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Dawson's Creek - The Series Finale (Extended Cut)

Dawson's Creek - The Series Finale (Extended Cut)

List Price: $24.95
Your Price: $18.71
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Must for die hard Dawson's Creek Fans
Review: I just got this today, i opened it and watched the whole thing, then I watched it again with the commentary, I loved It!!!!!
If you are really into Dawson's Creek you must own this!!!!!
The only thing i wish it had were some footage of the making of the last show and the rap party maybe it will be on the season 6 dvd(Hint)and i always love to watch bloopers!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Yes, boys and girls--different CAN be good!
Review: I sat watching the finale on the WB, and while I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation, I had the typical fan complaints--no Audrey, no MENTION of Andie, and WHY did Jen have to die? But I must commend everyone for their hard work on what was an excellent piece and a fitting coda to the past six years of Wednesday nights.

Enter the "director's cut" DVD--which unquestionable HAD to be pre-ordered--and I'm enthralled all over again. First of all, I did cartwheels at seeing Andie show up! Next, the extended scenes clarified a few things for me plotwise--though I did agree with some of the cuts for broadcast, like Joey's phone convo with Chris in Pacey's car, the scene at the gas station with Dawson and Joey, and the end montage (loved it, but the end shot of the four shown in the TV broadcast made the ending more poignant). And finally, crawling into the minds of Paul Stupin and Kevin Williamson by watching with the commentary--ahhhh, just shoot it directly into my veins, that's good stuff!

Would have liked a few more extras (but the pilot pitch scenes were nice--does anyone else think the "original" Mitch looks suspiciously similar to Gail's new husband?), but overall a great add to my collection. Now I can definitely (and repeatedly) say good night, and not good-bye.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Say Goodnite, Not Goodbye..
Review: This DVD is of excellent quality and every diehard Dawson's Creek fan should have it in their DVD library! Regardless of couple preference (Dawson and Joey all the way!!) this series finale episode has something for everybody. True, I wish things had ended differently, but the way it did end, with everyone happy and content, is truly bittersweet and fullfilling.. Buy it for sure!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Just got the DVD from Amazon!
Review: Amazon shipped a week early! Way to go!
This DVD is of excellent quality and contains many extras that make it worthwhile for any serious Dawson's Creek fan, regardless of how you fall on the Dawson/Joey vs. Joey/Pacey scale. It was particularly interesting to listen to Paul Stupin and Kevin Williamson's commentary over various scenes -- it really helped to explain why certain things were done and the mindset of the creators. I found the revelation that when the first half was being written, that Kevin was intending to put Dawson and Joey together, to be very revealing. When you go back and watch the Dawson & Joey scenes from the first half, you can see how they might have taken it (Oh that I wish that they did!) Also very interesting were the scenes included from the original pilot episode (filmed way back in 1997!) Being a die-hard fan of Season One, it was fascinating to see these very familiar scenes with slight differences and nuances. IMO they would be worth the price of the DVD all by themselves. The cut scenes from the Finale were blended seamlessly into the two episodes. My favorite was the scene bewteen Pacey and Andie. God it was good to see them together again, even for a brief moment! One final note was the montage at the end of the last scene, which I thought did a very fair job highlighting the Dawson's Creek story as it had evolved over the last six years. What a nice way to fade-to-black. Again, this DVD has something for everyone. Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Ending...Afterall
Review: Dawson's Creek was a show that was set out to make you believe that Dawson and Joey would be ending up together, but as the show progressed I think that the producers and writers realized that Joey and Dawson didn't click as well as Pacey and Joey did. I didn't think the show ended right until about a week ago whenever I caught the season where Joey and Pacey are together(Season 4, mainly). They were so right together, but in a way I wished that she would have chosen Dawson, but they did a good job either way and the show ending with Jen dying was a time to reflect on what the show brought to The WB and its fans. The show was excellent and so was the finale. I think they should have at least given Dawson a girl of the past.....most likely Gretchen because she was the hottest of them all and the most radiant and lively character. They didn't though and the show still rocked. If you want to try a new show out that has similarities as close as they will come to Dawson's Creek then I suggest ONE TREE HILL on the The WB...the pilot was rather twisted and controversial(its main character is Charlie from Season 5 of Dawson's Creek. I know we all didn't like him then, but now he is the good guy).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Pacey and Joey: True Love
Review: First of all i have to say that I have been a Dawsons Creek fan since the first episode. Granted there were some episodes i didnt really like, i watched them anyways. I never missed one. I think that the finale show was brilliant. Honestly, you can't tell me that Dawson and Joey just make a terrible couple. They are best friends and have always been best friends. You can't throw them at eachother and make it work. When they were together when the show first started, they spent more time trying to come up with reasons why they should be together, than just being happy together. All Dawson did was complain about everything and cried like a little baby. Come on, i know that all the girls around the world would agree with me that they would rather be with a guy like pacey. A guy who acts like a real man. Pacey and Joey have always found a way back to eachother. Plus, he was her "first". At the ski lodge, is when i knew pacey and joey were meant for eachother, just by the way she was talking to him, and also i knew when he turned that girl down because he knew he loved joey. Yeah, Pacey turned a girl down... for true love. One of the best episodes was when Joey left Dawson that summer to go with Pacey. Right there tells you that she loves him more than anything, and most of all more than Dawson. Joey and Pacey ending up together was the best way to end the show not just because it gave the fans a twist, but because its true love, and true love conquers all. great ending to and awesome show!! great job kev

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best possible way...
Review: I must admit that I was completely suprised about how the finale ended. What about Soul-Mates and True Love? Weren't Dawson and Joey always meant for each other?? But, if you think about it, these two always had something in their way. It just was never the right time for them to be together. So in the last episode, during Dawson and Joey's conversation, they agree that what they have is more than friends, or even lovers, and that they will forever be Soul-Mates. Joey and Pacey on the other hand, just...fit. Days after the finale aired, I cursed at the producers, thinking, "What did they think they were doing? Dawson and Joey are meant to be!". After a while, I realized that this was the best possible way to end the show, and the love-triangle. Dawson and Joey ending up together would have been much too predictable and not to mention unrealistic, since they could never hold a relationship together for over 3 months. Joey and Pacey's relationship has always been less complicated, and I think that Joey's decision was the best way to tie everything together. This version ended the show with a bang that no fan will soon forget.
I hope you will order this DVD, because I certainly will!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A sad misstep
Review: A show that was to define an entire new genre in its first season goes out on in the exact fashion it sought to lampoon, punctuated by an ending that invalidates the premise that was at the very heart of the show. This transparent attempt to generate revenue from an extended treatment of it's "shocking" ending is neither surprising nor warranted. Best to turn the spigot off here and redirect those hard earned funds toward something that kept its integrity and stayed true to its heart, namely the Felicity DVD's.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Ending you can be
Review: I bought this DVD the day that it came out, and I must say that as far as the extended scenes go I was not dissapointed. When the show aired origionally it was only 88 minutes in length. With all of the scenes that have been added to the DVD version it totals a running time of 104 minutes. Now the most of the scenes are just extended version of some of the scenes aired on the WB, but there are some real gems here. One of these being the return of Andie. Now granted she is not in much, but she is in enough to make her presance felt, which alone is worth the purchase of this DVD. The Commentary is excellent as well. Kevin Williams explains why he put Joey and Pacey together, which still didn't make much sense to me, but because of circumstances involving Marideth Monroe's (Andie) shooting schedule and other circumstances the only way the show could have ended somewhat happily would have been by putting Pacey and Joey together. He also explains that the original script was shot to have Dawson and Joey together which was his origional intention (which is some consilation for Dawson and Joey fans). This is very clear by some of the scenes that were included on this DVD. It was not until the very last minute that he changed his mind about the script (which in my humble opinion stinks). The Other deleted scenes included from the Origional Pilot airing pretty much stink to be honest. They are just different versions of the scenes that can be seen in the first episode. One being with a different actor (who isn't that good) playing Dawsons Dad. If Kevin Williams really wanted to impress the fans he would have included somehow the Joey Dawson Ending, even if it wasn't filmed. Him reading the origional script would have worked.

Now with all that said the actual episode, I must admit that was content with it, but not happy. For starters the love triangle, Pacey, Joey, and Dawson. This love triangle was something that we all thought had been resolved by Season 5 where there was little interaction between Pacey and Joey of a romantic nature at all, but alas the writers at the end of Season 6 decided to jerk us back into the familiar scenerio. Well I didn't buy it. I watched every singele episode of Dawsons creek and I don't care how or what you do, PACEY AND JOEY MAKE LITTLE TO NO SENSE AT ALL!!! I mean the writers and producers dragged the fans of the show on for years making us want Joey and Dawson to finally get a good shot together, which they never got. Instead they were just a one nite stand/soul-mates to each other which really stinks. Now the "weakest" moment of the finale' came during Joey's monolgue that she gave to Pacey regaurding their love. Saying that it had kept her running. Anyone who has seen this show for more than two seasons knows much much better than that. That would be DAWSON that kept her running, not Pacey. It seems to me that someone probably just kept the dialogue that was intended for the Dawson/Joey ending in and just changed the person she was talking to to Pacey instead of Dawson. It just didn't make a whole lot of sense. So basically I don't think the love triangle was resolved at all.

Now on to the bright sides of this finale, the characters of Jenn and Jack were done justice. Even tho it was very said to see Jenn die, it was her fate. Jenn lived her life to her fullest and experienced more in her short time than some of us will in a lifetime, and she did have a cute baby. However my one problem with that is there is no mention of the father or of what happened between her and her boyfriend CJ. Jack had a nice life as a teacher in Capeside and his love interest Deputy Doug, which about killed me. I laughed so hard!

Now Dawson, the character who was done the least justice. Big Whoop he got to meet Spealburg....he ends up alone, just like his idol Mr. Brooks. I mean would it have been that hard to dig up someone for Dawson? I mean heck Andie, Gretchen, Audrey, or even someone new? But, to leave him alone was a great injustice to his character. Granted he has Joey as a "soul-mate," but I mean really what does that count for? Very little.......

I must say that the finale had it's moments and the choice of music was touching, but the fact that this takes place 5 years down the road made some story lines end abruptly (IE CJ/Jen), and it really didn't give us any logical reason why Pacey and Joey should be together. So in short, if your a Dawson's Creek fan in the least, the finale (the exntended cut) is a must have. The Extended Footage, all be it sometimes more confusing than the origional, is definatly worth putting out the money, and for Joey/Dawson fans it is a inside to why the ending that did make the most sense, was not the logical choice for the director/producers/writers (watch the commentary).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Dawson/Joey , Pacey/Joey it doesn't really matter!!!!
Review: I want to say lots of things about the show and seasons final.
Which for many I even can't find words but as short and sweet
that it was good (but not the best). I watched Dawson's creek since the beginning and I had never
missed a single episode. I was both smiling and crying while watching the finals. It was so amazing but
it's not how I expected it would end but I still say it's a good way.(BUT NOT THE BEST WAY!!!!) Kevin Williamson really knew how to
twist the fans arms. Even though I always wanted Dawson and Joey to end up together it's very
clear after six seasons they not to be. They are soul mates and all that but their feelings for each other still runs more
deep than romance love. If they got together at the end as we wanted. It's very clear it's going to be the same old
story all over again. But Joey choosing Pacey is also wired. 'Cause I'm not sure they can have a serious
adult relationship. I have doubts.
We all know Dawson and Pacey both are too special to Joey. Dawson is her best friend, they have a long history
together. So it should've been Dawson. But then again Dawson and Joey can't seems to stay in a same place
at the same time. So come to think of it Joey/Pacey is good. (SEE HOW CONFUSED I AM...)Just because it's DAWSON'S CREEK it
doesn't mean Dawson have to get the girl!!!!!!!
And if this triangle never came to an end, we will not be able to tell that they really grew up!!! And then of cause Jen been a single
mother seems to be the prefect thing because she can never go on a relationship happily married or anything
like that. But it's sad how it ended for Jen BUT as a fan I can be happy cause she really lived her life. I think her
character was the one that really grew up when we look
back (Except for Dawson). And about Jack and Doug. It's so funny!!! pacey always used to drive Doug mad telling his
Gay and it's correct after all!!! I don't think I can stop thinking about the
past 'cause there's so much. It all so chained so bond. But one thing I expected was to see ANDIE one last time.
I always loved that character. Most importantly if I call any two soul mates in this Drama if
would defiantly be Jack and Jen. No one can compare them. Specially not Dawson/Joey.

Also Dawson's drama "The creek" and every thing around it just make me wonder is Dawson
really Kevin Williamson???
Finally Dawson's creek drags me down to my own past. Whole teen years I can say I practically grew
up with them. When I was fifteen they were fifteen. When I'm nineteen they were nineteen. Watching
them at the end made me realise I also grew up.
At the end it's finally DAWSON'S CREEK. (once I wondered why it was not named Joey's creek?)
This was all about Dawson growing up and the importance of friendship. There were three friends.
Then Jen came to their life (of cause
Follow her Jack and Andie) Then Jen went back. Back to the three friends after so many memories.
So it doesn't really matter how ended up with who they will always be friends.


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