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2 to 2.9 Megapixels

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Nikon Coolpix 2500 2MP Digital Camera w/ 3x Optical Zoom

Nikon Coolpix 2500 2MP Digital Camera w/ 3x Optical Zoom

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: OK - but has some major issues
Review: The camera take very nice pictures. And the memory card that comes with it is fairly adequate. I have two major complaints about the camera however, and I wouldn't have bought this camera if I'd know about these things...
Firstly, unless the camera is 'off' the battery gets wasted VERY quickly (like 1hr)! It doesn't turn off automatically. So, if you take a picture or download your pictures (the camera has to be 'ON' to download pics) and forget to turn the camera 'OFF', when you go to take pictures, the battery is totally dead. This has happened to me many times. Also, the slide level which is the 'ON-OFF-PLAY' control can easily slide into the 'ON' position without your knowing it if it's in a pocket or purse.
Secondly, it's very difficult to take indoor pictures of people. I have tried several different 'scenes', nothing seems to help. You have to hold the camera VERY steady in order to not get a blurry pic.
Maybe some of the higher priced Nikons are better.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not for Flash Photos
Review: If you take lots of indoor flash pictures, this is probably not the camera to choose.

Irrespective of the other attributes of this camera (whether it can be bounced on the floor and survive, whether it takes reasonable outdoor still pictures, macros, has lots of scene modes, etc.) this camera should be avoided if you intend to take lots of photos of people indoors using the built-in flash.

I find that severe red eye is practically inevitable with this camera, even if one uses the anti-red eye flash setting on the camera, and one has to retouch practically all flash pictures of people. In addition, flash pictures indoors will sometimes show white filled-in circles, located at random throughout the photo. They may ruin the photo depending on their location in the image.

These problems have been mentioned by other reviewers, both in this forum and in other camera discussion forums. Both problems have been attributed by many to the location of the flash, which is immediately adjacent to the lens.

Problems with the Nikon CoolPix 2500 flash (and probably with the 3500, which is the 3 megapixel version of this camera) are very real, and if lots of your pictures involve photos of people indoors with a flash, this is not the camera for you (unless you intend to spend time with photo editing software).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Versatile and Easy to Use
Review: I'm not a gadget freak but when I asked my parents for a digital camera for Christmas I made sure they knew I wanted something top of the line yet easy to use. That about sums up this camera. There are about 20 different fuctions to customize the type of picture you want to take including portrait and nightscapes which makes taking consistantly beautiful pictures a possibility for photography novices.
Coupled with this is the beautiful and sleek design. It's really nifty and I've gotten so many comments on how beautiful it is. The fact that the lens slides around into the camera also keeps your lens protected.

The only cons I can think of are that I wish the battery lasted longer (it ran out in the middle of my African Safari at disney this jan) and that the neck strap is too long and not very functional. I usually carry it in my pocket.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good for starting; Frustrating for artists
Review: I received the Nikon Coolpix 2500 as a gift, and had I known that it was going to be purchased for me, I would have chipped in an extra $... to get myself a really nice camera. The 2500 is fine for amateurish photography, but I find it lacking when I want to be a little more creative with my photography.

Pictures that use the flash, no matter what special scene setting is used, come out too pale and whitewashed. Additionally, red-eye is a MAJOR problem with this camera, and the proximity of the flash to the lens creates a series of mysterious light "bubbles" on the pictures.

The scene selections are nice, but often incorrectly labeled. I find myself using the Backlight setting for pictures that aren't backlight, and the Snow/Beach setting for the pictures that are neither snowy nor at the beach.

Also, the LCD is easily scratched, and the small pixel count on it makes your pictures look much nicer than they are. Nothing is more frustrating that snapping a picture, okaying it via the LCD screen, and then finding it to be awful upon uploading. On the topic of the LCD screen, there is no option to turn off the screen because it has no viewfinder, which is a major drain on the battery life on the camera.

On the upside, the software the comes with the camera is nice and the swivel lens is handy for getting pictures at angles that you normally would be unable to see. If you purchase this camera, definately consider purchasing three other things: a more managable necklace, a much larger memory card (at least 64 mb) and an extra battery for long trips.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: the worst I ever seen
Review: I bought it online, it looks cool, but when u take pics, u will find the pics color is worst, too bad, and too dark, pic r not clear too, it's the worst I ever seen, it's made in Malysia, that's why it price drops so quick, I recomand Canon power shot s30, it's realy good stuff, and it's made in Japan. that's the answer, even more expensive

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Amazing for the price
Review: I own a Nikon Coolpix 995 but wanted something smaller for occasions where I didn't want to be bogged down with a large camera. Except for the difference in resolution this little guy can go toe to toe with the 995 and even win in some cases. The "sunset mode" made possible a professional looking shot of Big Ben in London at night that I have never been able to accomplish with the 995. This one blows up to 7 X 11 easily and hangs on my wall beside a huge 16X20 night shot of Big Ben that was taken by my film SLR. No one can tell the smaller one is digital!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: very good but not at night
Review: It is a very good little camera to stow away in your bag but I would not recommend it for flash photography or to get a good close-up. THe red-eye reduction is just not there and the flash is less than desirable.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: actually 4.5 stars, Great Camera!
Review: This camera is fantastic! This camera takes great pictures. I still can't believe the quality and detail that this camera produces. Every article you read says you can't make 8x10 prints from 2mp cameras. This one proves that wrong. I have made large prints with the crispness and clarity of smaller ones.

Fantastic camera. If you just want a fun digital camera with a ton of features this is the one to get.

I took off 1/2 a star because I would like a traditional viewfinder. You only have the display on the back.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Awkward To Use
Review: Though adequate as a replacement for an APS pocket point-and-shoot, this camera has several drawbacks that should give pause.

The too-clever signature Coolpix "twist" to expose the lens takes just that much longer and is just that much more fiddly than simply removing a lens cap--and one misses too many photos as a result. A sliding cover would have served much better, especially one that also turns the camera on. (The twist doesn't turn the camera on, that's a distinct step.) Controls, menus, and features are generally good, as is the LCD, but the power switch is easy to leave in the wrong state and is poorly constructed.

Sadly, the real failing of this camera is its image quality. Maybe I'm comparing apples to oranges, but when I bought this as an easier to carry substitute for my Olympus C-3040Z I was prepared to loose some quality for the sake of convenience. However I was not prepared for the glaring failings I encountered. First off, Nikon compresses its highest quality images more than is necessary. Far worse are the strange washed-out or saturated colors I get with this camera. In side by side comparisons between my two digital cameras, where the Olympus produces striking results, the Nikon's are consistently over-saturated and blurry. I have taken both cameras on several trips, and find myself discarding almost every shot taken with the Nikon, even when I have no equivalent from my Olympus.

Overall, a convenience not worth the disappointment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a great camera!
Review: ...by far the best camera that I could get for a 2MP and that price range. I've had the camera a few months now, and I think it's wonderful! The pictures are so clear and the camera is really easy to use- the photo software it comes with is a great way for me to store all of my pictures on my laptop! I'm traveling this summer to Australia for 3 weeks, and I can't wait to get there and use this camera! I've already taken it on a lot of trips, and it has really worked!!

It's so easy to travel with because the camera can fit right in my purse!! I take my camera just about everywhere with me. It's small, light weight, and also really cute too!! the swivel feature is great because (I'm short) so if I hold the camera over a crowd and point it down, I still get good pictures! Also, when I point the swivel back, I can take self-portraits of me and my friends when no one else is around to take our picture! the self-timer is also really handy, too! The "scene" button helps a lot when you take pictures in different atmospheres and lighting!

This is a great camera and you can't go wrong with it! ...it works perfect for me, and my parents love this camera too!! It's really a good camera for people of any ages to use! It's really easy to learn to use and always takes GREAT pictures!

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