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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Fourth Season

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Fourth Season

List Price: $59.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: College Wasn't for Buffy-Literally
Review: The first three seasons of Buffy were amazingly good, but after the climatic events of Sunnydale High's graduation and Buffy's break up with Angel things were bound to change. Angel and Cordelia have both gone to L.A. Oz eventually leaves himself after discovering how dangerous he can really be, leaving Willow to fall in love with someone else. Who is the shocker! Sense Angel was what drew me to the show I was worried that I wouldn't like this season, but good old Joss made it work, to an extent. Although this season was bareable it's still nothing in comparison to the previous three. The dark gloomy high school atmostphere is gone and now Buffy and her crew have to meet at the apartment of Giles. What really saved the series for me was having Spike return as a regular. Though Riley becomes better in season five I hated him in this season. He was so obsessed with Buffy and the way he went about things was annoying. One of the greatest moments of this season is when Riley meets Angel. My favorite episodes are when Faith returns for revenge. Anyone who says Adam is the worst villian is dead wrong! The three morons in season six are. At least Adam can fight and beat Buffy. Sure Adam doesn't really fit the persona of a typical enemy of Buffy, but hey if staking him or exposing him to the sun doesn't work Buffy has a problem which makes the show interesting. If a writer can keep you wondering for almost half a season about something you know they're doing something right. The finale of this season was by far the worst of the seven. It had nothing to do with the main plot of the season and there's no action until the last five minutes. Though this isn't the best season it definetly triumphs over season six. So if you're a Buffy fan check this set out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: All But One Episode Are Fantastic!
Review: Buffy The Vampire Slayer is one of my favorite television shows, I was late into getting into watching Buffy and I didn't see season 4 in it's original TV run but I bought the DVD set and I really liked season 4, it was very different than the earlier seasons and Angel and Cordelia have left and moved to Los Angeles and their own show called Angel. There are a lot of changes in season 4 and some people didn't like the changes but I felt the changes really fit into the show and showed that Buffy was growing up and had some more adult issues to deal with. I highly recommend ths season 4 DVD set and when I finish writing my review I'm going to have a Buffy Fest, a Buffy DVD Martahon for Halloween and I will definitely be including Hush one of the best and creepiest episodes. I liked almost every episode of season 4 except the one with Buffy and Riley's lovemaking causing poltergeists to go beserk in that frat house or dorm and I wonder if it is the crappy episode that Joss Whedon apologized for in the insert that was included in the season 4 boxset. Also Eliza Duschku is back as Faith in two amazing episodes! Even though there is one bad episode I still think season 4 is worthy of 5 stars because of all of the better episodes and the clever, witty dialogue and excellent acting! And the awesome character Spike finally becomes a main charater instead of a recurring character and James Marsters gets his name listed in the beginning of the show.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The other side
Review: I enjoyed this season, and I'll be getting it on DVD, but contrary to some of the comments here I felt there were some serious problems in season 4, and in fact it represented a downturn in the show from which it never fully recovered.

There were definitely some great shows in season 4, but in many ways the show just seemed to be lost in space. The loss of Oz was a real loss. Ditto for Angel and Cordelia. The gay Willow thing struck me as a blatant attempt to broaden the show's appeal to gays, or as a failed attempt to add an interesting twist to the show. Tara was boring and dull, gay relationships in TV shows don't move me at all (because I can't relate to either partner), and Oz had much better chemistry with Willow IMO.

It's in season 4 that Buffy, our heroine, starts her downhill journey from happy, upbeat, confident superhero to a confused, depressed, lost little girl with super powers. Would it really have been so bad to have a heroine who didn't fall apart? The chemistry with Riley was never there like it was with Angel or Spike. The Initiative? Yeah, right, a government agency to secretly create super demons. The only good thing that came out of the Initiative was the chip in Spike's head.

Buffy's out of place in college, Willow's gay, Xander starts to realize just how little direction his life has, and Buffy is paired up with a new boy to have sex with. These sound like the kind of things a creative person (Joss Whedon) would do if he's running out of genuinely good ideas. (At least we didn't have to deal with Dawn in season 4 -- another lame attempt to jazz up the show).

On the plus side we get a more fun Spike and Anya. Without those two I'd probably have stopped watching Buffy sometime in season 4.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great DVD To Own!
Review: The reason I rated this 4 stars is because it wasn't as good as Season 3, but it was still pretty good. I loved the relationship between Xander and Anya as well as Buffy and Riley. It kept the story going. It's great that Spike returned back in this most of the season instead of just one episode during the middle of the season like in Season 3. I seemed to really connect with Alyson Hannigon (Willow) the most in this one because her break-up with Oz was really sad, but when she meets Tara from a group-witch type meeting. Things start to look up for Willow, she starts getting real feelings for her and I really liked the chemistry between them too. I like Oz don't get me wrong, but I like the relationship between Tara and Willow(they are both real witches what more could you want)more. The main story is that Buffy finds a new crush which was Parker, but he's just a guy that got in her pants and left her. Then Riley comes along and Buffy begins to start a relationship. Even though Buffy has know idea Riley is in The Inniative a army group with Professor Walsh that captures demons and performs experiments on them, supposedly implants chips in them so they can't harm humans. As Buffy soon finds out that Riley is in the Inniative she starts to wander that there is more stuff she needs to know like a dangerous experiment in Room 314. Adam, one of Professor Walsh's experiment winds up killing her(Professor Walsh). Buffy starts to have a really hard time trying to go through her relationship with Riley because his army gang are always giving her a hard time. Buffy must battle Adam and she does when Willow, Xander, and Giles come together to perform a spell on Buffy to destroy him. As that's done Riley soon removes the chip Professor Walsh implanted in Riley during the beginning of the Inniative so no more weird outburst from him. And Buffy soon goes through a weird dream after battling Adam with the cheese man and comes face to face with the first ever slayer!

Sorry I spoiled most of the season, check it out though it's really good!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not the best...but not the worst either.
Review: I am a buffy fan through and through. I own Seasons 1-4 on DVD, and when the other three seasons come out, I will buy them too. Season 4 brought a myriad of changes...some of which are good, and some of which are bad. One of the best changes is the Character mix up. While the main four (Buffy, Willow, Giles, Xander) are still intact, the peripherary characters experience a change of the guard. Cordelia and Angel have moved to LA for Career purposes, and Oz ends up leaving 6 episodes into the season. They are replaced by Anya, the blunt ex demon still adjusting to human life, Spike, fresh from him and Drusillas final breakup, and in a bit of a bind, and Tara, a fellow witch with a "Special" bond with Willow. Also, there is Riley, Buffys new love interest, and in my opinion, the worst part of Season 4. My favorite episodes of this season are: "Wild at Heart" because of the raw emotion and the excellent writing and acting. The woman who plays Veruca makes you hate her, makes you wish she would die, And Alyson Hannigan shines in her most raw period ever...well, for now.
"Hush" what can I say, everyone who saw this episode loved it. what a novel idea, to tell a story without telling it...
"This Years Girl"/"Who Are You" these two part episodes bring back Faith, one of the best characters ever in Buffyverse, and totally makes use of the fact that they are mirror images of eachother. Seeing Buffy all ho'ed out is crazy too...
"New Moon Rising" Another Willow Acts good episode, which totally brings to light the relationship between Tara and Willow, which has been played in the shadows for the past 10 episodes or so.
"Restless" a character study in Buffyverse. totally focuses on the four main characters. The big bad is dead, and this is a calm before the coming rollercoaster season.
While this was not my personal favorite season, it is definitely not the worst. In terms of a seasonal arc, this is one of the weaker seasons, but episode by episode, this season is unparallelled. almost every episode is totally worth your time. It has incredible effects, and a whole science versus magick thing. I love Alyson Hannigan even more now because of this season, and Emma Caulfield shines in her role as Anya. Also, who doesnt love Spike? It doesnt compare to 2,3,or 6, which are favorite seasons, but its not as bad as say...season 1, which is still good by anybodys standards for tv.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: joss whedon & co. are too smart for me
Review: All right, admit it: the only way you folks know as much as you do in describing whole seasons can only be explained by REPEATED AND OBSESSED VIEWINGS. I should know; I do it too. But I'm not going to go into too much detail about Season Four (or any other season, for that matter) except to say that JOSS WHEDON AND HIS WRITING STAFF ARE QUADRUPLE PHDs IN THEIR OWN RIGHT. They ought to found their own university. And the look and sound of this set is pretty cool, too, although Angel Season Two is presented in Mr. Whedon's preferred format (and mine, for that matter) of anamorphic widescreen. But I digress. I suggest REPEATED AND OBSESSED READINGS of the academically inclined Slayer companions AND Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" (coupled with "The Power of Myth", starring Prof. Campbell and Bill Moyers, which is on DVD) to better understand why crazies like myself love "Buffy." I need professional help. And a Willowbot. Apologies. Really.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Vastly underrated season................
Review: Reviewing season two or three is easy.Every hardcore Buffy fan loves them.But with season four,it's a different story.Personaly I love season four.It gave the show a big breath of fresh air by removing some characters,adding some and moving the action from High School to College.Of course,it's very disiorienting but with characters like Spike,Anya and Tara added to the cast,who can complain?Plus,why exactly does the college setting ruin the energy of the show?It's just as fun as before.And the sets look more beautiful.Anyway,Riley,The Initiative and the big bad Adam form a very controversial story-arc.Personnaly I do enjoy it.Riley is a nice character.It's just that people want to see Buffy with Angel.Adam is a good big bad but he has way too little screentime.The Initiative story-arc is compelling and has its highlights.I admit seasons two and three had better stories,though.But even then,season four has the best standalones ever.Episodes like Hush,Who Are You,or Restless completely make up for the slightly subpar story.The only bad episode is Beer Bad.Even season two had more bad episodes than that.Everything else is entertaining and the character development in this season is some of the strongest.Better than in the first three.I must admit I believe season four is just as good as season two but season three stands above both.I believe this season is underrated like nothing else simply because of the heavy changes.
Get over it.And you'll find yourself enjoying it a lot.This season is great for comedy.Just as much as season three.Oh and it's better than Angel's first season.Can't believe some people prefer Angel season one over this masterpiece of a season.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: As we build to season five...
Review: I find it a shame that so many people dismiss season four so easily. This season was a rough transition as anyone can imagine. High school is over, and by the nature of the showm everything had to change. No more library, no more Principal Snyder (a tragic loss, but a necessary one cast wise), and no more central nexus for the plots to take place at. I can understand why some would say the things they do about Season 4...But I cannot agree.

The character development in this season is amazing first and foremost. I point to Willow as the number one example here. I won't provide spoilers, but I dare anyone to deny that season 4 transformed Willow from her high school phase to the Willow we know now. It was a necessary change, and season four was the stage for it. Same with Xander, although we will not see his complete evolution till season five in terms of character, but yet season four sets his depression up, and builds his relationship with Anya at the same time, making sure the character does not slip through the cracks. Giles as well undergoes a radical change, as he is now forced to come to grips with events. These changes and evolutions are what make season 4 the necessary, and vastly underrated, season that it is.

One of the best things about season four is, without a doubt, Spike. Spike replaces the departed Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) as the smart mouth one in the group, and he fills in excellently. Spike's character becomes so endearing that you can not help but wait for the next scene he is in, and you find yourself remembering those scenes the most when you recall an episode here or there. The same can be said for Adam, an underrated villian, that I will admit had more potential then what was given.

Plus when you add, two killer episodes based on Faith and the season three questions left over with her, guest appearances by Angel twice, and the Oz/Willow/Tara mini-arc you have a season that is so plot driven it sometimes overwhelms people used to the usual Buffy. On a side note: the introduction of Tara is another reason this season shines to me.

When you add Hush and Restless to the mix here...Well you really have a jammed packed lineup. Not to mention the extras on this DVD boxset are the best so far on any Buffy or Angel collection. Six commentaries was more then I dared hope for.

Moving on...The Slayer herself is forced to come to grips with things as well. Men, school, slaying, her friends, her family. Her relationship with Riley also plays on all of this with the season arc of the Intiative. No spoilers here, but it is interesting as I get the sense Buffy really fights her own emotions in this season then any other before, including season two and the infamous Angelus arc.

In closing, any true Buffy fan could not be without the collection. Not the best season, but I guarantee it is not the worst either, not by a longshot.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Adam (The First Man) and the First Slayer (Not Eve)
Review: If season three was about the grand story arcs, this season is about the individual episodes. Unlike season three, where most of the episodes were largely influenced by the multiple storylines (Buffy vs. Faith, the Mayor, Willow and Xander), in this season, most of the episodes are "stand-alones" with small bits and pieces of the overall arc. There are very few episodes that completely deal with the story of the Initiative and Adam. Speaking of Adam, I believe that he was grossly underused. Here is this great villain, who is a modern-day Frankenstein's monster who is part man, part demon, and part machine, yet he doesn't show up until the thirteenth episode of the season, and he doesn't do much until the end. Anyway, this season deals with the Initiative, a secret government-funded organization that captures demons and vampires, then experiments on them. They are led by Maggie Walsh, Buffy's psych teacher, who we soon learn is up to something. She is secretly creating Adam, and she plans to create an entire army of these demonoid soldiers. At the same time, the season deals with the changes that you go through during your first year of college; the old high school gang begins to split up: Oz leaves, Xander does not go to college with Buffy and Willow, Giles starts feeling useless, Willow becomes a lesbian, and Buffy starts spending large amounts of time with her new boyfriend, the Initiative commando Riley Finn. Spike joins the cast after he gets a chip implanted in his head that makes it impossible for him to harm humans. This season was not without its problems, but to say that it was bad is unfair. I liked this season a lot (not as much as three, which is considered one of the two best seasons, the other being five), and it was a great transition. Some things from the previous season finally wound down (Faith in the coma, for instance), and the upcoming season was set up (relationships, and the whole thing about Buffy's new sister was hinted at). I guess the only problems I had were 1) Oz killed the werewolf Veruca without using silver bullets. I don't mean to be picky, but I think that they should have honored the mythology. 2) The episode Restless, while interesting, was one of the most bizzare episodes that I've ever seen. Oh well, enjoy the season.

Good episodes include: Fear Itself, Wild At Heart, The Initiative, the Emmy-nominated Hush, Beer Bad, A New Man, This Year's Girl, Who Are You, The Yoko Factor, and Primeval.

Don't taunt the fear demon, its just tacky.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: buffy has once again let ME down!
Review: what can i say? i have persevered with buffy since day 1 but again find myself wondering what all the bloody fuss is about. Far better to buy a good Anthony Hopkins film or David Bowie album and educate your mind, rather than polluting it with such filth as this!!!

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