If you get the t-zones, for some reason you can't download games through them (but i have downloaded games from other wap sites) and they have not set up the "My Journal" portion of the wap, which is supposed to let you post pictures to the web. Everything else is top notch as far as cell phones go right now. They give you a GOOD hands free set(my nokia one had problems with people hearing me so i had to hold the mic up to my mouth defeating the purpose)and they give you a belt clip which i use all the time. I also love the fact that the external display is always on. Although it doesn't have voice dialing I don't care about it because i use speed dialing. I would also recommend getting the data cable for the phone because it is stupid to have to email yourself pictures. I got mine with the GRPS disc off the internet for 25 bucks. I've seen it for as much as 90 dollars. So if you are willing to deal out the cash, this phone will meet all your expectations. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Ideal phone Review: I recently purchased this phone and I am terribly glad I chose it over the Nokia 3650. First of all, the phone is very compact. I am in high school and the last thing I need is yet another bulky item to weigh down my backpack. I can conveniently slip this into my purse or pocket and not have to worry about it getting broken because it is also a very sturdy device. The camera is probably one of the best, if not THE best, I've seen on a phone. True, camera capabilities of cell phones are in their infancy, but if this is a primitive version of what's yet to come, I can hardly begin to imagine what happens when this technology improves. The camera has a very handy zoom, as well as a mediocre flash that, for almost all purposes, works like a charm. Although I could have used 'cooler' ringtones, the ones supplied with the phone serve their purpose. This aspect of a phone doesn't appeal to me as much, anyhow, because I usually have my phone on silent mode. All in all, the phone is compact, it has a great camera, the software on the phone is very user friendly and self explanatory, and with rebates left and right, this phone sells for as cheap as $45.
Rating:  Summary: Good phone with some missing features Review: Just about every year near chrismas time I get a new phone. The reason? Because that is when my one year contract is over, meaning I can just open up a new account and get a new phone for a good price. I do need to copy my contact over from the previous phones but SIM cards allow me to do that fairly easily. This year I got the E715. For comparison purposes I will include two phones which I purchased last year (S105 and Nokia 6610), plus my friend's phone Sony Ericsson T610 which I used for some time after my S105 was stolen. Sound Quality - The most important function of a phone is to talk. The Sound Quality for the E715 is pretty good. IMO the Nokia 6610 sounds slightly better, but this could be because I am used to the 6610 for the last few months. The sound quality for this phone and the S105 are similar. The SE T610 sounds the worst IMO but the difference between all these phones are very little, they all sound good. Reception - In my room where the reception is not so good again the Nokia 6610 comes out on top. Unlike the S105 the E715 has an internal antenna whose performance is about the same as the S105. The T610's reception is about the same as the E715. Ultimately phone receptions has more to do with carriers than the phones themselves, so buyers please check coverage area first. Tmobile is not the best carrier for those who live outside of large cities. Design - The E715 wins hands down. Both the T610 and 6610 are bar style phones while the E715 and S105 are flip phones. For the bar style phones I need to lock up the keys all the time (so if I accidently hit the keys nothing will happen) which can be a pain. Also the screen gets scratched easily for the bar type phones. The E715 looks pretty good and has a very cool front LCD display. If you hold down to the camera button on the side the front LCD can show you what your digital camera displays. That is a cool function if you want to take pictures of yourself. Camera - Here is the main attraction of this phone over the older generation phones. The T610 is another phone which I'ved used the camera with. If you set the picture qualities at the highest resolution the pictures which the E715 can take are great. There are other built in features in the E715 such as multiple shots, flash, zoom, and about 4-5 neat effects such as grey and brown (turns color pictures taken into grey/brown), sketch, negative, etc. You can store 4MB pictures, which should be enough to store around 130 normal quality pictures and 20-30 pictures at the highest resolution. The T610's camera does not come lose to this one. Be warned though: Those who have good digital cameras will be disappointed at the picture quality of the E715 still. The E715 is after all, a phone, and not a camera. Features - Phones get sold on bells and whistles. The E715 adds a lot more features to the S105. The E715 has now 40 chords for ringtones, meaning the ring tones now sound MUCH better. The S105 has 16 tones, the 6610 has 20, while the T610 I believe has also 40 chords (I am not sure on this one). The T610 has a built in Melody composer which allows the user to compose their own music. I don't know anyone who uses this feature but I am sure someone will try. The E715 comes with 4 games and 2 of them (chess and golf) are actually fun to play. The T610 has one good game (mini golf) while the S105 has a fun blowing game. The 6610 has the worst games but makes it up with a useful converter application which converts different currencies and metric systems into the english system (useful for international travelling). While the S105/6610/T610 are tri band the E715 is a duel band. For those who do not travel internationally this is a non-issue but for those who do the E715 will probably have issues at some places. With the camera phone function and more sophisticated ringtones it is important to have a good software which allows you to transfer pictures/ringtones/calenders easily from your phone to your PC. This can save you alot of money as internet usage on cell phones are slow and pricy. Samsung USA has by far the worst support on this aspect. While the T610 has bluetooth and the 6610's PC Suite could be easily found, for the E715 you will need to go to Samsung's european site and download an app called Easy GPRS. In order to get the IrDa (infra red) function to work you will further need to download another 3rd party program which will assign a COM port from your PC to the infra red drive. Even after going through all this trouble I still cannot upload wall papers from the PC to the phone correctly. I heard that you will need to download yet another app called Easy Suite or something like that. *12/24 update* Easy Studio does not work with E715, it only works with E700 (euro version of the E715). EasyGPRS can upload pictures and download pictures between the pc and E715. However you can only upload 128x128 resolution pics less than 32k in size from your PC to your phone. You are able to download any pics from your phone to your PC. One feature which the 6610 has which I use often is speaker phone. I don't know why but Samsung simply refuse to add such a useful feature. I know that I can use the ear piece for handsfree talking but I dont carry the ear piece with me all the time. Finally, the batteries on the E715 wears out the fastest. For me the battery has been lasting around 2 days with moderate usage. IMO the phone will not last more than 4 days on standby. The T610 and the 6610's batteries lasts at least 30% longer.
Rating:  Summary: nothing out that compares to this baby Review: well i bought this phone 4 days after it came out is a great phone pictures are pretty good the vga i think is great th flash light is good the look is cool every of my friends that see the phone fall in love with it when taking pictures the effects are greate the zooming and moving the search arrows to the left ot right you change the quality of light on picture "if you didnt know" how meny pictures you can save is great the loading with the cable kit problaly is not the best eaither the infrared to down load the pictures but the email is pretty nice people now talk about the new motorola v300 well this is like cars you cant compare a mercedes with a honda no ofens but they take you to same places probably on the same time but the look in style and fetures are not compatible eaither the price so thats why you see more hondas on the streets stead of mercedes same thing with cell this phone look the v300 cant compare eaither the style and fetures this phone regarless cathes the eye of eany one out their the reception is good if you dont have good reception is becausee your area covereage not the phone regarless what phone you have and the battery IF YOU USE THE PHONE A LOT BATTERY DIE WITH EANY PHONE BUT THIS IS A GREAT PHONE
Rating:  Summary: Good phone with some functions missing Review: The last year or so we have all seen an explosion of nice color phones in the market. Most of their functionalities are the similar while some have the extra bonus bells and whistles while really sells the product. Like many others, I was attracted to this phone because of the nice styling, the size, and the camera. I have previously owned a Samsung S105, which was a nice phone as well so it was easy for me to learn this phone since many menu functions were similar. The first and foremost thing I look for in a phone is the sound quality. The sound quality of the phone is not bad. Having owned the Nokia 6610 as well I would say the Nokia phone sounds a little better but this might be because I am used to the 6610. I am sure most people will be happy with the sound quality of the E715. The next thing is reception. Unlike the older Samsung phones this phone uses an internal antenna which works good, if not better than phones with antennas. The camera on this phone is quite nice. There is a flash and a zoom feature which is added bonus. The 640x480 pictures taken by this phone is OK to be viewed by cell phones' smaller screens but if you view the pictures on your computer you might be disappointed. This phone does have a 40 chord Midi capability which means you can download some good songs. For the tech savvy there is a program called Easy GPRS which can be downloaded from Samsung's European website. This program will allow you sync up your phone with your pc. The other program which I like is called PSM Play which allows you to edit midi files and convert them into mmf. files. One useful feature which this phone does not have is speaker phone. Generally I don't like to hold the phone next to my ear, or use the ear pieces. The speaker phone on the Nokia is great for this purpose. Another minor inconvinence with this phone is the phone's IrDa capability with your PC. As I have mentioned already you will need to download an application from Samsung Europe in order to transfer data from your PC to your Phone. With some other phones such as the Sony Ericcson T610 you can simply transfer files through Window's default program when you match your phone's infra red port with your laptop's. Of course EasyGPRS also have the ability to do many other things but sometimes I wish that I can transfer simple images/sounds directly using just windows. Finally, the battery on this phone runs out a little faster than some other phones. If you play around with this phone often the battery will run out in a day. If you don't it will last 2-3 days. Currently this is not the best cell phone on the market but this is definitely one of the best Tmobile GSM phones at the moment. With rebates this phone will only cost $50 which is well worth the price of cancelling your old account and starting up a new one.
Rating:  Summary: Roasted E715 Cellphone Review: I had my new Samsung E715 for three weeks so far, it is a great phone overall. The thing I missed the most are no voice dialing. If you plan to play games or take pictures with this phone, forget about battery life. A few days ago, I was driving home from the mall, and my battery was running low, so I decided to use the car charger. After about half an hour or so, I started to smell rubber burning. I thought it was from the outside, but the smell started to get worst. I was so nervous, thinking my car was on fired. I took a quick peek at the charger and the red light was off, so I tried to pick up the phone, and boy was it hot. I pullled over to a safe place and inspect the phone. From the inside, under the screen and below the word Samsung, there was a burned hole. Then I opened the battery area, and discovered my chip was toasted as well. So, be very careful of charging in the car. I am trying to get Samsung to provide this as a warning, before something bad happen. Luckily, TMobile promised to ship me a new phone of similar value, and my Cell store is willing to give me a new chip. My old phone was a Montorola V60g and I can leave the car charger with it for a long time. If you are curious of my car cigarette lighter being over powered, it is a 1999 Camry LE. Hope this help.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent phone except the battery life Review: I have had this phone after 7 days it released to the US market. So far, it works great: 16bit color, 5 mega bytes picture memory, great design, clear sound quality, good reception(in my neighborhood), customizable wallpapers, etc. The only thing that bothers me is the battery life. There is only one battery comes with the phone, unlike my previous phone s-105, which has two batteries. Unless you only use your phone for talking and calling, the picture messenging and camera drain the battery FAST!!!, so get ready to disconnect it anytime if you don't charge it freguently.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great phone Review: I'd have to truly say that this is the most stylish phone on the market, it is slim and has all the cool featuers that any teenager like me would want. It is the best phone considering that it is only $50 now. My friend's jaws dropped when they saw this phone, I absolutly love the Camera and the Flash function. I would reccomend this phone to anyone who wants the coolest phone on the market It is safe to call this the "Mercedes-Benz of phones" it is defently slick
Rating:  Summary: Some tips for novice users Review: 1) Battery life improves after the first few charges. My first charge lasted 48 hours with minimal usage. My third charge lasted just over 4 days with about 90 minutes of total talk time and about a dozen pictures taken. So be patient. 2) It took me forever to figure out that if you want to take pictures with the lid closed, you have to hold the camera button on the side down for a few seconds. 3) EasyGPRS is the software you want to use to link up the phone to your pc. You can download your photos, call lists, phonebook, etc., or upload new backgrounds, ringtones. The data cable is pricey, I use the IR port on my laptop to connect. 4) I got the samsung leather case for the phone. I dont think I'm going to use it often. When its on, it causes the flip to not close nicely, and it has a plastic cover over the external screen and camera, so camera shots come out even more blurry. But the case looks nice otherwise, and I'll probably cut the plastic part that is around the camera. 5) I dislike most of the built in ring tones. They sound great technically, but there arent much in the way of discreet rings for the office. Most free ringtones on the internet are conversions of pop/hip hop songs, and are also inappropriate for a workplace. On the plus side, you can use mms for ringtones, so you can get mp3 type versatility for your ringtone. 6) Hold the volume button down a second or so while closed and the flash light turns on. Dont be fooled by the fact I gave this phone 4 stars. Its the best phone I've ever owned. There are lots of little flaws that everyone else has mentioned already. But I think its the perfect format (flip phone, no external antenna), small, and extremely attractive. The only other TMobile phone I would consider is the Motorola V300 (V500/600 coming next year).