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Buffy The Vampire Slayer - The Complete Sixth Season

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - The Complete Sixth Season

List Price: $59.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Hit and miss
Review: This season is quite good. It starts out strongly and includes what is, in my opinion, the best episode of the series, the musical. However, a few episodes later there is the terrible episode "Wrecked." Willow's magic=heroine storyline is amateur writing, in my opinion.

Despite the flaws, I will recommend season 6. Buffy/Spike's relationship is complex and the chemistry between the actors is sizzling, the musical is outstanding, and there a number of other excellent episodes: Afterlife, Tabula Rasa, and Dead Things.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: RE: Goes a little too dark
Review: This is a response to Sean Gjerde's review...

I'm sorry but I complete disagree about Will needing to die. The character arc for Willow the entire season was about addiction. And the last few episodes delt with redemption, love and forgiveness. Buffy began to forgive herself for all of the things she did that year. We can see some tiny hints of Anya beginning to forgive Xander. Buffy and Dawn get through the earth monsters together and form a new bond. Andrew and Johnathan leave Sunnydale to start a new life.

It is only natural that Willow is saved by love, and is then forgiven. Had she died her entire arc that season would've been meaningless.

However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Goes a little too dark
Review: Season six is not bad, nor is it has good as previous seasons. For several reasons the season was actually excellent.

The good:

The Musical episode well everyone would probably say that it is truely a classic, I consider it a general television classic and a highlight of what was a truly dark year in 2001 for me personally and alot of other people. It was truly a golden moment for alot of Buffy fans and brought what was an otherwise dark season alot of light.

Spike, say what you will but Spike is a interesting character and was at his best this season.

Tara's death, hey I love to see bad characters get the axe, even if it is in a relatively cold way.

Dawn, she actually is much better in this season then in 5 and since she becomes nearly irrelevant season 7 this was her best season.

The Bad:

The wedding episode, Xander and Annya were just great togeather to seperate them just seemed unnecessary and was done very poorly. Following this both characters seemed to have little purpose and really didn't for the remainder of the series.

Willow and Tara, I could really care less about their relationship it just dragged this season, the lesbian sterotypes were just way too much and the drama created between these two would have been enough to drive most couples to suicide.

Evil Willow: I have no problem with evil Willow actually, she was really evil and that was a great change from the geeks who were just sad and seemed to be a direct shot at the fanbase, a show is never good when it makes fun of its own fans. But getting back to evil Willow she was bad she was really bad so bad she was unredemable, she had to die, and should have died at the end of the season. Sometimes you send a character down a dark path from which there is no hope and their was none for Willow her actions called for her elimination. The fact that she was saved and showed little remourse the following season makes season 7 nearly unwatchable because their easy forgiveness of Willow was uncalled for. Sometimes you loose friends this was a time Willow was too forgone and had to die, the Willow Character from here on out seems fake, if she had died at the end of this season it would have been 4 stars but as it is she didn't.

There you go feel free to disagree but in the end you Buffy fans know I am right about this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Difficult is better
Review: Sixth season of Buffy: The vampire slayer, proved to be the hardest to swallow for fans of the show. I loved it. I find allways that difficult is better... and this was a difficult season to watch. The writers took the characters to their darkest possible places. The storylines are, as follows: Buffy is returned from heaven by Willow, Xander, Anya and Tara, but she is unable to adjust herself to being on earth again. Everything hurts her. Her only way to feel alive is to take her body to the limit, and she can do that (being a slayer, who is used to fights and physical stress) only by using Spike, sexually. Willow finds herself falling into a magic "addiction", which even makes her endanger Dawn and break up with Tara. By the end of the season she'll learn that repression was not the way to go, and that it can take her to destroy the world. Xander's unsaid doubts about getting married with Anya finally explode and he leaves her right before the wedding, making her go back to being a vengeance demon. Giles finds that his presence is holding Buffy back, so he decides to go to England, even against Buffy's wishes. Dawn is unable to find herself in the midst of this entire chaos, so she turns to theft in order to make herself adequate to the group, and to call for help. By the end of the season, of course, everything comes together to create a perfect finalle for the year, in which the group falls appart (pretty much from Enthropy) and it is the end of the world... again.
This season will have many of the most memorable moments of the series for me: Spike trying to rape Buffy is priceless, and it is so perfectly done: the angles... the frame... the abscence of music... they really achieved a perfect moment. Warren falling in the hands of Willow. Anya walking alone down the altar. The entire Once more, with feeling episode. Buffy trying to kill he friends in order to gain sanity. The entire two final episodes of the season. Willow hurting Xander as he tries to save her and the world. Tara and Buffy getting shot by Warren. Buffy and Spike bringing down the house as they "make love".
This season contains:
Bargaining I & II: Buffy is brought back, while a bunch of demons terrorize Sunnydale. 9.8.
Afterlife: Buffy has brought something along with her. 9.6
Flooded: Buffy is broke. The troika makes its appearance. 9.4
Life serial: Buffy is tested by the nerds. 9.7
All the way: Dawn falls for a kid with nocturnal habits. 9
Once More, with feeling: What can be said about this one? 10
Tabula Rasa: A spell gone wrong makes everyone forget everything. 10
Smashed: Spike learns he can hurt Buffy and Willow brings back Amy. 10
Wrecked: Willow falls in the hands of a warlock. 10
Gone: Buffy, the invisible vampire slayer. 9.6
Double-meat Palace: Buffy has a new job. 8.5
Dead things: Buffy tries to find out why Spike can hurt her... she must have something wrong. 9
Older and far away: While celebrating Buffy's birthday, everyone gets trapped in the house. 9.7
As you were: Riley's return leads to the end of Buffy's relationship with Spike. 8.5
Hell's Bells: Xander's and Anya's wedding. 9.8
Normail Again: Is everything just a delusion? 10
Entropy: Anya seeks vengeance against Xander... but she only finds sollace in Spike. 10
Seeing Red: The trio finds a huge source of power. 10
Villians: With Buffy and Tara being shot, Willow spins out of control and looks for Warren in order to punish him. 10
Two to go: Buffy and Xander must protect Jonathan and Andrew from Willow. 10
Grave: Giles return to stop Willow, but he only gives her the power to end the world. 10
I think that this season can be more cherished watching in DVD. Really, this is worth the spent, and the time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Buffy Season 6
Review: Season six started to go downhill. On a lighter note just had to say James Marsters (Spike) turned 41 a few months ago.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Where have we gone from here?
Review: Season Six was brilliant. It was very dark, that's true, but I think also very much needed. Look, you get to a certain point, and you've got to start shaking things up a bit. S6 is where these characters really were at the time. The show is called Buffy The Vampire Slayer, after all, and its mood is mirrored by the mood of its main character. She was torn out of Hell for god sakes, people. What did you expect Season Six to be? Monster of the Week, Big Bad, standard-issue fare? Season Six dealed with issues and themes, not arcs. It was not about Joss Whedon being different and depressed, but about going through a time in life where it seems like there's nowhere else to go and nothing else to look forward to. We've all gone through it. It was really about growing up in the truest sense. During the course of this season, we get some truly great performances by the regular cast, not to mention a study on Broadway cool by Hinton Battle (who played the baddie Sweet in Once More, With Feeling) and solid return by Marc Blucas (say what you will, but Riley was Buffy's best boyfriend. Not her greatest love or kinkiest shag, but the closest she'd ever get to the normalcy she's seeked since episode one). Alyson Hannigan, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon and James Marsters should have all received Emmy nods for their work in this, I imagine, very difficult to make season. Highlights abound, but I won't point out too many specific episodes. Of course there's the brilliance of Once More With Feeling, the mind-bending Normal Again, the hilarious Tabula Rasa, and so forth. In fact, Season Six could even be broken down by the myraid of powerful moments within the episodes. But S6 should be taken as one piece of work. It wasn't always particularly cohesive, but that's a good thing this time. This is the year where the artists at Buffy smeared the colors, instead of giving us another perfectly rendered portrait. I'm also an advocate of Season Four, the other redheaded stepchild in the series according to most fans, and when I hear about the complaints people had about that season I tend to understand them, if not actually agree. But I think that measuring Season Six by our standard Buff-O-Meter is unfair. This was indeed a very different show during these 22 episodes, and we should all feel gratitude for experiencing it. And, honestly, you've gotta hand it to Joss for making things interesting. Who knows? Maybe Buffy would've ended after the very good but conventional Season Five had Season Six not taken this daring direction. On the DVD side of things, I'm glad to see that the famed Panel discussion featuring the cast and crew is actually included in the features. Easter Eggs are also a nice touch, and I can't wait to listen to Joss' commentary on OMWF. However, my one major gripe for these DVD releases looks like it still hasn't been rectified. WHERE ARE THE ACTORS FOR THE COMMENTARIES? Look, I know that they're busy and in fact I don't even know exactly the time frame in which the commentaries are recorded. But, besides Seth Green doing a joint session with Joss and Marti on S4's Wild At Heart, we've seen none of the other cast willing to give the fans what we want most (well, besides a trilogy of big screen movies, more crossovers on Angel, and spinoffs for pretty much all the core characters). Hopefully we'll have some for the S7 DVDs. I just can't believe that we've gotta wait until July!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Worst of the Seven, but it has its Moments
Review: This season didn't start off well first off. The premiere was so predictable it wasn't even funny. Then Buffy starts pouting around making most fans wishing that she'd just stayed dead. Then she stoops so low that she starts having frequent nights of sex with Spike. Now that Dawn isn't being hunted down by anyone her role on the show is pointless. The worst villians ever concieved by the writers of Buffy just had to be in the season were it already had allot going against it. They were so annoying and weak you just wanted them to die. Yes the first half of this season was defintely dark, for the fans! However like most Buffy seasons the writers start to pull out all the stops in the second half. Willow and Tara break up which I thought was good. Tara had to put up with to much ...stress because of Willow although I got to say I was kind of glad they worked things out. Riley re-appears in one episode which saved Buffy because after she saw how Riley was going about his life she finally realized that what she was doing was stupid and finally breaks it off with Spike, Thank God! Xander poorly goes through allot this season. Usually his role is meaningless and when he has a real role he has uneccessary stuff happen to him. Buffy has no choice but to become the strong woman she once was when her friend Willow goes crazy when Tara dies. "Just becasue I don't want to kill you doesn't mean I won't", now that's what I'm talking about. Spike gets his soul back which I didn't really like. It's such a rip off from Angel and to top it off Spike doesn't really change that much. Unlike Angel who has split personalities. It's true that when this season is compared to the rest it's probably the worst, even when compared to season seven. However if you're not so picky like other reviewers of this season are you might like it. Don't forget some episodes no matter how much I defend the show are bad so prepare for a little disapointment along the way. Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My first buffy season
Review: My girlfriend got me into watching buffy. Yeah I thought it was just some dumb WB show just like dawsons creek. I watched it and was in complete awe at how serious it's character development was. Each one had his/her unique personality and to watch all these dynamic characters growing and dealing with their problems as well as dealing with a HILARIOUS band of nerds who are out to get buffy was amazing. They are quite possibly the funniest villians the show has ever had. (Besides spike of course)It was a constant joy every minute they were on screen. It's about time we had villians who provided laughs. I went back of course and got all 4 seasons on DVD as they were released. Fell in love with those as well. This is a tough season because things get really serious. I can't wait to re-watch it because it was still the first season I saw and it will always be special. Season Two has become my most favorite but this is one of the best shows on television, hands down. So give season six a break, these characters had to MOVE ON. It was daring to make the choices they did rather than stay the boring same. I applaud their bravery for their art. These are the kind of seasons most shows never make because it's more of a risk, and as you can tell (reality tv anyone?)television rarely takes risks.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The death of Buffy.
Review: Season six of BTVS is the ultimate jump the shark collection for this once fabulous TV series.

How could it all have gone so wrong? Clearly the writers tried to clone the show with Dawson's Creek, creating something that was just truly unbearable to watch after having invested five years into the characters.

Where do I even start with the bad...? After moving to the UPN network, the season begins with Buffy being resurrected by her friends who have the false notion she is trapped in a hell dimension ala Angel in season three. They're sadly mistaken as Buffy was in heaven, and now she has to live in hell and so do we. Buffy was better off dead, as she turns into a truly despicable character that is an insult to those who watched the show from day one.

Every character is completely deconstructed and marred beyond belief that by the end of the season they aren't even recognizable. From Buffy's infamous raunchy affair with Spike, to Willow's addiction to magic used as a bad drug metaphor, to Xander's uselessness and Dawn's pointlessness...every character is degraded and cheapened for the prospect of making the show one big 'ol soap opera.

The season also introduces the most lackluster villains ever, the Troika, a band of nerds who have joined together to take over Sunnydale and be major pains for the viewer's.

I only recommend this set if you want a collection that reminds you of how bad shows can get when they run out of ideas or just stop caring.

I cringed at season storylines such as Xander's leaving Anya at the altar, Willow becoming an addict, and Buffy just not caring anymore.

And if a rape scene isn't enough to convince you the show lost it, just wait until the death of a Scooby near the end of the season which leads to the most unrealistically stupid season finales ever.

I wouldn't put this set next to seasons 1-3 on my DVD shelf if they paid me. Everything about the show I loved was completely wiped out here.

This isn't Buffy, ladies and gentlemen, it's 90210 with vampires.

I will never understand the good reviews this season is getting.

Buy it if you want to see the deconstruction of a great show and a true lesson in what NOT to do.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best ever!
Review: A must-have, definitely! Season 6 was very dark, indeed, but the nost real, and edgy. The show moved firmly away from the slightly campy horror/comedy series into its own. Season Six presents the gang living real lives and having to deal - as adults.

All of the recurring characters gained depth, color, and power. The major baddies were human, just like them, this time. The episodes exposed the monsters within us all. The whole group (including Spike and Anya) had to learn to cope with death, losses and betrayals not directly attributable to the demon infestation.

There's coming to terms with grief, abandonment, anger, hatred, self-loathing, fear, insecurities, the past, and the real evils that human beings bring onto themselves and others out of a desire to force or control others.

Season Six made me uncomfortable. It made me think. I saw some of the finest acting the "Buffy" cast has ever done. High points: "Bargaining I&II", "Once More with Feeling", "Tabula Rasa", "Smashed", "Two to Go" and "Grave".

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