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Star Trek Voyager - The Complete First Season

Star Trek Voyager - The Complete First Season

List Price: $129.99
Your Price: $103.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Who knew Star Trek could be so good!
Review: I was never a Trek fan, and this series always gave me the willies cause my ex, who had notoriously bad taste, loved it. So I avoided it like kryptonite.

Then my most recent partner started telling me how good it was. When I moved over to Melbourne Australia to live with him we hired a few eppisodes from the local video store, and I was hooked immediately. Brilliant writting (almost on par with HBO's character driven series'). Great special effects (one eppisode looks like it used the same budget as a whole season of Next Generation). And a compelling storyline. Almost every one of their double eppisodes is better than any of the Next Gen full length movies! Seriously.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Finally, a Star Trek series for the mainstream audience....
Review: I watched the first three seasons regularly. They were good. The series showed great promise. However, the series started to slide in Season 3. I tried to watch the later seasons. I tried to force myself to watch in the hopes it would improve. By midway of Season 4, it was just too painful to watch. I watched sporadic episodes from there. Some were okay. Many episodes had the potential to be great stories but were either dumbed down or ended so poorly that it completely ruined the episode. I was embarrassed to be caught watching it because the show had become completely shameless.

Speaking as a Star Trek fan, and a sci-fi fan in general, I know it's hard to produce decent science fiction stories for a television series. Even so, Voyager was a major disappointment.

The original Star Trek set a new standard for the genre, elevating it from kiddie television (back when writers were severely underestimating their intelligence) to family entertainment. Did every episode feature high production values, solid stories, and memorable performances? No. But it was the first serious sci-fi television series. It raised the bar.

Next Generation and Deep Space Nine both took up the challenge in their own ways and raised the bar again. Those series dealt with important ideas. Science fiction is a great abstract for debating moral and social issues. Now, more than ever, we need to challenge ourselves and reevaluate our world.

I never expected every episode to be a gem, but as a whole, I was never disappointed in the Star Trek franchise until Voyager. Voyager LOWERED the bar to such an extent I wonder if the franchise will ever recover.

It would have been better to end the series and create a new non-Trek series that explored sexuality in a remote isolated environment. I know sci-fi fans are widely mocked by mainstream society, but mainstream has their sitcoms and, god help us, their reality shows. Was it really necessary to vandalize this franchise? Star Trek had a positive message of hope. What was the benefit of stripping it of its nobility and decency?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Top of the line!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: When in the world will Paramount Pictures give us the heartstopping opportunity to enjoy the legacy of the Star Trek Voyager Crew in our homes again?
Star Trek Voyager is my favorite Star Trek series! All of the characters have qualitites that are interesting, appealing and keep an audience on it's toes 'till the next air date! The Voyager crew are mine kind of people, and if I could be on that ship, even in the Delta Quadrant-----------you better believe I'd be there!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Keeping my fingers crossed
Review: The first time I saw Voyager on television, I just happened upon it while flipping through the channels. I thought it was a Next Generation episode, and it wasn't until I saw my next episode of Voyager (about a year later) that I realized the episode I saw was a Voyager episode, not Next Generation. Although I like The Next Generation series,it never pulled me into the story and captivated me the way Voyager did. I became a Voyager trekkie when I happened to catch the episode were they were fighting the Borg and they got 7of9. Thats the episode that got me hooked on Voyager. After that, every episode of Voyager I watched pulled me into their world. Every episode had an great story line, it's always original and fresh. And the characters are all so unique,their personalities work so well with the story. I like the way Janeway is more than just the captain, she is everything a lost starship crew could ask for. You can tell she cares about the crew as if their all family,even 7of 9. Or should I say especially 7of 9. I get sucked in by the way Janeway cares about 7of 9. Like a mother and daughter relationship, Janeway is always there to give 7of 9 the support and guidance she needs to deal with her resurfacing human emotions. It really shows the strong love we have for each other. I also have to say that I am definitely a Voyager trekkie now.
But I have not seen many episodes of Voyager, maybe a dozen, because I never make a date & time to turn on the tv to watch any certain show. I seldom watch tv, so when I do turn on the television, I watch whatever happens to be on at that time. So the dozen episodes of Voyager that I HAVE seen are each from a different place in the whole series. And that kinda ruins any episodes that I have not yet seen, because I already know how the story unfolds. So Years ago I decidied not to watch any more episodes of Voyager. I figured I'd just wait till the series came out on DVD and watch the whole thing from start to finish. Well, I'm still waiting...
I am really wondering how come the complete Voyager series has not been out on DVD. I have been waiting for years. I do not own any other tv shows on DVD or VHS. All I want is Voyager. I think I can honestly say, I am more than just upset at the fact that all 7 seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation are available on DVD, and Stargate SG-1 is also available on DVD, and so is Babylon 5, and Farscape, and Andromeda, and EVEN Deep Space Nine is available on DVD. I have a huge void in my multimedia library that only a Complete Voyager DVD Box Set can fill. I mean complete, as in every single episode ever made, and all the extras, with pictures, interviews, extra extras.etc. everything a hardcore Voyager trekkie could want.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Voyager - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Review: I must say that few shows succeeded in squandering their initial promise than Voyager did. It's too bad, because I thought that the show initially was very promising. It is not surprising that the show 'sold out' then, being as it was placed in the precarious situation of supporting the UPN network. In the end, the show followed entertainment rather than art, style rather than ideas, and for that, it deserves the criticism that was levelled at it.

I was a huge fan during the first three seasons. "Caretaker" was a brilliant pilot, and the second season was an inspired combination of great science fiction and character exposition. "Deadlock" was a fascinating sci-fi episode, "Tuvix", though farfetched, was a great moral examination. All this was behind the backdrop of Seska's villanous attempts to retake Voyager, culminating in the best cliffhanger in Voyager's run (Basics). Season 3 had some of its most potent episodes. "Fair Trade" was a great morality play, "Darkling" and "Real Life" allowed the Doctor to become a very complicated character, and "Rise" and "Worst Case Scenario" were intense action episodes. But due to discomfort about ratings among Paramount execs, we got the sultry Seven of Nine, Torres and Paris having a relationship, and more.

It was both a sign of promise and an ominous cloud that a new Trek show would be the flagship show of a new TV network. On one hand, it showed how popular Gene Roddenberry's universe had become. On the other hand, it was obvious that the show had to succeed, no matter what. For the first three seasons, UPN stayed mostly hands-off in regards to the show, and it developed rich characters and story arcs. Then, beginning season 4, station-dictated story threads took all the introspection and originality out of the show, after which we rarely saw aliens more than once (except the Borg -- proven ratings winners!) and we ventured out into the bland frontier, ever in search of stories of Seven refusing to explore her humanity, Janeway spouting Prime Directive sanctimony one episode and ignoring it the next, and let us not forget the ever-popular holodeck escapist fantasies! For crying out loud, no wonder the crew was so boring: instead of interacting with each other, they indulged some banality. Never mind how the show never took storytelling risks, never explored contemporary issues (which was Gene Roddenberry's purpose to create the original series), never gave us a truly multifaceted character (except Paris and the Doctor, who both grew less interesting as the series droned on), and never even bothered to try to intellectually stimulate on any level. But the greatest infamy was the objectification of Seven of Nine. Honestly, the show did need a spark plug and she is a great actress, but was the skin-tight suit necessary? It was such a transparent ratings stunt, it was like sweeps week every week. Furthermore, she was marketed as having the maturity of a child, but she was always dressed in that voluptious getup? Come on. It's too bad the show was saved by cancellation because of Jeri Ryan, the sex symbol, instead of Jeri Ryan, the actress. Shows something about where the show went, eh?

People might say that Gene Roddenberry would turn over in his grave after DS9 (I am inclined to disagree: although darker and less picaresque, it was a very sophisticated look at one part of his universe and took on contemporary issues more than a few times) but I do think he would on account of Voyager. It never took on present-day issues, nor did it present characters that were complicated (or even interesting) nor did it even try to convincingly create new aliens (just check out the season 7 episode "Critical Care"). The whole point of Trek was lost, and the show wallowed in mediocrity and only tried to entertain rather than trying to enlighten. Don't even bother.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hurry it up Paramount!
Review: ST: Voyager fans have been waiting for the DVD release of this great series for years! Hurry it up Paramount! Voyager's Captain Janeway and crew blow lame Cpt. Archer and his whiny Enterprise crew off the star chart maps!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Series was so-so
Review: A lot of people like this series because it was recent and new. The writing in this series was pretty good the majority of the time. Unfortunately, ST: Voyager suffered from very lousy acting. I don't have a problem with a female captain. But, Mulgrew was very lousy at acting. A lot of times, her moods and mannerisms came across so forced and fake. Chakotay was so unemotional. Harry Kim too. I think they started with a decent plot line. On the other end of the spectrum, there was Robert Duncan McNeill, who was solid in his role as Paris. And the Doctor, excellent as always. I do think there were some decent plot ideas throughout the seven season run of the series. And there were certainly shining moments for all the characters. Overall the show was lesser overall quality, acting and storywise, than either Deep Space 9 or TNG. I think too, that the final episode was disappointing. The way the ended the series...how can they ever do movies down the road with the Voyager crew when the entire premise for the T.V. series is now void?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "Engage"-ing
Review: I absolutely love Star Trek in all its many incarnations. But my favorite series, by far, would have to be STAR TREK: VOYAGER. I didn't become a very big fan until around the mid-5th season. After that, I was hooked. I had seen epsidoes of it before, but never really watched. Then I started watching it, and absolutely LOVED it! Janeway is the best captain, so far. She's put in this situation where she can do whatever she wants without her bosses finding out, but decides not to. She shows morals that most people would disregard given the chance. She keeps her values and tries to make the best decisions for her crew.

For those of you who don't know, here's the basic backstory of VOYAGER. Captain Janeway is sent on a mission to the 'Bad Lands' to capture a renegade Maquis vessle. While in the 'Bad Lands', a wave of energy hits both ships, hurtling them 70,000 light-years from home, into the unexplored Delta Quadrant! There, a being known as "The Caretaker" is trying to find a suitable mate, as he is dying. He dies, however, before he can find one. Then, Janeway has a decision to make: destroy the Caretaker's array, thus stranding them in the Delta Quadrant for at least 75 years, or activate the array, sending them home, but in the process helping to destroy an entire race. Janeway makes the difficult decision to destroy the array, saving the Ocampa.

Stranded in the Delta Quadrant, Janeway is now faced with the dilemma of getting Voyager home. Many times she is given the chance to do so, if only she will forget her convictions, but refuses to do so. Throughout the series, she relives her fateful decision, always questioning if she did the right thing for her crew. Along the way, they make allies and enemies alike. She gains two new crew members, Kess, an Ocampan, and Neelix, a Talaxian. At one point, the VOYAGER crew even meets up with the crew of the EQUINOX, another Federation ship that was stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Although they have similar goals, the EQUINOX's crew has far more devious means of achieving that goal.

The VOYAGER crew has many adventures. They go back in time to Earth's past; the discover the decendants of the Dinosaurs, who are now intelligent beings; They encounter and defeat the Borg on many occasions, even freeing some drones (such as 7 of 9).

All in all, VOYAGER is a great series that anyone can enjoy. Four thumbs, WAY up!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved Voyager
Review: I love all Star trek series DS9 I liked the least. Anyways, I got to see maybe 4 or 5 episodes of Voyager and found it to be more like the original series than any of the other series.-this was very appealing. Then Paramount decided to place Star Trek on UPN which is unavailable in my area. I have not seen any more of the episodes nor have I seen but one episode of Enterprise! Needless to say I am very [upset] at Paramount since Star trek, no matter which series it is is the best ever shown on television. I look forward to seeing the rest of Voyager (for the first time!) and hopefully Upn will be available soon in my area so as not to be deprived of Trek any longer! Up to 1995 I was very happy with Paramount. Now I only hope they at least offer the boxed sets of voyager so I can move out of the Dark Ages.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Trek Is out of this world
Review: Ok,ok...so I have enver actually seen this entire DVD, but I have to say that I am definatly a trekkie now. Before Voyager, I always thought that Star trek was kinda cheezy,no offense, but when I happened to flip to Voyager one night, I couldnt turn away from the TV. I have only seen the last season, which is why I so despreatly want Amazon.com to get this DVD out and on sale so I can buy it and see what I missed. My favorite thing is that they actually have a women playing the captian. Its about time, if i may say so myself. Kate Mulgrow was the perfect choice for the role of captian Janeway. She is a FABULOUS actress. I wish they would at least come out with an 8th season, with B'ellana Torres's baby. Anyway. Star trek is a great series, and i feel sorry for those people who laugh at trekkies. they don't know what they are missing!

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