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Buffy The Vampire Slayer - The Complete Sixth Season

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - The Complete Sixth Season

List Price: $59.98
Your Price: $44.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: (...) this season was [the] weakest
Review: (...)If you're a new fan you've probably heard that this season was by far it's worst and must be surprised to see so many people here endorsing it.

Let me you in on a little secret that's not really a secret: Most of the people describing it as "brilliant" and "so dark that most people wouldn't understand it" are overly devoted fans making excuses for a sub-par season. It's riddled with unfunny third-grade sex jokes, and some very stupid moments and a forced rape. Season seven accomplished a darker tone than this mess. Buffy creator/writer/producer Joss Wheadon was off creating a great show called Firefly when this disaster occured. The loss of his prescence was obvious.

If you're a completist, I'm positive theres nothing I can do to sway you otherwise, but if you're unsure don't listen to this small faction of people putting this season on a pedestal and saying it was Buffy's best. It's just not true. Rent it if you can, but purchasing it would be investing in a

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Fall From Grace
Review: Buffy's move from the WB to UPN ushered in an era of lesser quality. While many people feel that the major issue with this season is that it's too dark, I feel that it's not the darkness where the show makes a major stumble, but in the stories. Over the course of the season we're faced with multiple false epiphanies by Buffy, non-sensical changes to established canon (most notably the dramatic shift from the subtle metaphor of magic=sex in Season 4 to the blatant magic=drugs in this season), and subpar characterization, such as the non-use of Xander for most of the season. Arcs that could have been great have terrible execution. Willow's descent in darkness is set-up well, but when the trigger is pulled in the two-parter Smashed/Wrecked, it just feels false. The sight of Alyson Hannigan having to act through withdrawl is almost painful to watch. Similarly, the wedding arc between Xander and Anya is pushed to the side until it comes to an unsurprising conclusion that, in the end, has little impact overall.

The production values also take a hit, with the moster design turning subpar, the lighting becoming almost too bright, a shrinking number of sets (Get used to seeing Buffy's house and the Magic Box a lot), as well as the growing feeling that Sunnydale is populated only by the Scoobies.

Which is not to say that the season is without merit. Once More With Feeling is a tremendous hour of television, and almost makes the purchase worthwhile for just that episode alone. Normal Again is a wonderfully dark look at what would happen if Buffy were to go insane and turn on her friends. Life Serial is a wonderfully comic episode (the Mummy hand sequence in particular) that is sure to evoke more than a few laughs. Even the worst episodes of the season had a few moments that displayed the old greatness of the series.

While this season certainly did not live up to the previous seasons, it still remains above average viewing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not as Brilliant, but still Buffy
Review: Season 6 was an akward season for Buffy. Personally I think season 3 was the best but every show goes through a season of being alright. This is that season for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Although it doesnt seem as emotionally involved as the others. However a lot of great writing came from the musical episode, Once More with Feeling. This is a must have for any devoted fan of the show.The "Good" episodes definately outnumber the "Ok" ones. Pick it up!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best
Review: The 6th season was the best. Many have said it was the darkest and the worst season. I do not agree. Personally I think season 4 is the worst; with the xception of a few episodes and "Hush." Season six shows the dark and loney side in everyone. It shows what we all go through in one form or another. I really liked how Willow's character grew. She went from quiet little Willow to hearbroken bad witch, out with a vengence. I also like Spike and Buffy's relationship it showed that Buffy had real feelings for Spike. They weren't just made up. For me I really like how Willow had to deal with her problem with witchcraft. It mirrored so many problems people go through in relationships and what the consequences are. Overall I give this a 5!! The best season!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Season 6 was a fairly decent season
Review: Season 6 was not my favorite season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. My favorite seasons were Season 2 and 3. I also loved Season 4. Many fans of the show do not like Season 4, but it was the last of the seasons in which Buffy remained somewhat innocent and it contains some of the most outstanding episodes of the Buffyverse. In season 5 of BtVS, Buffy's mom becomes ill and eventually dies. Her death begins the downward spiral of the show into gloominess which continues all the way through Season 6. Buffy is depressed after being brought back from the dead by her friends. That the Scoobies did not even sense the deepness of her depression and what emotional devastation the ressurection caused Buffy, further marks her feelings of separation and isolation from her friends and Dawn. Though I understood where Buffy's depression came from, it became tiresome to see the character so depressed episode after episode. The coupling of Spike and Buffy was rather inevitable and it did not bother me as it did some fans because I knew she did not love him like she did Angel. Besides, I love Spike and his snarky ways. There were some absolutely brilliant episodes in this season, beginning with "Bargaining, Parts 1 & 2", "Life Serial," the incomparable "Once More with Feeling" and "Tabula Rasa," which was one of the funniest Buffy episodes ever. The season took a turn for the worse with "Smashed," "Wrecked" and "Doublemeat Palace" but returns to its brilliant form with the episode "Normal Again" which had fans talking for weeks! I found the nerdy trio a bit silly yet funny, and never expected them to be the "Big Bad": Willow was. They were simply a diversion. I found Willow's physical addiction to magic rather tiresome. I would have preferred it to be on a more metaphorical level. The death of another central character again this season was devastating after having lost Joyce in Season 5, but it is this death that leads the season to its dramatic finale. The season finale was not the best by any means (I found it rather contrived). The finales of Season 2 and Season 5 hold that prominent place. However, any true Buffy fan will want this season in his/her collection. Buffy and Angel are truly some of the best written shows ever to air on television.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hmmm....
Review: I wouldn't call Season 6 the best of the seasons, but it had MANY interesting points. Alyson showed her true acting ability in the primary storyline this season with her addiction and abuse of magic. Buffy's re-life grow's slightly tedious when we get into Spike's relationship with Buffy. The Evil Trio proved to be a poor Big Bad with little potential that was executed to the fullest. The switch to the UPN left Buffy down in many aspects, especially with preparation. The story was picked up quickly from where it left off, leaving a new season plot behind. Glory would be almost impossible to make better on and they most definitely were unable to match fifth season. If you are a truly hardcore Buffy fan, buy to stand by it, but otherwise, get the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Season which show the introduction of Vampires with the awesome Master and Drusilla, the quirky Mayor, and the wickedly evil and funny Glory. I can't wait for 7th Season where we get back to true Buffy and a brilliant ending.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The weakest season since the 4th.
Review: Season 6 has always been a source of controversy for the fans of the show. You'll either love it or hate it. But it's definitely one of the weakest efforts since season 4 rolled along.

The show got way too dark and depressing and the fun was completely sucked out of it. Each episode was a total downer and it threw the season into one big dragged out depression infomercial.

The writers were apparently trying to be daring and innovative by focusing on life issues for once and making life itself the "big bad", but in the end it wasn't the same show because of it and it just became a real bore.

None of the storylines focused on in this season were particularly interesting to follow, especially the useless Buffy and Spike relationship that goes nowhere. Then we have the geek trio that is supposed to substitute for the season's villains. I don't care if the whole point of a human trio of villains was to emphasize that life is the bad guy, they just plain sucked. You can't possibly follow up a villain like Glory with a band of nerds toting around some high tech gadgets. They were boring to watch, despite their sometimes amusing jokes.

Thankfully the one storyline that did string me along through all of this was Willow's well-handled magic addiction, which seems to have been the driving force behind the season anyway. The really great episodes centered on her downfall, especially the wicked season finale, which thankfully made up for some of the season, though not much.

But after all, this is still "Buffy" and it's a great show, but the tension is gone this season and so is the fun. Warren and the nerd squad are hardly acceptable villains and Buffy slugs around on screen for half a season looking lifeless and dead. Sure the issues behind it were important, but so what? It didn't make it fun to watch and I could've done without. If it weren't for the Willow storyline, this season would have been a complete mess.

Buy it to complete your set, but don't expect anything of the seasons 2, 3, or 5 caliber. It does have a worthwhile season finale if you can stand to last that long.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Season So Far...
Review: Buffy the Vampire has captivated audences all over the world and now you can own all 21 episodes of The Complete sixth season with lot's of special features including hard to find easter eggs!!
THe sixth season was the worst to some fans of the show but it depicts the shows more grown up crowd and reers tword the older fans of the show.. WIth Buffy and Spike and the whole graphical episode Smashed and a couple more kids might not be able to watch it.
Don't get me wrong this was a great season and I loved it, I love the way the people grew up during this season and i reccomned it for all Buffy fans, Go head by it!! I sure will!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Masterpiece
Review: Season Six of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is, simply put, a masterpiece. Season Six is different; it is dark, edgy, scary, a far cry from the earlier, but equally impressive, previous seasons. I applaud Joss Whedon and Co. for taking this incredible series to different places, exploring new story arcs and aspects of the multi dimensional characters. The writing, directing, and acting are up to par with the best shows and movies out there, in many instances surpassing them. Sarah Michelle Gellar provides an incredible performance as Buffy dealing with her resurection, being pulled out of heaven by her friends, and having to deal with what she feels is a hell on Earth. The scenes where she expresses her distress over dealing with the emptiness inside her are truly moving. Alyson Hannigan also gives an incredible performance as Willow, dealing with her "addiction" to magics, and the consequences her problem causes with herself and her friends. James Marsters also gives a great performance as Spike, a souless vampire trying to understand love and human emotions eventhough he is spiritually unequiped to. Sure this season contains its duds (Doublemeat Palace for example), but the great episodes of this season far out shine the bad: Bargaining Parts One and Two, Tabula Rasa, Life Serial, Seeing Red, Two to Go, Grave, and ESPECIALLY the musical, Once More, With Feeling. The genius of Once More, With Feeling is reason enough to buy this set. I will say this again, Buffy Season Six is different, it is very dark, almost disturbing in some cases, it is scary, and very emotional, but this change is welcome and wonderful. It works, and season six is incredible

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Looking Back - An Amazing Season
Review: There is a lot of controversy about the new direction the show took in this season, where the focus on fighting the bad guys seems lessened and the theme of "Consequences" in the real world is more played up. This season is all about relationships between characters and the subsequent -consequences- when these bonds are broken, harmed, or even formed. The series does take a darker turn here, but based on how it begins - after the very powerful season 5 finale "The Gift" - it only seems right that this is the way it goes.

When first watching this season I was a bit disappointed at the lack of a 'super-evil' as it is defined by the 3 'super-geeks' of Sunnydale; Johnathan - the geek from high school, Warren - the robot creator of season 5, and Andrew - who I don't believe we are introduced to till this season yet comes back in season 7. However as the season progresses hints are subtly placed that the real evil in Sunnydale is more then what appears, leading to an emotional (yet somewhat overly sappy) finale.

The most important thing to note about Season 6 is that individually there are probably the most singular stand-out episodes, even if the unifying theme of a supervillan is not. Most of the episodes combine dark humor with character development in terms of showing a deeper side to each individual on the show. "Life Serial" is a hilarious episode where you get to see the geek trio point out Buffy's 'weaknesses' as she attempts to forge ahead in life. "Once More, With Feeling" is one of the most landmarked episodes in series history, as it is a musical where everyone must tell the truth about whatever burdens them, and Buffy reveals a deep secret to the disappointed gang. "Tabula Rasa" is the episode following this one and is rather humorous as Willow gives the gang amnesia in order to try and stop them from remembering what Buffy reveals in the previous episode.

"Gone" is a neat episode where Buffy goes invisible, perhaps a metaphorical chance to explain the relief of being gone again means to Buffy. "Hell's Bells" is a great episode emotion-wise as the wedding of Anya and Xander goes awry. "Normal Again" is perhaps one of my fave episodes of all time, where Buffy is given a venom that makes her think she is hallucinating about everything that exists in Sunnydale and that she is really a Schizophrenic in a mental ward...who knows maybe she is! The final four episodes are all linked together in terms of the finale and what the consequences of each characters actions throughout the season leads to, and this time Buffy isn't the be all and end all hero that she ussally is.

Overall this is a good season to watch if you are particularly interested in the characters and their development of relationships. While it doesn't promise the superhero action of previous seasons (and is in particularly stark contrast to Season 5) it will make you appreicate the subtleties and links that are displayed throughout.

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