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Friends - The Series Finale (Limited Edition)

Friends - The Series Finale (Limited Edition)

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 5 stars for "Friends"
Review: I must say that I never really caught every last episode of Friends but I watched it when I could and I am going to have to own all the seasons on DVD (That's for sure)! I loved Friends in it's wholesomeness for the family and the love these friends showed for each other.

However, the finale was kinda corney, making me flip through Full House and this episode. I usely don't flip during Friends but this time I did because, I was taping it. But anyway, I loved this episode after the 2 time and it kinda grows on you. I love Friends and this will be part of my collection when I can get it! Thanks!! Bye!! Friends for life!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: OK, but disappointing
Review: One of the things I always liked best about this series has been the quality of the writing, and I think this episode was one the worst-written of it's entire run. It was too self-conscious, too self-aware of it's finality (if that's a word), too predictable, with all of the most obvious conclusions, and too sentimental. The fact that the writers made a point of telling us how Monica could afford such a huge apartment in NYC was so awkward - is that something that the viewers really had to know? To have Gunther finally tell Rachel how he feels took so much away from his long-running obsession of her - it changed him from being a completely fringe character (which is how he was best), and turned him into a guy that was trying to be a fully fleshed-out character. And was anyone surprised by how the birth of Monica and Chandler's baby went?

I was not happy about how the character of Phoebe was handled at all. She didn't have much of a storyline, and was obsessed with showtunes...that didn't even make any sense, not even for her; it was just too out-of-character for her. It was way more dweebie than kooky (and we all know that dweebie is Ross's department). They had a more than a whole hour - you would think such talented writers would be able to come up with something better for her. And the Joey storyline didn't kick in for awhile, and it was a pretty weak effort to bring back the birds. Scattered throughout the entire show were references to how far they've come in the last ten years...could it BE more nostalgic?

To top it off, the entire energy of the show felt a little down, but I'm sure that I can attribute that to the fact that it was probably hitting all of the actors that it was the last show. Gone were the occasional bursts of emotion, surprise, horror, etc., that were often the some of the funnest and energetic parts of the show. The energy of the entire episode seemed subdued. (A favorite scene of my from a past show is from one of the Thanksgiving shows - it's where Ross and Monica's parents are guests, and, one after another, each of the Friends bursts out with what was on their mind..."Ross smoked pot in college!" "Monica and Chandler are living together!" "I wasn't supposed to put beef in the trifle" "I love Jacques Cousteau!" "I want to GO!")

The obvious conclusion of the Ross & Rachel saga was the most disappointing to me. I think most of us were over them years ago, and to go back to it yet again, just made it all the more obvious how stale that storyline has become.

The best thing about the whole show was that they didn't even attempt to set up the spin-off - I am very happy that they stayed away from that, because it would have just cheapened it.

Still, it wasn't completely horrible. Chandler in the delivery room was funny, and the least self-consciously written character of the entire show. And I thought the visual of the foozball table in pieces was funny, with the guys stunned that Monica didn't use the tools to take it apart.

And I was touched by the scene with the keys. Even though the door was never locked (except for in "The One Where Underdog Gets Away") the point was made that Monica's apartment had been a real home, a physical center for all of them for a long time, and now it was time to go.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How else would you end it?
Review: I thought it ended the best way it could. There was no HUGE life altering ending that made the last ten years feel like a joke and there could have been. It wasn't over the top sappy, it kept it's normal lovable joke format, and it tied everything together nicely. Yes I wish the show would continue but I'm glad they ended on a high note. We got to see the characters for who they really were one last time. Even though this season had a lot to deal with we were reminded of Joey's heart with the chick and duck , Rachel and Ross's need to be together, and how classic Ross's reactions are *I'm mainly commenting on the bit with the phone message from Rachel* , there was the classic akward Chandlerisms in the hospital with Erica, when he was comparing child birth and being kicked in the alls,we were reminded of Monica's control and competition problem, when she was the one to destroy the foos ball table and did anyone else find that a little symbolic? She's tearing Chandler and Joey apart...hmm..and lastly we were reminded of Phoebe's craziness and kindness when she was driving Ross to the airport to meet up with Rachel. I loved it. I have to admit my expectations were high like all Friends fanatics were and I know they would never be able to meet my expectations because if they did the show would never end and it would remain great, however I am satisfied with this ending and I have to admit I cried before the opening credits were finished. I watched the show for the last ten years of my life. I literally jumped for joy when Ross and Rachel first kissed, and I was shocked when Monica and Chandler were in bed together in England, I was thrilled they never tried too hard to match Phoebe and Joey together, because...it wouldn't work. And I adored Phoebe's songs in the coffee house, I thought the last Chandler joke was sweet and perfect, and the bit with the keys was funny, because we all know they never really used those keys all that much, and the joke with Ross wanting to be a dancer and the tiny reference to the show being ten years old made me cry harder because it was actually over,I love the show and I'll miss it, but there is always the chance to catch it in rerun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lovely....
Review: Of you're a true fan you probably have already ordered this or found some secret supplier of Friends DVDs and it already has a home in your collection. The writers are talented geniuses- they ended a show we never wanted to end with a huge amount of grace, comedy, and perfection. Plus the cast is equally brilliant just the greatest most wonderful lovely group of people. I love them all! And I love the show-love it! I would marry it if there were a way. Ha ha that's a little over the top. I'll never forget this show. thanks to the cast and writers for making me laugh.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: First off, please do not review something that you haven't seen. Most of these reviews are of bitter people who hate the show. If you hate it move on with your life, now on to my review. I just saw the episode on t.v. and I have to say bravo. I was totally pleased how the writers summed up these characters. As with life, people move on and change,but the bond of friendship with always be there. I'm so glad I wasn't disappointed like I was with Seinfeld. Most of you reading this probably have'nt seen the finale so, I won't spoil it with what happens. Just trust me. This is a very well done finale.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get a sense of humor!
Review: I think the way they ended the series was a perfect payoff for the fans of FRIENDS who watched the show over the past 10 years. I was 28 when the program began in 1994 and was going through the same life issues as the characters. This sitcom became something to look forward to at the end of a very stressful week, and I really needed some comedy in life by Thursday nights!! FRIENDS had a great ensemble cast unlike any other that made the characters a permanent part of pop culture. I don't understand why people with no sense of humor (or life) would feel the need to waste time bad mouthing a show that obviously wasn't meant for them, but gave a lot of pleasure and happiness to a lot of people. If sitcoms are not for you, then go watch something that is more suited to your IQ, such as The Bachelor or Survivor!! FRIENDS isn't a show for everyone, just for people with a sense of humor!!
I will remember my favorite episodes for the rest of my life and long after reality TV has come and gone.
Thank you FRIENDS for always cheering me up when I needed it most!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Friends Forever!
Review: This is a great show. With the best ending for a TV sitcoms in the history of telivision, in my opinion. 'Friends' is something we all need, we can all relate to them. Maybe not their particular situations. But in one way or another each of us has related to this AMAZING show! Buy this DVD! Everyone needs their 'Friends', and we have the chance to keep them forever!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Anti-"Friends" people...Get over yourselves!
Review: I am by no means someone who has to be home for "must see TV", and no, I don't die when I miss a "Friends" episode, but there is a reason why each episode has been put on DVD. It's a SITCOM and can be watched over and over and truely be enjoyed each time it's watched. The final episode wasn't put on DVD because it's fans have no reason to live without it or anything. We like the show, plain and simple. Those who write reviews on this DVD and bash the lovers of "Friends" need to get over themselves and put more time and energy into finding some sort of happiness somewhere else that apparently does not exist in their own miserable lives. Lovers of "Friends" don't watch the show because they're "missing" something in their lives. We watch it because it's funny. We watch because we have other friends who all get together and share a pizza and a bottle of wine and laugh together. Why do people have to make such a huge "psychological" issue over it. I myself am pre-ordering this DVD because I like to laugh and I look forward to the time I spend watching the "Friends" while I do my laundry or draw or paint. I could garuntee that most of the "Friends" bashers (aka: hypocrites) have some sort of episodic series of their own on DVD (24, X-Files, The Simpsons, The Sopranos). So to all the previous reviewers on this page, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!! Relax, have a drink...and then drive home.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What do you mean you missed the finale episode of "Friends"?
Review: Well, I suppose there were some "Friends" fanatics who did not tape the series finale last night and who do not already own the pilot episode. But then I always hold on to the possibility that winged monkeys could come flying out of specific orifice. Besides, given that the final episode ran over when it appears in syndication in two parts some scenes are going to have to be cut or shortened (I vote for Chandler's discussion with Erica regarding camp) so this will be the only opportunity to have the complete version of "The Last One," at least until it comes out in the best of the final season and the complete final season DVD collections.

I really thought that overall the final season of "Friends" was one of its weakest. For me the series derailed when Joey fell for Rachel and not because I thought it was a bad idea. My favorite moments with Matt LeBlanc in the series where his dealing with being in love with Rachel. But they messed up the timing with the plot line, so by the time they were willing to give it a try it felt forced and ended up with everybody deciding it will not work. Fortunately the end of the whole sorry affair was excellent, with Rachel wondering why she and Joey cannot do what Monica and Chandler did, and Joey observing that they were much better friends. The high point of the final season was clearly Phoebe's wedding and most of the rest of it in the last half was geared towards the final episode, so now is the time to render a verdict on "The Last One."

Wisely this episode did nothing to set up the "Joey" spinoff and while the whole baby birds stuck in the foosball table seems like something that make for an entertaining regular episode of "Friends," it did serve as a rather fitting metaphor for the relationship between Joey and Chandler. We get another subtle metaphor at the end with the bit with the keys. Phoebe gets to bounce around between the various plot lines and provides support and/on havoc, which is just more proof that Lisa Kudrow is going to be one of the finest supporting actresses of her generation.

The one thing I really wanted for the final episode was for Monica to announce she was pregnant, but that was probably just an extension of my relief that Courtney Cox Arquette finally got pregnant. I really felt for her having to endure years of pregnancy watches in the tabloids while she not only suffered miscarriages in her personal life but had to deal with her character's infertility problems as well. The surprise in the delivery room was pretty good and I suppose we should not be surprised that Erica was able to part with her offspring without any of the pathos of Pheobe saying goodbye to her triplets. Clearly the scenes at the hospital were not intended to be the centerpiece of the finale.

The person who stands out in the final episode is obviously David Schwimmer as Ross. The episode before the finale was the one where Jennifer Aniston's Rachel really got emotional; that episode was more the one where the characters got a chance to say goodbye to each other, leaving it to the finale to say goodbye to the characters and their fans. After the nice fake out at the end of Act Three, set up by all those preview adds for the finale, Schwimmer, who could often be over the top annoying, gets to the big moment in the life of Ross and nails it, reminding everybody why Rachel was in love with him (although it takes her a while to remember). Ross also has the best comic moment of the finale when he checks out his answering machine but Aniston's timing and delivery of the episode's best live is just as good. It is Schwimmer and Aniston that made parts of the series finale special, which is especially impressive when you consider that Ross and Rachel getting back together was what 77% of viewers (according to one poll I saw) wanted. With such high expectations coming close is a good trick and the moment compares favorable to the emotional highpoint of the series, which was Chandler's proposal to Monica (and visa versa).

"The Final One" was written by Marta Kauffman & David Crane, but I am sure everybody on the staff and in the crew had input. The initial estimate is that 51.1 million tuned in to watch the final episode, which is only two-thirds of the audience reigned in by the finales of "Seinfeld" (76.0) and "Cheers" (80.4), but still good for fourth place (way behind "M*A*S*H" at 105 million viewers) and the most popular entertainment program on television since the last episode of the first "Survivor," watched by 51.7 million in August 2000. But if there is one thing that most final episodes prove to us is that they are never totally satisfying, so the idea that the last episode of "Friends" was not a disappointment is a pretty good outcome.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My thoughts on the "Friends" finale...
Review: The final episode of "Friends" was a good one, if not totally outstanding. But then again, how can you top all of the other great episodes that the series had with this one? These days, finales usually do not top all other episodes of a long-running series (Seinfeld and Roseanne being great examples; although Larry Sanders' finale might be different from the rule).

However, I have always enjoyed the series. Sure, the finale could have been better (from a resolution standpoint), but I say who cares, at least it didn't give its fans - and those who were watching it - a slap in the face, thus ruining a great run. The finale of "Friends" may have been emotional and somewhat sappy, but it went out on a good note. Thank you, "Friends," for 10 great years.

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