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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Fifth Season

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Fifth Season

List Price: $59.98
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Season 5 Has It All
Review: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out season five of Buffy is the best.I think there are great moments from the first four seasons,but I feel season 5 takes the cake.Season five started to show Buffy for who she really was.It began to show the true nature of Buffy being the slayer.I think in the first four seasons to Buffy being the slayer was just a job.In season five the writers made it so she realized it was much more than that.This season had more range of emotion than any other season before it.She has to deal with a new sister,Riley leaving her,her mother dying,Spike falling in love with her,the evil doings of Glory,and putting her life on the line for Dawn(the most heart-breaking moment of the season).To me this season is what Buffy was all about.For someone who may never have watched the show,season five is the crowning jewel in the series.You'll laugh.You'll cry.You'll love it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The last great season
Review: Season 2 and Season 3 of BTVS are among the best television has to offer, a perfect blend of the hilarious and the heartbreaking. While Season 4 was funny at times, and had some of the best fights and effects of the show, it was the end of a good thing. Mutant Enemy didn't know what to do with a heroine in college, and the show suffered from the loss of Angel. I for one stopped watching it.

Recently, I got back into Buffy, and I watched the whole show on FX. I have to say, that while Season 4 is still lame, Season 5 is just about as good as Season 2 & 3. It has everything; it is very funny ("Triangle"), very sad ("The Body") and very Buffy ("The Gift").

And after watching Season 6 and Season 7, I have to say that this was the last great season. While I loved the musical in Season 6, that season disappointed me in its continual contradictions of characters, and while Season 7 has a great villain in theory, it does not deliver.

This season has none of those problems. Glory is the most threatening villian Buffy ever faced, and despite all their woes, no one ever stops being true to who they are. I can't wait to own this DVD set -- the extras look great. For anyone who didn't like Season 4, I recommend they give this season a try.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The season that had to be ...
Review: Okay, my vote is that season 5 was better than season 4 and frankly came close to season two. Heaven knows I'd have stopped watching after this if I had known they were returning with Season Six, better known as "can't anyone shut Alyson Hannigan (Willow) up?!!!"
Anyway, the season opens brilliantly with "Dracula." Things stumble a bit, from time to time, but "The Gift" finally makes Dawn's presence worthwhile. The season is all about uncompromising stories of sacrifice (Spike's willingness to die to protect Dawn, because she is important to Buffy; Buffy's acceptance of her own fate; Gile's understanding that he must do the dirty work that a Slayer must not do--killing an innocent; Tara's sacrifice). The list goes on, except for Willow, still trapped in her little self-centered world. Her self obsession eventually grows into the dominant theme of Season Six, and frankly crushed the series. So enjoy Season five.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Buffy Season, despite the sister
Review: Like some, I didn't begin watching Buffy until she went to college and I was hooked right away. Then I began watching the rest of the episodes on FX and whatever other of the 3 channels that would show it. I felt that the depth of Buffy improved with each year, so I disagree that the first 3 years were better than the later ones. I suppose that Angel's departure could have something to do with that opinion (that the early years were better) hehe. I found the earlier years to be lacking in truly engaging or witty dialogue. Now as for year 5, I loved the writing and the maturation process that Buffy went through, except for the surprise introduction of the sister. Not to mention Buffy's attempt to solve the question of how to save the planet. I was a little embarrassed to admit that I wondered if and when Buffy would return since the network dumped Buffy the Vampire Slayer, how stupid was that? lol This season rocks and is a build up to season 6 which brings Spike more into the spotlight, hehe, he's my fave.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An Pretty Good DVD
Review: I happened upon a copy of this in a local videostore yesterday, obviously I was very happy that someone screwed up and put this on the shelf two weeks in advance. I've been watching it non-stop. The DVD's pretty great. There's an awesome featurette on "the Body", and I really like Joss' commentary. I was a little disspointed in the Outtakes as they were only from Seasons 2-3.

Also the little "Continue Your Collection" card lists S6 as being released in May, about two months before Amazon's date. Hmmm....

Off to watch some more...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another day older and deeper in the doogie...
Review: Perhaps you can or cannot believe you're eyes, but 5 Stars is exactly what this season deserves. And weather you listen to what James Brunner wrote earlier or not you should be able to see why may reviews are so positive. From the lame 'Buffy vs. Dracula' to the spiritual 'The Gift' this inventive and amazing TV program deserves 5 stars.

Now I am not one of those folks who've watched Buffy since Season 1. In point of fact I used to date a Buffy-fan who could not get me to take the show seriously (to her dismay). But one day, about a year and a half ago, I was looking for something to background my poster making (the poster's not important, but thanks for asking) and I was sick of all my music. So 'on' went the t.v. and I fell upon one of the many times a day that FX plays episodes of Buffy. It seemed as likely candidate for background noise, and I was already somewhat familiar with the characters. But by the end of that hour my poster lay very undone I felt just about as sad and moved by a fictitious program as I can ever remember. The episode was 'The Body' and to this day I cannot believe it took me until Season 6 to start watching Buffy. But on the plus side I had only to watch FX to catch up on what I had missed. All seasons no waiting ;)

I'm not here to say that this, or any other, season of is perfect. I can't say that johngift's review and insight was any truer then nat9761's or the anonymous writer of "The sharks are in the water..." But I do know that I have found precious little Mutant Enemy productions that were not simply great TV. And I'm a TV-Head from way back. But WOW! Buffy is somethin' else, and to think I used to think that Moonlighting was the best thing to have happened to TV.

Heck I can't say I love all the seasons equally (the 7th had some disappointingly lame moments) but that, I think, is one of the reasons that Buffy is such a good show. It's very natural in it's evolution. It moves and changes not just from season to season, or episode to episode, but within a single scene. And watching the cheese of Dracula can be as much fun as the hardcore emotional wrenching that "The Body" gives you. It's simply one of the Best TV shows ever made. Don't take my word on it; watch it for yourself. Laugh, cry, and walk away knowing that there are heroes out there and they are just like the rest of us: Doing our best not to be sucked into the Hellmouth.

And just wait, if u thought the 5th was interesting the 6th might just make u reevaluate the whole shebang. My favorite of the seasons is different, dark, and beautifully uncomfortable. With episodes that can only come from likes of Mutant Enemy.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: one of the worst seasons i ever seen
Review: i thought season 5 was really bad compared to seasons 1,2, and 3 of buffy which i think are the best seasons out of all of the seasons. i thought it was stupid that they put riley in this season whihc i think was a terrible boyfriend to buffy, i think in my opinion, Angel should have stayed with buffy and i know was her true love, not Riley. the only episodes i like was maybe when buffy was fighting dracula. and it it disgusting how spike falls in "love" in with buffy and goes obsessed with her which is disgusting because of how he got a guy to create an robot which looked exactly like her. most of the episodes were too boring and Glory, compared to other villains such as The Mayor, The Master, and Angelus was not even scary looking at all. as for the upcoming seasons of buffy, some of the episodes gets a little bit more sexual than usual for buffy and spike and i thought some of the scenes between them were nasty even for prime time. not the best season in my opinion

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best of BtVS
Review: Season 5 was simply the best season of BtVS. I'm surprised at the negativity in reviews I've seen for this DVD - an excellent season and so many extra features? Come on. Be happy with what you got, don't go complaining about it.

I really do believe that season 5 surpassed season 2. As much as I love season 2, season 5 had more heart. It no longer focused on teenage drama (which I think turned some early viewers off), but focused on real life dilemmas, in the form of sexuality, marriage, addiction, work, family, and death. "The Body" is probably the episode that best propels this home, but other episodes contribute. "No Place Like Home", "Into the Woods", "Blood Ties", "The Body", "Tough Love", and "The Gift" are episodes that excellently illustrate these points. Of course, season 5 was not without its flaws - what season wasn't? I'm surprised that season 3 has 5 stars, since personally I believe seasons 5 & 2 are far greater, but that's the way she goes, I guess. Season 5 was just such a tight arc. I find it funny that many people think that Dawn should have died at the end of "The Gift" because she'd exhausted her purpose - if she'd died, the season would have been pointless, because its message is family, and the ties that bind, whether they be through blood or spiritually. Season 5 begins the more grown-up years of BtVS, and I know a lot of people had quibbles with this, but personally I believe they should get over themselves. Life isn't all true love, nobody dies, and prom night is going to be the best night of your life. Everything just gets stripped away, and you're forced to make difficult decisions. Season 5 illustrated this in the most wonderful of ways. So, that was me on my soapbox - now just go buy the DVD. ;)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "All Praying...No Slaying"
Review: I'm surprised at the number of reviews I've read here that have discussed problems with season 5 of BtVS; I suppose this is exactly why you should buy it...to decide for yourself. I have been one of those avid Buffy fanatics since season 1, episode 7, and in my opinion, season 5 is the crescendo of the series. Sure, season 2 may match it in terms of scope of the story arch, but season 5 finally has the strong production values the stories deserve.

Season 5 is departure childhood for Buffy. There is no parent, boyfriend, or educational institution to guide her; she is left to set her own moral compass. And even though she is surrounded by friends who love her, her burden is still one that she cannot share. This is the year when Buffy proves why she was ever chosen to be The Chosen One in the first place. In a later episode, Buffy tells Dawn that "it's about power...who's got it, and who knows how to use it." In season 5, Glory, and even Willow, may have more power than Buffy, but she has more heart.

I can't even begin to get into individual episodes of season 5, because there is a 1000 word limit to these reviews and I would need at least three times that to do them justice. But let me just say that the writers hit and maintained their stride all season long- the arc is solid, the comedy relieves, and the characters have never been more fully realized.

Without going into too much detail, here are the highlights of season 5, and the reasons why its getting no Emmy awards, although always a crime, was a capital offense this year:

1. The undemonization of Spike and the beginning of his transformation into becoming a good man.

2. Riley's descent into uselessness and fetishism... sometimes, the humans are darker than the monsters.

3. The death, by natural causes, of Buffy's mother, showing Buffy that there are some things even she can't fight.

4. Buffy stands up to those grumpy men of the Watcher's Council, and wins.

5. Glory. Say what you will about the actress portraying her, Glory is the most threatening villain and, in fact, bested Buffy in terms of strength.

6. The way Buffy learns, at the last possible moment, that her true power isn't in her fist, it's in her heart, and makes a sacrifice that trumps everyone.

Whether you are one of those people for whom Tuesday nights were a set appointment for seven years, or one of those people who came into the show late and are only still discovering it, season 5 is the one that proved the show's street cred... and it's the one that we all earned the right to have. So just go cut one of those fringe kids or cousins off your Christmas list this year, and spend the $40 to get this for yourself. Please!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Season 5, the beginning of the end
Review: This is overall a brilliant season. Not the best. Ultimately in terms of scope and stakes Joss Whedon never quite surpassed Season 2. But this comes close. ...

I know many fans feel that Season 4 begins a downward spiral for the series but in fact it is the kick-off of the series' most mature and often painful storytelling. We don't like being confronted with the pains we must live with, which Season 5 does in Spades. Growing up [is hard] and is painful. Season 5 reflects that brilliantly.

Yes, Dracula, lame .... The only episode in the entire series that I still think [is bad]. After that it all falls together.

The Body, simply one of the single most beautifully written episodes of any television series ever. Period. Criminally ignored by the Emmys.

I know many fans hated Reilly. Again, they fail to see Reilly's place and meaning in Buffy's existence. Reilly isn't supposed to work. He cannot fit into Buffy's life despite the fact that he is a good man and represents what Buffy wishes she were. A normal girl. His leaving is poignant and moving, especially as it is montaged with Xander's ultimate admission of love to Anya.

For me there are three detractions to this season and why it only gets 4 stars has more to do with casting than writing . 1)The actress playing Glory is certainly the worst performer to ever appear in the series. A previous reviewer described it perfectly. There are scenes that are brilliantly written that she simply cannot pull off. You get the sense that the actress really has no idea what she is saying even when her line is simply "Hello".

2) Though I like the character of Tara in and of itself, I've never liked Amber Benson's stiff and self conscious portrayal. her line readings unconvincing. Would that her acting were half as good as her singing, which is extraordinary.

3) Dracula. This peice of casting was an in joke as the actor had protrayed Sarah Michelle Gellar's love interest in her days on All My Children. Unfortunately, unlike Gellar, this performer's acting never rises above the worst of daytime, walk through, child pretending in the playground, acting. His work is largely why this episode is, for me, the only actual bad episode in the entire series.

These points aside, the Scooby Gang's journey into adulthood really begins in this season. Don't miss it and don't shortchange it.

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