Rating:  Summary: Sick and funny Review: Kids may like this cartoon, but it is definitely for adults or older children (teenagers and beyond). It is in the same class as "The Simpsons" and "King of the Hill". It's a little more "cutesy" than the aformentioned, but it is also more gross too."Zim" comes from the planet "Irk" where tall people are the smartest and rule the planet. Invaders go to other planets and take them over - expanding the Irken empire. Zim is kinda small and kinda stupid, but has a big ego and thinks he's an all powerful genius. On his first mission he blew up other Irkens and was banished to a food (cafeteria) planet. When the second Irken invasion started Zim left the food planet and came to Irk thinking that he was a special warrior and had to be involved in the second invasion. When he irrives at Irk, the almighty tallest send him out in space on a "special mission" hoping he will just disappear. Zim lands on Earth with his robot which the tallest put together for him out of scraps. The scrappy robot "Gir" is kinda stupid, but is cute and silly and loves to eat junk food. In order to invade Earth, Zim has an Earth boy disguise. Gir has a little dog suit that he wears (when he takes it off, he runs around screaming "I'm naked!"). Gir's favorite activities are eating tacos, rolling around on the floor, drinking "poop" (softdrink), and watching the scary monkey show. Dib is a probably genius science prodigy who knows that Zim is an alien. Gaz is his also probably genius sister who plays video games all day. Dib is out to prove that Zim is an alien, but no one listens to him. He is sort of a science geek outcast. A funny animated show with the cutest cartoon character of all time - Gir! Only drawback.....WE NEED MORE GIR!!!
Rating:  Summary: WOOTZ Review: ^^ ya'know ive been waiting 4 this 4 years! Jhonen Vasques is god! Invader Zim is like some weird mix of little kid show and the simpsons! if you like Johnny the Homicidle Manic (one of Jhonen's comics) u'll love Zim!.....I LOVE DIB...yea
Rating:  Summary: Squattilyspooch Review: Oooh gosh I am so happy that this DVD is out! Ok, so maybe I haven't actually bought it yet...but I've seen the episodes already. It's great that the episodes are actually coming out on DVD...legally. Can't wait for the next one to come out :D
Rating:  Summary: I'm naked! Naked Naked Naked Naked Naked! Review: It shouldn't surprise me that people who weren't fans of Jhonen Vasquez's work before this animated venture have seen it. After all, it stands on it's own. I'd be able to spot this as Vasquez's work in a heartbeat though- it's got the same coloring he prefers to use (blacks, purples, greens), and the very distinctive animation style (oddly cute characters). One of the things I have always loved about his cartoons (animated and still) is his gift for the absolutely absurd. The lines in this are infinitely quotable- and the voice actors are great- especially Gir's- "I'm naked! Naked naked naked!" "I love this show!" While the subtitles on this disc are useless, they did make me laugh- I mean all DVDs have to have a subtitle feature, right? Ha, as I'm typing this I am rehashing all of my favorite moments, lines, images- etc. I love when Gir leaves his navigation chip at home to make room for his cupcake, and his fuel to make room for tuna. I love the head pigeons and that when the electronic house gets built the first thing that appears is a couch. Vasquez's characters are always manic as well- alternately shouting and muttering fiendishly. Zim reminded me of an alien Johnnny (if you don't know, check out his comic series- Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee, and I Feel Sick). The parent-bots actually remind me a lot of the zombie people in Johnny too- but I should stop comparing, this is one of the weirdest and most original cartoons to make it onto a major network- possibly ever. Jhonen Vasquez is a real sly character and while I don't know how Nickelodeon wound up picking this up, I'm glad it did.
Rating:  Summary: MUAHAHAHAHA!! Review: My boyfriend happened to catch this cartoon on Nick Toons and he ended up getting me addicted to the show. When whispers of a DVD series came about, we both immediately put in for an order (I got mine first, hahaha). Now, my roommates are glued to the shows and we're waiting for the second volume. The series is warped, twisted and hysterical. Too bad it was cancelled and the amazing talent behind it wasn't recognized. I love it!
Rating:  Summary: Usually excellent show gets good DVD treatment Review: I first heard of Invader ZIM while it was still airing on Nickelodeon, and had heard of the controversy it had created around the kiddie networks' headquarters. Seeing what Nickelodeon had done to Ren & Stimpy nearly 10 years before, I wasn't surprised in the slightest that the creators of the show weren't getting their way as much as they'd like. In 2003 I downloaded some episodes as there was no other way to get them, and I instantly became hooked. The show isn't a laugh-riot from start to finish, but it's curiously interesting and occasionally does have moments that'll have you laughing, or failing that, just admiring it's weird dialog and cool neon colors. AnimeWorks promised that they would give ZIM *the* shining example of stellar DVD treatment. While the DVD is nothing bad, calling it stellar would be very wrong. Most of the episodes have very good transfers from (I think) DigiBeta masters, giving good image quality. I think 2 of the episodes (that's 4 of the cartoons) however, have been transferred from Composite Video, meaning these episodes have Analog Cable TV-like symptoms like Dot Crawl (thankfully however, there is not much noise on the offending episodes). As well as this, the DVD is encoded for multi-angular playback - meaning that you can press the Angle button on your DVD's remote to access the Animatic version of the episode (an Animatic being a rough pencil version of the show before the final animation is done). While this is interesting, the way the disc is mastered (and I think this might be true or all multiangular DVDs) means that each angle receives half of the video bit-rate. To cut a long story short, this means that the quality of the episodes themselves is occasionally sacrificed for the sake of this feature. Most fans won't watch the animatics more than a couple of times, so surely a better idea would have been to include clips of the animatics on seperate video tracks as Special Features. (This also means that on certain DVD players, the "Angle" icon will stay present on your screen for any of the episodes that feature Animatics - luckily I could turn this off on my player). Again, the image quality is still very good, but to call it flawless would be wrong. Special Features are also a bit thin - the extras we get are a short but good look at the Voice Cast (creator Jhonen Vasquez sadly doesn't make an appearance), and the Pilot episode. Commentaries are included and they're definitely worth listening to. Irken subtitles are included, which seems pretty pointless. Deaf or otherwise hard of hearing viewers will be pleased to know that while there are no English subtitles that can be generated by the DVD player, English closed captions are included. All in all, definitely worth buying - it's the best way to see ZIM. Hopefully for the remaining volumes we'll get more polished products.
Rating:  Summary: ZIM ROCKS Review: So does GIR. "G.I.R. reporting for duty!" "G.I.R.!?! Whats the G stand for?" "...I don't know...WOOOHOOHOOOHOOOO!"
Rating:  Summary: Just about perfect Review: Compulsory buy for Zim fans. Transfer is clean and bright, sound is excellent (5.1 would have been nice, but channels are clearly defined), and the features are solid - Irken subtitles are pretty funny, although the director commentary is pretty chatty and doesn't give a whole lot of insight into the writing background of the episodes, tending more to the technical background and who was behind certain aspects. A good job, particularly considering they knew a half-arsed job would probably have sold just as well. ...and you can skip the intros!
Rating:  Summary: Buy This DVD If....... Review: Have you ever taken a look at the things the people that share this planet with you do and then shake your head ruefully as you sigh and say "stupid humans"? Have you ever heard or witnessed someone saying or doing something so dumb you wondered to yourself " has this person been experimented on by aliens or something?" have you ever wished that someone you knew would for one reason or another be abducted by aliens? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Invader Zim is right up your ally. Do yourself a favor and pick up this DVD. In it you'll witness astounding acts of stupidity by both humans and extra-terrestrials alike. You'll laugh, you'll cringe, you'll shake your head and laugh some more because you'll recognize several charcters from your everyday life,your family members, the media and even the educational system making an appearance in the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: If you dont buy this you have the brainworms. Review: Buy this now or face the wrath of my fist. OBEY THE FIST!