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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Third Season

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Third Season

List Price: $59.98
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Big Snake
Review: "I personally don't think there could be a crazier plan."
"We attack the mayor with humus."
- Cordelia and Oz, repsectively

This season is arguably the best of the series. It is certainly where the show hit its stride, and hit it hard. Starting and ending with a bang, and with more than enough substance, style, humor, and drama in between, this season is just out and out enjoyable.

When Kendra's death calls Faith, an unorthadox and voraciously hot slayer, to Sunnydale, things in the Scooby melting pot get interesting. There's plenty of tension between the two slayers, a good deal of whos-playing-who subterfuge when it becomes apparent that Faith likes killing just a bit too much, LOTS of tight pants on the female leads (double meow) and the greatest chick fight ever. All packed into twenty-two excellent episodes. Party in my eyesocket, and everyone's invited.

Faith is not the only character introduced in this season. Foremost among the newcomers is the season's Big Bad, the mayor. A demon who built Sunnydale over a century ago for demonic reasons, the dapper, polite, and insanely cheerful nemesis is in a class unto himself in the pantheon of Buffy villains. With hilarious propriety, a politician's sense of humor, a huge dislike of germs, and a winning smile, Mayor Richard Wilkins III has just as many enjoyable moments as Buffy and the Scooby gang, and is just as fun to watch.

However, it's not just the apacolypse (. . .again) that the Scoobies have to deal with. There's plenty of teenaged angst and romance to go around. Buffy and Angel's off and on relationship is dealt with (and Angel is prepped for his own show), there is a passionate quadrangle between Oz, Willow, Xander, and Cordelia. . . heck, even Giles gets some. All in all, this season is great, both in humor and in drama. There are so many great and memorable episodes, from "Anne" to "Amends" to "The Zeppo" to "Graduation Day" that it almost seems unfair to all the other shows on DVD right now. Almost.

The extras just keep getting better on these DVD's. With featurettes, comentaries, interviews, and much more, the BtVS series ranks high among the DVD's that will make extra-happy consumers like me more than content. Add to that the excellent video and sound, and this season is purchase worth for fans of the series and newcomers alike. Just remember to go easy on the swearing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: buy this dvd
Review: I've been a fan of buffy since season 1 and truly believe it is one of the best shows that's been on tv during my lifetime. The other seasons were amazing, particularly season 2, but I think that Season three is the strongest, and if you're going purchase one dvd set, this should be the one. Everybody loves Hush, but "Doppelgangland" and "The Prom" are my two all time favorite episodes and make me weep like a baby. The Mayor is the greatest villian that Joss Whedon created--and his relationship with Faith is touching, even though they're both evil. Anya, Wesley, and Faith are great new characters, and the regular cast reaches new heights during this season. The individual episodes and season as a whole balance the comedy, tragedy, and action perfectly and negociate the long-running plot lines with weekly mini-crises. Graduation Day Parts 1 & 2 feature spectacular fight sequences, drama, and special effects.
They list a lot of special features for the DVD; they're alright, fun to watch once or twice, but nothing earth-shattering. Still, having access to all these episodes is well worth the cost.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Buffy Season 3, The Best
Review: Season 3 of Buffy is the best season of all. Why? Eliza Dushku (Faith) that's why. She is so hot. I think that it is too bad that she was never added to the opening credits. I guess that she was a recurring character and not on a contract even though she was on for most if not all of season 3. This is the season that they later altered the theme song and kept this one until the show ended. James Marsters (Spike) is hot and in case you didn't know this hunk is 41!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Series of Buffy
Review: Ok, this series deserves a complete episode-by-episode rating

Anne - 7/10 Good start but not brilliant. Buffy is living away from home trying to get over Angel, and she falls into a hell dimension.

Dead Man's Party - 7/10 Good handling of the uncomfortable feelings between the Scoobies, but why zombies?!

Faith, Hope and Trick - 8/10 The New Slayer, Faith, arrives, but she unintentionally brings with her some new baddies...

Beauty and the Beasts - 9/10 The return of Angel. Major Buffy angst.

Homecoming - 10/10 Cordelia's selfishness leads Buffy to challenge her for Homecoming Queen, Willow and Xander kiss, and Mr Trick holds a Slayerfest '98 competition. A really brilliant episode, full of great Cordelia and Buffy bitchiness and the ending is really funny!!

Band Candy - 10/10 Another brilliant episode. The adults of Sunnydale eat bewitched candy that reverts them to a youthful state of mind... and Giles and Joyce do something they will regret... and Ethan Rayne is in this one too!!

Revelations - 9/10 Faith's new watcher arrives but isn't all she seems to be...

Lover's Walk - 10/10 THE angst episode of the series. Oz and Cordelia see Willow and Xander kissing, Spike comes back after Drusilla has broken up with him... this episode really plays on your emotions, especially when they trick you by showing you a funeral scene near the end (people who have seen this episode will know what I mean!)

The Wish - 10/10 Another great episode, set in an alternate universe where Willow and Xander are vampires. The best part is the slow-motion fight-scene at the end, where we see our Scoobies fighting and killing each other *sniff*.

Amends - 8/10 Good episode although it didn't appeal to me instantly like most of the others did. The gang tries to find out why Angel is back in town and meet the First Evil (who crops up again as the Big Bad in Season 7). Jenny Calneder appears in this one.

Gingerbread - 9/10 Two children are found dead, the town goes on a witchhunt and blame Buffy and Willow for their deaths, and attempt to burn tbem at the stake. It is hilarious how Buffy kills the baddy in the end... and oooh, evil Joyce!!

Helpless - 9/10 Buffy's powers are taken away by Giles without her knowledge so that she can take a Council test pitting her against a vampire with only normal human strength. BUT the vampire escapes from his containment...

The Zeppo - 10/10 A Xander-centric episode, which although a big battle happens, we don't actually see much of it because we are following Xander being an unsung hero trying to stop the school from being blown up. And sleeping with Faith.

Bad Girls - 8/10 Pretty nothingy for most of the episode, following Buffy's downwards spiral to be like Faith, but a brilliant plot point when Faith kills a human...

Consequences - 7/10 Continues the angst over whether Faith will tell the police that she killed the man...

Doppelgangland - 10/10 Continues The Wish. Willow-vampire has been sent to this dimension, and there are some of the funniest Buffy scenes ever when Angel tells Buffy and Xander that (he thinks) Willow is dead and they already know about the Willow-vampire, and when Willow confronts her vampire self.

Enemies - 9/10 Faith's bad side is exposed when she and the Mayor - the Big Bad of season 3, and the best Buffy villain ever, he is just such a jovial yet evil chap - take away Angel's soul with magic. Only their trick is in turn tricked by Buffy.

Earshot - 8/10 Buffy gains the power to hear people's thoughts, which is quite a weak individual plot line, but there are some very funny moments - Giles walking into the tree at the end, for instance.

Choices - 7/10 Buffy wants to take the fight to the Mayor, but when Willow is captured, it doesn't seem like such a good idea. Ooh, and Oz is violent.

The Prom - 7/10 Another weak stand-alone episode where werewolves are trained to attack the Senior Prom. Nice that all the characters are dancing with their love interests, even Buffy. A feel-good episode before the seaon finale.

Graduation Day Parts 1 and 2 - 10/10 The best season finale of the lot, tying in first place with Season 2 finale where Buffy killed Angel. Faith shoots Angel with a poisoned arrow,l Buffy stabs Faith because the only cure for Angel is the blood of a Slayer, but Faith manages to get away, so Buffy sacrifices herself and only just survives, Faith is in a coma and Oz and Willow sleep together for the first time. In the second part the whole school attacks the Mayor as he ascends on Graduation Day, Cordelia stakes a vamp for the first time, we see Jonathon attacking vampires with great gusto, Harmony is bitten... And Buffy blows up the Mayor... and the school. The ending is simple and very poignant, with the cover of their yearbook saying, "The future is ours".

An amazing series. Faith is a very complex character, and the Mayor is a brilliant villain, like a kindly uncle, but you can see the evilness in him, but almost a nice kind of evilness. He is a truly amazing character. This is the last series where they are at high school, and after this series Buffy seems to loose something, a certain centered quality, since the Scoobies paths split out so much after this, as peoples' lives do when they enter university. This, and series 2, should be owned by everyone. All hail Joss Whedon.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The season with Faith.
Review: The third season started out very dramatic with "Anne" and then quickly became lighter as it went on. No this season wasn't as good as the second season was but it was still an improvemnt and it closed many chapters that were opened in the second season.

This season brought in Faith a character that is a favorite of many of the fans of the show. It saw Angel leaving along with Cordy. It got a new, awesome, opening with a fuller sounding theme. And it hearaded the coming of Dawn and it saw what would be one of Buffy's final nemisis, The First, from the episode "Amends."

This season closed the chapter of the relationship of Buffy and Angel (there are appendixes to that chapter though in later seasons). It also graduated Buffy and the gang from high school. This season was fantastic but not as good as the next one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Classic Buffy.
Review: This set comprises of some of the best Buffy episodes ever.

After the spellbinding second season, it was hard to believe anything could live up to its greatness. And while this season doesn't match season 2, it manages to come in a very close second as the best season of Buffy to date.

Picking up where last season's cliffhanger left off, Buffy makes her way back to Sunnydale and the life she knew only to discover that many changes have taken place. Willow and Oz are much more serious, as well as Xander and Cordy, and there's a new Slayer in town named Faith.

The collection of episodes is terrific as we see Buffy struggle through her final year of high school and deal with issues such as the prom and homecoming, selecting a college, and what to do with the rest of her life. All the while, she has to fight off the Mayor of Sunnydale, who's planning a not-so-pleaseant graduation gift for the class of 1999.

This season's strongest points go to the introduction of the character Faith, one of the most beloved Buffy characters, who turns to the dark side and becomes a villain you truly hate to love.

From humor, to comedy, to action and romance, this season has it all.

Buffy would never again be as great as this.

Sadly, the show would continue with an unsatisfying fourth year, but you can pretend the season's final Graduation Day episode is the end if you really want to...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Season of the Slayer
Review: For those of you who hate the fact that I like to point out all the flaws of each season of Buffy don't worry. Season three being the best out of all seven seasons I can honestly say I can't find anything wrong with this one. Everything was done perfectly from the premiere all the way to the finale. Buffy's confidence and strength are at there best unlike in later seasons when she's always depressed. Faith is by far the best character ever created by the writers of the show. She's like Buffy and Angel roled into one. She's a slayer like Buffy, but is also dark and will soon have to seek redemption like Angel. I'm so thankful that the writers didn't kill her off like they did to poor Kendra. Don't get me wrong though even the episodes that don't feature Faith are good. The Mayor may not be dark and strong like the Master and Angelous, but his hilarious attitude makes up for it. Angel's character grows and evolves so much in this season it's no surprise that he gets his own show later. The finale doesn't quite live up to season two's, but it's up there with the best of the best. Many fans disagree with each other regarding the ratings for seasons 4-7, but all Buffy fans can agree that season is worth watching and owning.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Season of One of the Greatest TV Shows Ever
Review: Buffy is just great television. Season three is filled with amazing episodes including my personal favorite of the series "The Wish" (The Master twisting Buffy's neck in slow motion is priceless). Other standouts of this season include:

Faith, Hope & Trick
Lovers Walk
The Prom
Graduation Day Parts One and Two

Buy this set without hesitation.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Season
Review: This is one of my favorite seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This season's got it all, from, comedy relief to bloody battles. The characters in this season are awesome including the new character Faith and the reappearance of Spike. This is a great season from a great show. If you haven't seen Buffy before, see it now and you'll get hooked. Buy this one. Also don't forget to buy season 1, 2, 4, and preorder season 5 releasing this December!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Outstanding!
Review: Season 3 truly is one of the greatest seasons of Buffy the Vampire slayer and has one of the best villains, The Mayor who is creepy and has some wonderful one liners and incredible dialogue. Sarah Michelle Gellar is wonderful as Buffy and Eliza Duschku is great as Faith another slayer, a wild girl who joins forces with the Mayor and is an awesome character with some amazing dialogue. There are a lot of fantasic episodes and I highly recommend this DVD boxset and as soon as I finish writing my Buffy reviews I'm going to have a Buffy DVD marathon for Halloween and watch some of the best episodes!

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