Rating:  Summary: TDMA = not this one Review: . The Nokia 1221 will only work on the TDMAnetwork. However the Nokia 2285 and 5180i (also available from Amazon.com) will work anywhere in the USA because they are CDMA. The Motorola 120c is also a CDMA phone. IF you are in a TDMA area, you want to have a CDMA phone anyway if you travel or move. The phone come with 10 free units (20 if you activate on line). You can also receive 100 free units by E-mail from Tracfone if you *activate* your phone after a friend (who already has her Tracfone) refers you (she also receives 100 minutes). 120 units out of the box is a good deal. If you don't know anybody you can E-mail me, I'll make sure you receive the $30.00 Tracfone deal. My E-mail : second_tracfone@lycos.com You can add units at Amazon or Tracfone. One minute will take one unit if you phone from your area map and two units if you phone out of it (roaming) however local or long distance are the same rate. If you want to move, you can change your area code or phone number (maximum four times a year) by calling Tracfone. I'm in a digital area so the sound is great, however I'm *not* in an area with text messaging available. You can set up your voice mail by calling your 1221 from another phone (save your units) and by using # to set your code and voice greeting. The phone always show the amount of units and their expiration. Calls less than fifteen seconds won't be charged. The activation is easy but very long, you need to be on line entering many codes on your 1221 phone.
Rating:  Summary: This phone is perfect for my needs Review: I bought a prepaid cellular Tracphone from Sam's Club a month ago and let me tell you this is definitely the way to go. I was moving from Wisconsin to Texas and needed a phone so I could keep in contact. I activated the phone in WI and in 15 minutes had an active TX area phone number. Then, while traveling I always had a good signal with no roaming the entire time! The reception was always excellent. For $70 I got a brand new phone with 1-year activation and 120 minutes (10 minutes included + 10 additional minutes for online activation + 100 minute because of a email referral by a friend)! Also, the other thing I love is that phone displays the number of minutes left. It also includes voice mail, call waiting, caller ID. You can setup and access your voicemail from a regular phone and never use prepaid minutes. If you work it right you can get the cost down to 10 cents a minute and they always rollover as long as you're active. More importantly it's great for people like me who won't talk more then 60 min/month. As far as the customer service, I've had no problems and can't relate to some of the bad reviews I've read. If you need 100-minute referral please email me at cgcoleby@yahoo.com Cherise
Rating:  Summary: Free Minutes For The 1221 TracFone Review: I bought this phone at Wal-Mart for $34. I think it's great! Low price, good performance, easy to set up. If you would like 100 free minutes, e-mail me at hebshog@netscape.com. Do not delete the e-mail I send, for you will need it to activate your free minutes.
Rating:  Summary: tracfone Review: I don't have any complaints about my tracfone except I wish
I could buy more minutes cheaper. I would love to refer you if you're going to get a tracfone. If you email me before you activate then we both can get 100 minutes free. [...]
Rating:  Summary: Great deal - for referral e-mail me Review: I got tracfone about a month back and right now I am quite happy with it. Initially it didn't work, and I went through the trouble of trying to get money money back - which I didn't get, so I got a replacement phone from them. It cost me extra $5 to ship my phone back to them.
Anyways, I got the new phone and it works! I do have more than enough minutes to last me 2 months, with 100 referral minutes and 50 extra minutes I got for a promotion and initial 100 minutes. So now I am satisfied, but it wasn't fun dealing with the customer service.
Rating:  Summary: 100 Free Minutes Review: i like my tracfone so far. if you decide to get a tracfone please let me refer you before activating it- we will each get 100 free minutes. my email is shown above. thank you
Rating:  Summary: 100 Free Minutes Review: i like my tracfone so far. if you decide to get a tracfone please let me refer you before activating it- we will each get 100 free minutes. my email is shown above. i'm also happy to help if you have any questions. thank you
Rating:  Summary: GREAT PHONE, SERVICE AND FREE MINUTES TOO... Review: I purchased this phone a few months ago and it works great.I also bought a phone for my 2 sons for emergency use,so I don't have to worry about a monthly bill and I have peace of mind if they have car trouble they can call for help. If you plan on purchasing a tracfone they do have a refer a friend promotion for 100 free minutes so if you would like 100 free minutes email me [...] and I will send you a referral and both you and I will receive 100 minutes each. I check my email several times a day so you will receive the referral the same day you request it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Little Phone and Free Minutes from Tracfone Review: I'm a long time tracfone user and I like this addition to their line of phones. It is so simple to use, even a new cellphone user will be happy. My favorite feature is that there is no antenna to break or get caught on things. The screen is bright and easy to read. Some customers knock Tracfone's customer service. I find the savings more than make up for any lack of service.It cost me less than $9 a month to keep mine active. Anyone activating a new or refurbished tracfone is eligible for 100 free referral minutes, e-mail me at scottyjny@yahoo.com for details
Rating:  Summary: 100 Free Minutes Review: If you still haven't activated with Tracfone then email me for a referral. Even if you already have bought a phone (unless you bought it directly from Tracfone), you can get the minutes. You get 100 free minutes and I get 100 free minutes. A win/win situation. My email for referrals is tracfone@REMOVETHISTEXTkkq.com. Please remove the upper case text within the address. I did this to avoid spam. Send me an email with the address you will be using when you sign up with Tracfone. This is how they track the free minutes.