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Wonder Woman - The Complete First Season

Wonder Woman - The Complete First Season

List Price: $39.98
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I loved Wonder Woman But hated Season 1 Era 1940's & suit
Review: Season 1 was the start of a good TV series... Although Season 1 (14 Episodes Thank Heavens) I didn't care for the suit, and I thought the 1940's was portrayed as boring here. I enjoyed Season 2-4 the most, so they get a higher rating. I also had a crush on Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman as a kid. ABC did well hiring this Beauty Queen. And she's still beautiful in her older age. When I heard the rumors that she suffered from being an alcoholic, I was sad and hoped it wasn't true. Even after this supposedly rumor, she seems to be doing very well and very beautiful for her age.
Lynda Carter.........................Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Lyle Waggoner...............Steve Trevor SR. (40's) & JR. (70's)
Hope this review didn't offend anyone... I didn't hate it, I bought this season, but it rated only ok by me... -JM

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonder Woman as Role Model
Review: I was born in 1976, so when I was old enough to understand "Wonder Woman," the show must have been in re-runs. She was just as popular the second time around, and I predict her popularity will soar once again with the release of the first and second seasons on DVD.

I've always had fond, albeit vague memories of the "Wonder Woman" show. "Wonder Woman" was my favorite tv show when I was a child, and Wonder Woman is still my favorite Superhero of all time.

When I heard the "Wonder Woman" theme song for the first time in about 20 years, I was ecstatic. I love the way comic book art is used during the introduction, as well as the comic book feel of the episodes in general. In addition, I like how the first season reflects the original comic book, which was also set in the World War II era.

One thing I really enjoy about the first season, (that is eventually weeded out in subsequent seasons,) is the feminist slant. Wonder Woman was a great role model for young girls in the '70s and '80s, because she was not just a beautiful and sexy brunette, she was strong, intelligent, kind, tough, and an advocate for peace, women's rights, and freedom.

Watching Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman is really a treat. Despite being an unknown and having very little acting experience, she took on the lead role like no one else could. She is not only visually appealing, but a very talented actress as well.

I was nervous to watch "Wonder Woman" again after so long, because often the shows we like as children turn out looking overly campy and ridiculous when we watch them as adults. Not so with "Wonder Woman." The show was very well done, and innovative for the time.

I also enjoyed the documentary feature, with interviews. They reveal a lot about how the show was developed and cast, and how they did special effects back then.

I highly recommend this DVD to any comic book/Wonder Woman fan, parents with children,(especially young girls,) anyone interested in television history, anyone who remembers having watched the show when it was first on tv, feminists, and teenagers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonder DVD Set!!!
Review: I've been a WW fan ever since I can remember and now my dream came true I have it on DVD! It was the first show I started taping when I was 5 y/o. The first season it's ok but the second one is the best! Looking forward to WW season 2 on March!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What Can I Say?
Review: With all the reviews below, there's nothing really left for me to say. Wonder Woman was the greatest show of all time, and you can bet that I've pre-ordered the Second Season, already.

Wonder Woman remains the greatest superheroine of all time, not to mention the longest-lasting, and in my opinion, much like Lou Ferrigno and the Hulk, no one can ever play Wonder Woman better than Lynda Carter.

Buy it, you won't be sorry.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: PURE 1970'S HIGH CAMP!
Review: I remember when this show was first on TV. A television critic once said that there were only two good things about this show...and both of them were holding up Lynda Carter's costume. Hey, let's face it, the main reason that so many males watched this show, including teenage boys of the day like myself was to oggle at the beautiful, and well-built Lynda Carter. Like all things nostalgic, when you look back at them years later with a more mature eye you can find a lot of qualities that you missed.

Wonder Woman was not, technically, a great show. It was cheesy and campy but still darn good fun to watch. Carter played her role with gusto and seemed to be having a great time. I practically spit my lunch when I heard that Sandra Bullock was being considered to play Wonder Woman in a big screen film. I'd rather have Carter now play Wonder Woman than bullock.

The set includes all 14 episodes from Season 1 including the pilot set during WWII where U.S. pilot Maj. Steve Trevor is shot down by Nazis and lands on paradise Islands where he finds the female race of Amazons. Princess Diana (carter) helps Trevor to regain his health and then follows him back to the U.S. to help battle evil. She takes on a secret identity ala Clark Kent behind thick glasses and workds for the war department.

Here are some of the best episodes from season one:

"The Nazi Wonder Woman" - A female Nazi spy captures Wonder Woman to learn her powers then disguises herself as the real thing as Wonder Woman is taken to GErmany. The Beutiful Lynda Day George played Fausta the Nazi spy.

"Wonder Woman vs. Gargantua" In a real nod to 1940's comic book stories, Diana must battle a nazi Gorilla!!!

"Beauty on Parade" - When Wonder Woman's alter-ego, Diana Prince, enters a suspicious beauty contest to uncover the truth behind the sabotage of radar scanning equipment, she and Steve discover that there is something much more insidious underway that threatens the security of the United States.

"The Pluto File" - Wonder Woman has her hands full when an Irish mercenary named Fallon steals an American-developed device that can control or eliminate earthquakes. To make matters worse, Fallon is also a carrier of the Bubonic Plague and, as such, threatens America on two levels. Guest stars Robert Reed of Brady Bunch fame.

One of the great things about watching these episodes is seeing many of the 1970's TV stars in guest spots for the first time in years as many have passed on. The set includes nice extras including commentary on the pilot episode and a new documentary. You have to see these for a wonderful ride on the "way back" machine.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You're a wonder, Wonder Womannnnn!!!!!
Review: Thank you!! Thank you!! THANK YOU! I nearly screamed when I saw this in the bookstore... my friend must have thought I was nuts!! I was saying, 'You know what DVD I wish they had...' as I looked down toward the w's... then I continued, 'Wonder Wo - GASP!' I was almost jumping up and down with glee.

I went home and watched it and I was SO NOT disappointed! It was spectacular! Oh! I loved it! Linda Carter was my idol growing up... to this day, Wonder Woman is my FAVE comic character! And I still can't think of anyone else who could play this role. Linda played the part with so much elegance, class, style and panache... there is just no comparison. And what a GIRL power concept! It was and still is, wonderful! Why can't there be more shows like this... where even the bad guys are treated with respect and dignity... Wonder Woman was just a smash hit of an idea and watching it again made me feel like a kid again. Sure, when I saw it, it was already in syndication... but I would race home from school to see it...

I can't WAIT for Season TWO!! Hurry up March, 2005!!

If you loved Wonder Woman as a kid, you will LOVE this DVD!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Lynda Carter as a Beautiful Wonder Woman
Review: Anyone who grew up in 70s watching TV shows can not forget the amount of entertainment and enjoyment, week after week, the TV shows brought them and their families right in their living room. Linda Carter is not only beautiful, but captivating as Wonder Woman who in her satin tights in red, white and blue fights the bad guys. The show is set in 1940s; while trying to stop a Nazi plane from reaching the U.S., Major Steve Trevor (Lyle Waggoner) is shot down, landing on mythical Paradise Island: home to Princess Diana (Lynda Carter, former Miss USA 1973) who is intrigued by the Major and his tales of Nazis. She follows the Major back to the U.S. and joins the forces of good against the evil. There are three discs that contain 13 episodes; the complete first season. The quality of CDs is acceptable, and the picture quality is reasonable. If you are fan of 70s TV shows and you are considering buying this one; I recommend this, it is a good value for the money.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The kind of camping trip I like!
Review: I was a humongous fan of "Wonder Woman" as a preteen. I recently viewed the first season on DVD and was surprised at how "grrrrl power" it is. Sure, it's seriously heavy on the fromage factor (I'd say it's cheddarella on the scale of cheesiness) but there are some great lines about how women are powerful in their own right and how we should look beyond gender. It's one of those shows they should resurrect with Lynda Carter playing the Amazon Queen this time around (Cloris Leachman in the pilot and Carolyn Jones in another episode played the part of the Amazon Queen).
Things to love: the lounge performer slickness of Lyle Waggoner as stud muffin Major Steve Trevor, the Sidekick sighing of Beatrice Colen, the entire pilot episode with the exceptional over the top acting of John Randolph and Stella Stevens, the vaguely lesbian overtones in the pilot and other episodes, seeing Fannie Flagg in the pilot as the Amazonian Surgeon and Debra Winger as Wonder Woman's literal little sister.
If you are like me, this is the type of camping trip you can snuggle up to.

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