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Friends - The Series Finale (Limited Edition)

Friends - The Series Finale (Limited Edition)

List Price: $9.97
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: why do people keep trashing the dvd? it was fine!
Review: This is a good DVD........it's not as bad as people say it is, although I was disappointed about the lack of special features. But at least (AT LEAST!) you can view the broadcast version AND the uncut version. I usually like seeing what they cut out of the show that aired on tv.

Also, I never got to see the Rembrants "I'll be there for you" music video cuz they never show it anymore on television. So I was very happy at least that was on the dvd!

Also, I am a die-hard Friends fan and cry every time I watch the finale! I still can't believe that it's over!:'(! And also, the dvd is only $10, so even if you're not satisfied with it, you will still be able to watch the finale whenever you like!

That's another reason you should buy this dvd. Apparently they are not releasing season 8 on dvd until september! So, it's gonna be like June 2005 when season 10 comes out on dvd! And I KNOW die-hard Friends fans will never wait that long to watch the finale!

So, even though the special features weren't so impressive, I would still recommend this dvd just for the finale (and also, if you havn't seen it, the rembrants music video.)


I recommend spending the small amount of $10 on this dvd


Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hoping finale doesn't mean final
Review: The season finale of "Friends" lived up to everything the show was meant to be about. This show was, for the most part, about being light, funny, happy, and a "feel-good" show. I'm glad Kauffman and Crane kept true to their premise of the show and didn't pull a "Seinfeld" on us and have someone die and end their relationships on a sour or sad note.

Some thoughts: I was disappointed that Ross and Monica's parents- the Gellers- (Elliot Gould & Cristina Pickles) didn't make a quick appearance for us to say good-bye to. Phoebe should have given us one last wacky song in Central Perk instead of the lame musical attempt. I thought the finale should have been expanded to at least 90 minutes. It felt a bit rushed and some scenes/storylines (example, the babies' post-births) seemed a bit too abbreviated. Or as Judy (Mrs. Geller) said in one episode, "... that's a lot of information to absorb in 30 seconds." I was glad the episode did give some time to Chandler and Joey rescuing chick, jr. and duck, jr. Their relationship was always a very important component of the show and I'm glad it was given proper "recognition." Finally, I would have changed the last scene. Instead of panning an empty apartment for our last memory of the show (what was that about?), I would have faded to our favorite six friends sitting on the couch in Central Perk having a last latte toast to each other. After all, the show was about our "friends," not the "apartment."

Some fun things on this CD... the 10 seasons' opening credits that show us how our friends, hairstyles, clothes matured/changed over the life of the show. I realized it was the open title sequence from each season's first episode because of the one season when everyone got named "Arquette" in recognition of Courtney Cox's marriage to David Arquette. How come they didn't do that when Jennifer Aniston married Brad Pitt? (heh heh) The expanded version is nice too as it fills in a couple of compenents that made the storyline run a little smoother to me and supports my opinion this episode should have been longer. I would have replaced the first episode on this disc to "clip show" of some funny snipets that the show had so many of... "So how many cameras are actually on you?" "See you girls later." Yikes! Better not get started, I won't be able to stop! (heh heh)

Thanks to all for rushing the production of the episode for us loyal fans. I thought I would be waiting for awhile until season 10 was released on DVD to be able to catch it again in DVD quality. Hopefully, the season 10 set will be able to expand more possible scenes from the final episode that are not on this DVD.

"Friends" was a show that clicked with me from episode #1 and for the past couple of television seasons, the only show I really looked forward to seeing each week. This show was border-line genuis in so many ways to me with the quality of the writing and actors. "Friends" became an "institution" and a habit for so many- and it will be a hard one to break and replace! My title for the NEXT "Friends" episode- The One Where They Get Together Again. (hint hint)

Also- Joey (Matt Le Blanc)- Good luck! Break a leg, bud! Welcome to L.A.! Will be looking forward to seeing what you can give us this fall to help fill a bit of this huge void left for all the fans!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WHERE ARE SEASONS 8, 9, 10??????????????

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What do you mean you missed the finale episode of "Friends"?
Review: Well, I suppose there were some "Friends" fanatics who did not tape the series finale last night and who do not already own the pilot episode. But then I always hold on to the possibility that winged monkeys could come flying out of specific orifice. Besides, given that the final episode ran over when it appears in syndication in two parts some scenes are going to have to be cut or shortened (I vote for Chandler's discussion with Erica regarding camp) so this will be the only opportunity to have the complete version of "The Last One," at least until it comes out in the best of the final season and the complete final season DVD collections.

I really thought that overall the final season of "Friends" was one of its weakest. For me the series derailed when Joey fell for Rachel and not because I thought it was a bad idea. My favorite moments with Matt LeBlanc in the series where his dealing with being in love with Rachel. But they messed up the timing with the plot line, so by the time they were willing to give it a try it felt forced and ended up with everybody deciding it will not work. Fortunately the end of the whole sorry affair was excellent, with Rachel wondering why she and Joey cannot do what Monica and Chandler did, and Joey observing that they were much better friends. The high point of the final season was clearly Phoebe's wedding and most of the rest of it in the last half was geared towards the final episode, so now is the time to render a verdict on "The Last One."

Wisely this episode did nothing to set up the "Joey" spinoff and while the whole baby birds stuck in the foosball table seems like something that make for an entertaining regular episode of "Friends," it did serve as a rather fitting metaphor for the relationship between Joey and Chandler. We get another subtle metaphor at the end with the bit with the keys. Phoebe gets to bounce around between the various plot lines and provides support and/on havoc, which is just more proof that Lisa Kudrow is going to be one of the finest supporting actresses of her generation.

The one thing I really wanted for the final episode was for Monica to announce she was pregnant, but that was probably just an extension of my relief that Courtney Cox Arquette finally got pregnant. I really felt for her having to endure years of pregnancy watches in the tabloids while she not only suffered miscarriages in her personal life but had to deal with her character's infertility problems as well. The surprise in the delivery room was pretty good and I suppose we should not be surprised that Erica was able to part with her offspring without any of the pathos of Pheobe saying goodbye to her triplets. Clearly the scenes at the hospital were not intended to be the centerpiece of the finale.

The person who stands out in the final episode is obviously David Schwimmer as Ross. The episode before the finale was the one where Jennifer Aniston's Rachel really got emotional; that episode was more the one where the characters got a chance to say goodbye to each other, leaving it to the finale to say goodbye to the characters and their fans. After the nice fake out at the end of Act Three, set up by all those preview adds for the finale, Schwimmer, who could often be over the top annoying, gets to the big moment in the life of Ross and nails it, reminding everybody why Rachel was in love with him (although it takes her a while to remember). Ross also has the best comic moment of the finale when he checks out his answering machine but Aniston's timing and delivery of the episode's best live is just as good. It is Schwimmer and Aniston that made parts of the series finale special, which is especially impressive when you consider that Ross and Rachel getting back together was what 77% of viewers (according to one poll I saw) wanted. With such high expectations coming close is a good trick and the moment compares favorable to the emotional highpoint of the series, which was Chandler's proposal to Monica (and visa versa).

"The Final One" was written by Marta Kauffman & David Crane, but I am sure everybody on the staff and in the crew had input. The initial estimate is that 51.1 million tuned in to watch the final episode, which is only two-thirds of the audience reigned in by the finales of "Seinfeld" (76.0) and "Cheers" (80.4), but still good for fourth place (way behind "M*A*S*H" at 105 million viewers) and the most popular entertainment program on television since the last episode of the first "Survivor," watched by 51.7 million in August 2000. But if there is one thing that most final episodes prove to us is that they are never totally satisfying, so the idea that the last episode of "Friends" was not a disappointment is a pretty good outcome.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Review, part two
Review: You who did not have the guts to state your name, you are the opinionated one because you do not believe others have a right to their opinions. You must see that this review forum is not just for 5 star reviews, it is so people can voice their opinions on a show/DVD. In my case, I must in all honesty rate this show one star. You may do as you wish, in case you didn't notice my one-star rating did not prevent many 5-star ratings. All I can say is, YOU should get a life if all you do is look at reviews on Amazon and rip people for having a different opinion.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The episode of all episodes
Review: Ladies and gentle men this the best *(swearword)* dvd ever and there is absolutely no argument i'm afraid. Friends is most definately the greatest show of all time so this legendary episode is a perfect way to end a legendary show. It's the end of an error and to be honest.... well...I cried my ass off..

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "This is harder than I thought"
Review: Never mind it being hard for the actors having to film the last ever episode, what about the die-hard fans? The more I watch the last episode, the more I notice the actors. Jennifer Aniston keeps her head turned away from the camera during the very last scene, Matt LeBlanc tearing up - it's extremely hard to watch.

Every review I've read of this is complaining about the lack of extras. Well, I have three of the DVD box sets, plus this, and only series 4 has tiny extras - that being the video, and a very short feature of the time in London. The DVD boxsets are going to be notorious for not having extras. You lot should be glad of the extras you have. For some reason, there was some good scenes cut out of the broadcast version, so it's great to see them here. I do find that if you mute it, you'll find watching all 10 series of credits much easier to handle! :)

What I found disappointing about the final episode was how little Phoebe & Joey had to do with it. Ross, Rachel, Monica and Chandler all had big storylines to be tied up, and it seemed that Phoebe & Joey were just sidelined, and provided the odd joke or two. And Gunther had his storyline tied up too. Phoebe had her main storyline (getting married to Mike) all tied up, and although they mention her having lots of babies with him, there's nothing else to do with them. And Joey will be appearing in the spin-off, although there's no mention of him moving to LA, or wherever he's going.

I'm definitely going to miss Friends, and am already well on my way to getting them all on DVD. Slowly but surely, one a month, and then forking out more money to get them out of the mucky paws of customs! GIMME!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Show Ever Comes to an End...
Review: What can I say....just dont bother with this DVD...it has NO good stuff n it...it will be better worth while buying Season 10 box set

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The end of the friends era
Review: I loved this show. I watched it from the very beginning episode to the very last episode. I was 14 when this show came out so some of the raw humor that was used was over my head, but I still found the show to be great. As I got older I felt like I was "growing up" with the members of the cast. I could relate to all of them in some way. Rachel and her spoiled ways, Ross and his sensitive, witty attitute, Monica being the neat freak, Chandler using humor as a defense mechanism, Phoebe and her ability to make anything funny, and Joey and his loveable nature. I felt like I was in all of those roles at one point in my life. This show helped me realize that what I was facing was normal and I was not alone. Thank you so much to David Krane, and Marta Kaufman you two are great! As for saying goodbye....Goodbye Ross, Rach, Pheebs, Joey, Chandler, and Mon.......you were all great! Thanks for ten great years!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A 15 Year Old's Review
Review: I LOVED the end of friends. I mean alright, it wasn't as exciting as everyone was expecting it to be. But would it have been satisfying if it was? The way Friends ended shows us that Friends will never end, it keeps going on. The last episode was just our last peek at Monica, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Joey and even Mike's lives- which continue. And the things that most viewers were waiting for finally happened- Ross and Rachel got back together, Monica and Chandler got their babies, Phoebe found her true love and Joey.... well, Joey went on being Joey. We wouldn't like him any other way.

It was a very clever ending- one that made us all cry, but made us laugh. The last scene with the keys for the apartment being left on the counter was bittersweet, leaving us torn but satisfied with how the whole thing had ended. All of us will remember friends- no one's ever going to forget it. Each of us will cherish a certain character in our hearts and love the others, and remember them- each of us will carry hundreds of memories, both happy and sad ones, and use them to relate to our own lives. And when we're stepping out onto a runway, perhaps after returning from vacation, or arriving to a destination on a business trip, we will never hesitate to remember that line- "I got off the Plane."

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