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Digitalway MPIO DMK 128 MB MP3 Player

Digitalway MPIO DMK 128 MB MP3 Player

List Price: $119.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: PURCHASE THIS if you want an mp5 player for working out!
Review: This mp3 player is PERFECT for exercising at the gym or outside. It's one of the smallest players out there. It's cheap. It's durable. It has great sound. It's easy to use. It holds about 30 songs, which is the perfect amount for a 1-1.5 hour workout. I cannot find any flaw with this player, except that the company needs to hire a better translator for the instruction guide. :) Definitely a BEST BUY!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lifespan 3 Weeks
Review: I bought 2 DIgitalway/MPIO players and searched for a deal because the iPOD is just beyond my budget. I bought this little 128mb player for my son and a 256 mb for myself. I really like the FM because my gym transmits the TV over FM. They were fantastic, clever little devices until about 3-4 weeks, when both of our buttons quit responding. It was as if the hold button was stuck on, so you got no response from ANY of the controls. The only moving parts on the device failed. I returned them for a full refund at BestBuy. I would definitely NOT recommend Digitalway/MPIO. I've heard people have much better luck with IRiver.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Mp3 Player!!!
Review: I recieved this mp3 player for my birthday and It is fantastic!! The sound quality is exellent and has many different sound options so you can fully cutimize your music listening experience, The sound level does go up pretty high but I would like it to go higher sometimes, but this isnt a major setback. If you do put your mp3 player on full volume then you can hear some static, but this isnt much of a problem either.
The player runs on one AAA battery and the battery lasts for a good solid time (about 10-11 hours.) I recieved mine a year ago and i've only gone through about fifteen batteries even though I listen to music very frequently.
The mpio manager is great and very quick, but it would be better if you could download more than one song at a time into the player.
This mp3 player has 128 megabytes of space on it, it can hold about 35 songs and I'm thinking about getting a new player soon because I would prefer more music.
This mp3 player is great for sports or exercise, its very small and lightweight and it comes with a belt clip (i love the belt clip, mpio did a great job, theres no interference and you hardly know its on your belt) it also comes with a armstrap and a necklace. The player is very durable so if you ever drop it while exercising or playing sports it will be just fine (i've accidently dropped my mp3 player a few times and it still plays like brand new.)
The mp3 player is very sleek and easy to use and understand (the picture they use on amazon.com is horrible, if you think it looks bad because of the pic on the site keep in mind that it is a awful picture.) Well thats all I have to say, this is a excellent choice for anybody looking for a new mp3 player!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great product for the money
Review: I saw this deal a week ago and I finally decided to go for it. This little mp3 player is doing a good job. Many functions. I especially like the idea of having 2 earphones in the set, although the second one is pretty weak. The earphone is not great, comparable to Sennheiser PMX 60, which is a low-end product of Sennheiser. However, for the price, this is very decent. I am going to get better earphones for this baby.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: As a new owner of my first MP3 player...this one is ok.
Review: I bought the DMK 128 player because when I was looking through all the options, it was the player that seemed to have the best reviews. It was also the right price and size so I didn't look much farther. Imagine my suprise when I came back later and the number of negative reviews had doubled. So, as I sat playing with my player, I felt I had better put in my two cents.

I love my MPIO. It is the perfect size for what I use it for, working out. It includes a arm band and holder which also works just fine. The head sets are nice as well, with neck band and all. For such a small package, the MPIO pumps out a amazing amount of sound, with a max of 30 and a usual setting of 10. So if you really want to bleed your ears, this can do it for you.

The battery is a AAA and it doesn't last all that long but it is long enough. Besides, if any of you are like me, you have hundreds of AAA laying around that you have never used. Plus, its an AAA so finding a good rechargable isn't immpossible.

The MPIO is simple to use almost to the point of being idiot proof. Its got one toggle switch, a start stop button and volume controls. Other than that there is a "hold" toggle amd not much more. Yet with these few controls you can easily scan through music, change play mode and Equalizer settings as well as how the display...displays. The manual is brief and to the point but not terribly amazing. You can figure out what needs to be done but not much more. Basically the controls are intuitive.

Now for some negatives. The actual putting of music into the MPIO is a little annoying. The included software is sparse without a doubt. Listening to the music you are going to download can be done but the feature is lacking somewhat. For instance, you must first download a songf into a play list before you can play it, rather then being able to play anything in the folder. Its a small thing but an annoyance all the same. I also experienced the occasional crash of the program while downloading songs. Its easy to fix but annoying all the same. There is also no "find music" option to get all your music in one place.

They say there is a flash card that can be added for more room. 128mb is about 30 songs give or take so its not as if there isn't plenty to hear. If you use songs downloaded by Windows Media Player, you can get double the number i.e. sixty songs. As for the card, I want to buy the thing but I cannot for the life of me figure out where the thing plugs in. Just another small thing.

Over all, I am very happy I bought this device. I looked around a bit and it seemed to be the best for the price. I wish I could say what other players might be better but all I can say is...this one works just fine.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Stopped working
Review: This MP3 player worked for only a few weeks. The second time I tried to add music to it my relatively new Windows XP computer would not recognize the device when it was attached via USB. The MPIO website had several fixes, none of which worked. Their final recommendation was to use another operating system such as Windows 2000 or ME. It is nice and small and had good sound when it did work. It seems to be a very unreliable device based on comments on the manufacturer's website and my experience. I would not recommend it; it has been a big disappointment. The manual was very brief and offered no solutions to my problem. The website was full of grammatical errors and looked like it was translated from Korean by a translating program. I am returning it and finding another well known product instead.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A good product but read this before you purchase it !!!!!
Review: I've been using the 256 meg version of the player for over a year now. Its main use for me is when I go to the health club 3 time a week to work out. It hangs from cloth band around my neck which is really convenient. I'm basically happy with it for it performs quite well for its size. However, there are a few details you should consider before to purchase it.
The advertised battery life of 11 hours is a basic lie. I never got more than 6 intermittent hours on a Duracell Ultra AAA battery and since I've installed an additional 256 meg of memory (total memory=512 meg) the battery life is down to about 4 hours. Still,,, this does not bend me out of shape
The software that comes with it (MPIO Manager 2.0) really lacks the control that you need. The playlist feature is next to useless so I choose to upload files directly from their folders without using a playlist.(I, therefore, am not able to reproduce the exact download for future use). Real Player does work with the FL100 on a limited basis. It only recognizes the root directory and will not see any subdirectories. This is not good if you want to pick from the middle of the list of 512 meg of music.
The FL100 a little weak on power/amplification but if you consider its size you probably need to be somewhat forgiving here.
Overall I like the FL100. It serves it purpose well. If anyone knows of some better software that works with the FL100 please drop me a note.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible!
Review: I bought this for my sister and we have yet to get it to even play one song! I have the Samsung Yepp, myself, and never had any issues setting it up for the first time and getting music onto the device. The MPIO we bought for $100 has yet to play one song! And their manual tells nothing whatsoever about troubleshooting. If you have an option, stay away from this machine.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It is cheaper at BestBuy
Review: This unit is only $79.99 at BestBuy. I thought Amazon matched prices but apparently they don't. I told them about the price five days ago and they still have not changed it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great buy for the $
Review: I bought this player for my 10 year old daughter, after shopping fairly extensively. She had burned through 3 cd players and they never seemed to last. I picked this mp3 player, because it was about as easy to use as it gets. Not a lot of frills, but gets the job done. Holds more than enough songs for my daughter, and I got a really significant rebate. Comes with enough accessories that make it really portable. My daughter prefers the wraparound style headphones to the earbuds provided. Too early to say how long it will last, but so far rock solid. OT: I wish there was one with an AM receiver as my daughter likes to listen to Disney.

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